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question about fractal chrono stats


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So i was looking up a chromancer shatter build for fractals, and i noticed the stats used was commander on qt for chronomancer power shatter.Is this supposed to be a tank build rather than a pure dps? because it has tons of buffs and has toughness on it.

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qT no longer update their guides, those builds are all months old and from a time when chrono only played support.


If you want up-to-date builds, then visit [sC](https://snowcrows.com/builds/) for raids and [dT](https://discretize.eu/builds "dT") for fractals. For chrono dps in particular, game mode makes a difference, because the offensive fractal potion give you 15% more crit chance, so you don't need as many assassin's pieces as raid chrono dps.

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But you said you wanted a pure dps chrono? :{


Or do you want a support chrono with no toughness? The toughness from commander gear is a side bonus, you use that stat combo for concentration, not tankiness. As a boon support, you need to max out your boon duration, so you need some concentration.


The dT website offers 3 different chrono guides. A [pure boon support](https://discretize.eu/builds/mesmer/boon-chronomancer "pure boon support") with little dps, a [hybrid ](https://discretize.eu/builds/mesmer/hybrid-chronomancer "hybrid") that still provides the important boons (quickness and alacrity) but maximises their dps, and a [pure dps](https://discretize.eu/builds/mesmer/power-chronomancer "pure dps") chrono which only cares about doing damage like any other dps class.

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I was told that chronos without boon might be kicked out of fractals because people are programmed to expect chrono support.I don't know how accurate it is, but i was merely considering it.I want to try out a hybrid i think, so i got a little bit of support but a bit of dps.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I was told that chronos without boon might be kicked out of fractals because people are programmed to expect chrono support.I don't know how accurate it is, but i was merely considering it.I want to try out a hybrid i think, so i got a little bit of support but a bit of dps.


People know by now that chrono dps is a thing, but you should expect people thinking you are support if you don't make it clear from the beginning. But you seem already willing to play both dps and support, so you could join as a dps, and switch if the group needs a boon chrono.


Another thing you can do if you have PoF is switch your last traitline to mirage when you go into a pug, so that you don't have to announce you are playing dps all the time. Then, when you are in the fractal, switch it back to chrono.

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