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What About Exotic Gear For Fractals That Allows Agony Resistance?

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So I've been playing with my girlfriend in fractals who has little to no ascended gear outside of a handful of ascended trinkets, which are spread around on different characters on her account. She wants to run T4s and get involved with the same people I play with but she can't because she can only tag enough AR for T2/T3 fractals. Now this is a problem for a handful of reasons:


1. She is no longer an ultra grind player like she was during the first 2 years. She has come back for the sole purpose of casual play. By casual I mean, play for an hour or less each night. She just wants to do the same pve things that I do, then log off and do something else when I go to pvp.

2. This puts us in an odd situation. Either I get to run fractal dailies twice, which is a pain in the ass and very boring "run her T2s and sometimes T3s with her, then turn right around and complete my T4s & CMs" or if I were to say: "I'll run my T4s while you run your T2s", then I guarantee she'll get bored and not play at all.

3. She has absolutely no interest in grinding crafting to 500 in multiple professions to be able to gear one character, nor do I want to pay for that for her characters, and she isn't interested in grinding pvp or wvw to get ascended gear required to tote enough AR for T4 fractals either. Even if she did, it is quite the endeavor for someone who doesn't play 8 to 10 hours a day. That means that realistically, she'll never be joining me in T4 fractals. Needless to say, that's pretty disappointing.

3. This above effect of gating players from being able to jump in and join friends in the content they run, is a large aspect of what is strangling the game from keeping new players interested and why other players don't even bother with inviting IRL friends to play Guild Wars 2 because let's face the facts: The remaining player base is mostly veteran. We have had years to accumulate the gear required to take part in T4 fractals and things like Raids, and we know how long it took us to do this. Since that is the content we run and we know new players won't be joining us ANY TIME SOON in this content, why would we bother inviting anyone to play Guild Wars 2? No reason to invite my buddy to play GW2 with me if I know he'll be on one side of the gate and I'll be on the other, for some ridiculously long time frame before he quits his job and plays Guild Wars 2 full time to grind out his gear outfit.


So what am I talking about here? I'm saying that the player base that keeps this game alive are not the drifters that play for a month or two then disappear, they are the players who make the backbone of T4 fractals, Raids, WvW, and active SPvP rosters. <- Arenanet, these guys are dying out and you need more of them. Those veteran players NEED a faster way to be able to involve new players in the meta and teach them without it being a complete time and gold sink on our part to even get them ready to begin learning end game content. Seriously boys, if you want the game to grow, we need some reasonably accessible middle ground gear between plain Exotic and full Ascended, concerning the ability to have AR. This suggestion is mainly for fractals. Fractals is where it all starts. Fractals is where players learn that meta team play matters and what Guild Wars 2 is all about. No one jumps from story/map completion/dungeons immediately into raids. They go to fractals first and if they see they are a good player in fractals, they will usually try to get involved in Raids which is substantially more difficult than learning T4s. In other words, if they can't get interested in fractals, they won't be getting interested in raids = lack of growing player base who are capable of participation. What exactly is the big gate that prevents new players from becoming interested in fractals? They get bored of running T2 and early T3 fractals with small rewards after the recognition of how long is going to take them to build a gear setup to be able to play T4 fractals. Then the guys who want to keep them interested can't, because we have no way outside of sending them 1000 gold to level their crafting, to help them get to that level of participation or... level of AR... Then the guys who want to help become disinterested in helping because it is an ENORMOUS time/gold sink to help these players. This creates an effect where there is too large of a margin of difference between casual players and hardcore players, there is no middle ground, and they begin avoiding each other = No gradual growth of newer players being introduced to end game content. There is a certain point of recognition that I notice these players hit where, they have to ask themselves: "Am I in this for the long haul grind or do I have to stay casual and just forget about T4s/Raids?" <- That is no good. There needs to be more stepping stones, not a big decision to make.


The suggestion is real simple:

* **Exotic Fractal Gear that can be purchased with fractal relics, that either has special infusions that work only with AR infusions or possibly the armor itself just has base AR on it. IE: cheap pieces have 5, more expensive pieces has 7 or 9. A very alternative route would be making a rune set that adds AR possibly. <- So many new players would love you for this.**


If I could toss a bro 100g and have his attributes up to speed to run T4s and begin teaching him the game in preparation for raids, I'd be inviting a lot more in real life friends to play Guild Wars 2.


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I'd prefer to standarize all equipment into WvW and leave the progression and real use of ascended stuff and food on PvE only.


Remember also that you can


* move equipment on different characters.

* Almost cap agony resistence with trinkets ( no need for armor and weapons ).

* Have passive AR through other stuff


At last, having AR on exotic gear could allow you to pass the agony test but not to have the DPS needed to achieve in a easier way your fractals.

It would be a little difficult to know who with you party and to manage your team.


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@"Shirlias.8104" You get 10 infusion slots with trinkets alone and that's not to mention the price involved in socketing all of the trinkets. To reach 150 AR this way, you would need +15 agony resistance infusions. 15 x 10 = 150. Bro, have you ever looked on the TP to see the price of +15 agony infusions? <- Not gonna happen. Also, players running exotics would be fine in fractals. Raids however, probably wouldn't fly. But as long as they could start running T4s in those exotics, they could start realistic saving for ascended gear at a reasonable pace. T4 is where that really starts as we all know and that is exactly where the "gate & gap" is. The players who really really need that first ascended setup, can't get it. Then the players who don't need the ascended gear, are getting free asc box drops. That gap needs to be closed a bit.


@"Miellyn.6847" Extremely unrealistic effort for even a guild to pool enough gold to pay for 500 armor smith, 500 weapon smith, 500 artificer and 500 huntsman, for her to be able to craft ascended. THEN we also pay for the materials to build each individual piece, runes, sigils and then infusions on top of that. That is like sending someone a legendary, for free. <- Not gonna happen.


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you only need 150 for the max to only get 1% damage each tick


you can lower that amount to 135 with a potion (+15)


thats only for shattered obsertory level 100


you can lower that amount even more to 125 (140 with potion) because that still won't kill you


but thats just for level 100 the absolute highest level


with 90-100 you can do t4 dailies already and get her to that sweet spot of daily chests that gives her even more ascended gear





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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Shirlias.8104" You get 10 infusion slots with trinkets alone and that's not to mention the price involved in socketing all of the trinkets. To reach 150 AR this way, you would need +15 agony resistance infusions. 15 x 10 = 150. Bro, have you ever looked on the TP to see the price of +15 agony infusions? <- Not gonna happen. Also, players running exotics would be fine in fractals. Raids however, probably wouldn't fly. But as long as they could start running T4s in those exotics, they could start realistic saving for ascended gear at a reasonable pace. T4 is where that really starts as we all know.


I said Almost.

Please don't read whatever you like and then answer.


You can easily reach 100 out of 150 with ONLY trinkets.

Then if you want to procede to the PvE meta you can craft or drop ( and maybe convert with MF if stats are not the one wanted ) more items.


This will also prevent you from joining with a new class on high lvl fractals ( even though i dislike this, i had the misfortune to play with 150 agony resistance players unable to do fractals ).


edit: also, if your goal is to cap AR, you don't need weapon proficiency but only armor ( 6 slots vs 2 ), so the worst scenario would be to raise 3 crafting skills to 500.

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@"infrequentia.3465" Except that new players do not have the fractal relics they need to upgrade asc backpiece "if they even have that". Probably not enough fractal relics to infuse and attune the rings, and definitely not enough relics to support always buying 5x stack potions during their runs. Upon that, she won't be saving fractal relics at all while doing that. And ironically enough, doing so would seriously stall the absolute hell out of her ability to save fractal relics for future adaptation to the game mode. It's all just one bit pit that needs more middle ground.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Shirlias.8104" You get 10 infusion slots with trinkets alone and that's not to mention the price involved in socketing all of the trinkets. To reach 150 AR this way, you would need +15 agony resistance infusions. 15 x 10 = 150. Bro, have you ever looked on the TP to see the price of +15 agony infusions? <- Not gonna happen. Also, players running exotics would be fine in fractals. Raids however, probably wouldn't fly. But as long as they could start running T4s in those exotics, they could start realistic saving for ascended gear at a reasonable pace. T4 is where that really starts as we all know.


> I said Almost.

> Please don't read whatever you like and then answer.


> You can easily reach 100 out of 150 with ONLY trinkets.

> Then if you want to procede to the PvE meta you can craft or drop ( and maybe convert with MF if stats are not the one wanted ) more items.


> This will also prevent you from joining with a new class on high lvl fractals ( even though i dislike this, i had the misfortune to play with 150 agony resistance players unable to do fractals ).


> edit: also, if your goal is to cap AR, you don't need weapon proficiency but only armor ( 6 slots vs 2 ), so the worst scenario would be to raise 3 crafting skills to 500.


Oh just +10 infusions and armor? I guess I'm only paying precursor then.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"infrequentia.3465" Except that new players do not have the fractal relics they need to upgrade asc backpiece "if they even have that". Probably not enough fractal relics to infuse and attune the rings, and definitely not enough relics to support always buying 5x stack potions during their runs. Upon that, she won't be saving fractal relics at all while doing that. And ironically enough, doing so would seriously stall the absolute hell out of her ability to save fractal relics for future adaptation to the game mode. It's all just one bit pit that needs more middle ground.


Ascended equipment is meant to be a long term goal for new players.

To me your scenario sees a new player who's trying to rush high lvl fractals and find himself unable to do this because of lack of resources ( which bring ascended equipment ).


I mean yeah it is a content lock, indeed, but it's what PvE players wanted ( to farm for meaningless stats and sockets, which Exotic equipment does not have ).

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"infrequentia.3465" Except that new players do not have the fractal relics they need to upgrade asc backpiece "if they even have that". Probably not enough fractal relics to infuse and attune the rings, and definitely not enough relics to support always buying 5x stack potions during their runs. Upon that, she won't be saving fractal relics at all while doing that. And ironically enough, doing so would seriously stall the absolute hell out of her ability to save fractal relics for future adaptation to the game mode. It's all just one bit pit that needs more middle ground.


funny enough people keep forgetting that agony resist potion is


FREE for the first 5?

then a few relics for the next



asc bacpiece only needs 500 relics

attuning and infusing doesn't cost any relics?


oh the 5x stacking potions? did you know that you get those for free for doing the t1,t2,t3 dailies?


so the only relics a person would really spend on is one time for a gift of acension

and maybe 30 relics each day for the agony potion. but since you get more relics then you spend ( did you know that you can convert 1 pristine relic for 10 relics. and did you also know that you get roughly 12 of those from just doin the t3 dailies)..


so it all boils down to people just wanting to get to level 100 RIGHT NOW even with the amount of shortcuts avaible.


it might not be the same day but with the acces to HoT asc trinkets etc deff within a few days

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Shirlias.8104" Except that this isn't year 1 and 2, it's year 6 and there is a problem maintaining player interest, as I assure you would be agreed upon by every single guild lord, guild lead and any officer attempting to recruit players and keep their interests at all.


Then it is not related to new players but to old players, which are already capped on i could say many characters.

What would then the point be?


Old players get bored about gw2?

Well it's a filler game with barely new content every new LS episode... i'd say it's normal...

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524"

I understand your position, been through it with a lot of guild mates. What i'd do is exactly your second choice, i'd run T2/T3 with friends (sometimes even T4, if it's only old fractals with agony coming only from boss you can do T4's without enough AR).

What to do: If you've been doing Fractals, you probably have a surplus of Infusions, so share them with your girlfriend, if you don't, **shame on you**. This will allow a head-start. I'd often give away 2-3 +9's to my friends when they were starting (that would be a total of 4-6 because my brother would do the same).


If she's not willing to get crafting to 500 (it's a matter of gold, not really a big deal, you can even lend her the gold), i don't think she should even be considering T4/CM. There's a considerable increase in difficulty from T3, especially CM. Idk if she'd enjoy that.

Either way, if you're so interested in getting her into fractals... Log her account yourself, and level the crafting.

Otherwise it'll take a lot of roundabout ways to get Ascended gear (since nonsensically enough, even buying ascended armor and weapons from vendors requires crafting).


That aside there's a lot of Ascended gear to be had without crafting, but you'll be hard-pressed to get a full set:

* Tequatl and Triple Trouble will **rarely** drop Ascended gear, including exclusive models.

* PvP Rewards will drop Ascended gear, as will WvW. Again, it's rare.

* Fractals also drop Ascended gear (especially at T4), but you'll know that...

* Quick weapon acquisition can be done with Specialization Collections, and a couple other collections.

* You can get Ascended armour chests from the following collections:

- Ambrite Weapons

- Leystone Armour

- Luminescent Armour

- Funerary Armour

- And of course the Raid Legendary Armour collection (you can raid in exotics).

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1. First 5 potions free = used up in the first 30 minutes that I am teaching someone how to run their build.

2. 500 relics for asc backpiece + 250 ectos GG

3. Infusing doesn't cost fractal relics? Let's take a look at that: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infused_equipment - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vial_of_Condensed_Mists_Essence - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Coagulated_Mists_Essence - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence - Infusing both rings will be 600 relics for just the shards, which is something they cannot have access to without running T4s. If you're talking about buying the others instead of waiting for drops, you're looking at a total of 560 relics for double ring infusion + 500 for backpiece = 1060 relics. This all needs to be done before this easy example you've given me about achieving T4 AR levels can even be possible. That's a lot of low tier grinding and no saving for future adaptation.

4. You don't ALWAYS get free agony potions. It's all RNG. Don't act like it isn't.

5. In the beginning, you do not save more relics than you use, unless you are full time job grinding fractal 40 style.


There was a lot of misinformation in your post.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> 2. This puts us in an odd situation. Either I get to run fractal dailies twice, which is a pain in the kitten and very boring "run her T2s and sometimes T3s with her, then turn right around and complete my T4s & CMs" or if I were to say: "I'll run my T4s while you run your T2s", then I guarantee she'll get bored and not play at all.


Or, you know, forfeit some extra rewards and just play lower tiers with a person you care about? Get your priorities straight, man.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> @"Trevor Boyer.6524"

> I understand your position, been through it with a lot of guild mates. What i'd do is exactly your second choice, i'd run T2/T3 with friends (sometimes even T4, if it's only old fractals with agony coming only from boss you can do T4's without enough AR).

> What to do: If you've been doing Fractals, you probably have a surplus of Infusions, so share them with your girlfriend, if you don't, **shame on you**. This will allow a head-start. I'd often give away 2-3 +9's to my friends when they were starting (that would be a total of 4-6 because my brother would do the same).


> If she's not willing to get crafting to 500 (it's a matter of gold, not really a big deal, you can even lend her the gold), i don't think she should even be considering T4/CM. There's a considerable increase in difficulty from T3, especially CM. Idk if she'd enjoy that.

> Either way, if you're so interested in getting her into fractals... Log her account yourself, and level the crafting.

> Otherwise it'll take a lot of roundabout ways to get Ascended gear (since nonsensically enough, even buying ascended armor and weapons from vendors requires crafting).


> That aside there's a lot of Ascended gear to be had without crafting, but you'll be hard-pressed to get a full set:

> * Tequatl and Triple Trouble will **rarely** drop Ascended gear, including exclusive models.

> * PvP Rewards will drop Ascended gear, as will WvW. Again, it's rare.

> * Fractals also drop Ascended gear (especially at T4), but you'll know that...

> * Quick weapon acquisition can be done with Specialization Collections, and a couple other collections.

> * You can get Ascended armour chests from the following collections:

> - Ambrite Weapons

> - Leystone Armour

> - Luminescent Armour

> - Funerary Armour

> - And of course the Raid Legendary Armour collection (you can raid in exotics).


Yeah, I do what I can for her. This last pvp season I logged into her account and grinded ranked just to get her one fractal character all ascended trinkets but it is extremely annoying to have to do and I am not looking forward to more distraction from my main account, to be able to grind up a full set of asc weapons/armor during S11 for her. The AR infusions aren't the problem, it's obtaining ascended gear. Furthermore, I'd like to point out that I used my gf as an example. She is a special case in which I can dedicate this type of time and attention. I cannot do this for every new player who joins our guild, who seeks to be involved in T4 fractals/raids. All I can tell them to do, is to get started if they are serious enough. <- And that is where the gap needs to be closed a bit. These people are excited to join a guild to participate. Then they realize they won't be participating and they are going to be playing alone anyway. That isn't exactly cohesive for good guild dynamic.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"infrequentia.3465"


> 1. First 5 potions free = used up in the first 30 minutes that I am teaching someone how to run their build.

> 2. 500 relics for asc backpiece + 250 ectos GG

> 3. Infusing doesn't cost fractal relics? Let's take a look at that: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infused_equipment - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vial_of_Condensed_Mists_Essence - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Coagulated_Mists_Essence - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence - Infusing both rings will be 600 relics for just the shards, which is something they cannot have access to without running T4s. If you're talking about buying the others instead of waiting for drops, you're looking at a total of 560 relics for double ring infusion + 500 for backpiece = 1060 relics. This all needs to be done before this easy example you've given me about achieving T4 AR levels can even be possible. That's a lot of low tier grinding and no saving for future adaptation.

> 4. You don't ALWAYS get free agony potions. It's all RNG. Don't act like it isn't.

> 5. In the beginning, you do not save more relics than you use, unless you are full time job grinding fractal 40 style.


> There was a lot of misinformation in your post.



I think infusion gate is issue better remove ascended and fancy exotic with agony mech from game too many upgrades in quality of amor anyway

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"infrequentia.3465"


> 1. First 5 potions free = used up in the first 30 minutes that I am teaching someone how to run their build.

> 2. 500 relics for asc backpiece + 250 ectos GG

> 3. Infusing doesn't cost fractal relics? Let's take a look at that: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infused_equipment - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vial_of_Condensed_Mists_Essence - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glob_of_Coagulated_Mists_Essence - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shard_of_Crystallized_Mists_Essence - Infusing both rings will be 600 relics for just the shards, which is something they cannot have access to without running T4s. If you're talking about buying the others instead of waiting for drops, you're looking at a total of 560 relics for double ring infusion + 500 for backpiece = 1060 relics. This all needs to be done before this easy example you've given me about achieving T4 AR levels can even be possible. That's a lot of low tier grinding and no saving for future adaptation.

> 4. You don't ALWAYS get free agony potions. It's all RNG. Don't act like it isn't.

> 5. In the beginning, you do not save more relics than you use, unless you are full time job grinding fractal 40 style.


> There was a lot of misinformation in your post.



1. if you need 5x60 just for teaching how to run there build they need to be back in t3 where they would have learned to use there build. but those are only the free ones the next are a few relics

2. sure you need 250 ecto aswell ., but that was not a point raised before you only talked about RELICS wich you only need 500 for and only one time

3. those shard etc are drops. buying them is only incase you never got them from doin the t1-t3 dailies wich is actually what you are supposed to do prior to getting to t4


4. now to the fun part . THEY ARE NOT RNG not acting thats just the way it is

5. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Expert%27s_Research_Chest

6. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Initiate%27s_Research_Chest

7. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Adept%27s_Research_Chest


whats that never heard of those? well they are from the t1,t2,t3 dailies they reward the potions used in t4 and are guaranteed


and since you can get 120-150 relics each day JUST by converting the pristines they ad up FAST



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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524"

> > I understand your position, been through it with a lot of guild mates. What i'd do is exactly your second choice, i'd run T2/T3 with friends (sometimes even T4, if it's only old fractals with agony coming only from boss you can do T4's without enough AR).

> > What to do: If you've been doing Fractals, you probably have a surplus of Infusions, so share them with your girlfriend, if you don't, **shame on you**. This will allow a head-start. I'd often give away 2-3 +9's to my friends when they were starting (that would be a total of 4-6 because my brother would do the same).

> >

> > If she's not willing to get crafting to 500 (it's a matter of gold, not really a big deal, you can even lend her the gold), i don't think she should even be considering T4/CM. There's a considerable increase in difficulty from T3, especially CM. Idk if she'd enjoy that.

> > Either way, if you're so interested in getting her into fractals... Log her account yourself, and level the crafting.

> > Otherwise it'll take a lot of roundabout ways to get Ascended gear (since nonsensically enough, even buying ascended armor and weapons from vendors requires crafting).

> >

> > That aside there's a lot of Ascended gear to be had without crafting, but you'll be hard-pressed to get a full set:

> > * Tequatl and Triple Trouble will **rarely** drop Ascended gear, including exclusive models.

> > * PvP Rewards will drop Ascended gear, as will WvW. Again, it's rare.

> > * Fractals also drop Ascended gear (especially at T4), but you'll know that...

> > * Quick weapon acquisition can be done with Specialization Collections, and a couple other collections.

> > * You can get Ascended armour chests from the following collections:

> > - Ambrite Weapons

> > - Leystone Armour

> > - Luminescent Armour

> > - Funerary Armour

> > - And of course the Raid Legendary Armour collection (you can raid in exotics).


> Yeah, I do what I can for her. This last pvp season I logged into her account and grinded ranked just to get her one fractal character all ascended trinkets but it is extremely annoying to have to do and I am not looking forward to more distraction from my main account, to be able to grind up a full set of asc weapons/armor during S11 for her. The AR infusions aren't the problem, it's obtaining ascended gear. Furthermore, I'd like to point out that I used my gf as an example. She is a special case in which I can dedicate this type of time and attention. I cannot do this for every new player who joins our guild, who seeks to be involved in T4 fractals/raids. All I can tell them to do, is to get started if they are serious enough. <- And that is where the gap needs to be closed a bit. These people are excited to join a guild to participate. Then they realize they won't be participating and they are going to be playing alone anyway. That isn't exactly cohesive for good guild dynamic.



Let's be honest, there's no way a new player can join guild runs with a "good guild dynamic". He'll be clueless when he first tries fractals, just like anyone else. What good does it make to drop them into T4 directly and carry them to rewards? Do you think it will be much fun to spend half the time lying on the floor dead because they don't know anything about the game and the fight mechanics? Progressing through fractal tiers isn't that bad. It takes time, yes. *Which you need to take anyway.* It will teach you some basics, which you'd have harder time picking up in a more intense environment. If they're serious, they'd make it, and again, it doesn't hurt you to join them during this time. All you'd lose is some daily rewards. If that's a problem, then you value the rewards more than you value the guild dynamic and the argument becomes pointless.

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@"Feanor.2358" On the contraire, I don't seem to have a problem teaching new players T4 fractals at all. Just gotta get them into a discord channel so you can easily explain to them what is going to happen and how they need to deal with it. The issue is just whether or not they have the AR, which pretty much is equivalent to how much ascended gear they have.


@"Fallesafe.5932" Yup, we do what we can. Guild Wars 2 is the last game we'll ever play. Both of us are getting older and less interested in new releasing games. Which is why it was important for us to be able to do the same activities together. Again, she was around in year 1 and 2, running dungeons ect.. ect.. She wants that same kind of activity, which is pretty much T4 fractals. But she hasn't been around in so long that she has no asc gear and is disinterested as hell in grinding for it herself.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Shirlias.8104" You get 10 infusion slots with trinkets alone and that's not to mention the price involved in socketing all of the trinkets. To reach 150 AR this way, you would need +15 agony resistance infusions. 15 x 10 = 150. Bro, have you ever looked on the TP to see the price of +15 agony infusions? <- Not gonna happen. Also, players running exotics would be fine in fractals. Raids however, probably wouldn't fly. But as long as they could start running T4s in those exotics, they could start realistic saving for ascended gear at a reasonable pace. T4 is where that really starts as we all know and that is exactly where the "gate & gap" is. The players who really really need that first ascended setup, can't get it. Then the players who don't need the ascended gear, are getting free asc box drops. That gap needs to be closed a bit.


> @"Miellyn.6847" Extremely unrealistic effort for even a guild to pool enough gold to pay for 500 armor smith, 500 weapon smith, 500 artificer and 500 huntsman, for her to be able to craft ascended. THEN we also pay for the materials to build each individual piece, runes, sigils and then infusions on top of that. That is like sending someone a legendary, for free. <- Not gonna happen.



It is your GF. Get your priorities straight. Either, as Feanor said, play lower fractals with her until she can play T4 or buy the equipment. This sounds like a case of instant gratification more than anything else.


Age has nothing to do with playing games. We have someone above 40 in our guild who cleared Dhuum cm this week. You just lost the interest in gaming and that is fine, but don't blame it on something you can't control like age.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Feanor.2358" On the contraire, I don't seem to have a problem teaching new players T4 fractals at all. Just gotta get them into a discord channel so you can easily explain to them what is going to happen and how they need to deal with it. The issue is just whether or not they have the AR, which pretty much is equivalent to how much ascended gear they have.


You can talk to them all you want, they still need to clock the playtime. You don't become experienced by getting told how to do something, only by doing it. Don't get me wrong, explaining would definitely help. But it's not a replacement for playtime. You simply can't explain all the possible interactions, and even if you did, they wouldn't be able to memorize it.

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