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easy rotation fractal/raid viable class

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Hmmmmm. I would say the 3 classes that are always requested. Whether fractal or raid.






Most needed are these three. But chrono and Druid are in all raids. Fractals having a Druid or chrono is a great thing. It’s stupid easy when having these in fractals. Same for berserker. Druid with hronks great for healing. And then harriers give better boons. But less healing.

Berserker stay vipers. And you will be the messiah in almost everything.

Chrono will always be requested.


Easiest class by far ranger. You can do Soulbeast condi. Condi Druid, or healing Druid. If your not good condi. Stay healing and just heal people when life gets down. It has most versatility with people needing you and you can pick what you want. However your probably one of the most relied upon when screw ups happen. So keep that in mind if doing Druid.

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That druid pov is the definition why pugs with lower experience die/fail in raids! Playing with mouse, using trap skill, the glyph skill is 19 sec re aprox. In every scenario trap heal is bad, at Matthias, at Xera, glyph is faster, more times to heal, faster healing! I know what I'm saying, just see the VG when green has to be healed, 2-3 sec waste of time there, where pugs with low experience die, the thing that these people are alive they have like 1k li, like us! The best trick for good support with Druid, is to take a trait, where you get out of stun, and clear 13 condi on you! Since I use that I go full in, I carry my team! At Matthias you can now use 1 druid, and 1 minstrel Firebrand, bad pugs 2 Druids and 1 minstrel Firebrand, you one shot Matthias!

I often command, when I see people have to be carried, I make my own rules, have no problems!

The minstrel Firebrand video is good, but not the best, you have to take CC with you, the power signet, healing signet is bad! Take shout healing, your dmg doesn't matter, you are the lowest dps there, so you have to make the best healing, boon sharing! The shouts take away condis, the shout heal makes ticks, that means many condi on you bye bye, and you have the mantra skill, f2 skill, where you even convert the condis into boons! The Minstrel Firebrand is a boon God, the boons are better then the healing, perma protection, perma might, perma regeneration, 50-99% condi cleanse, almost perma retaliation, and so on! Minstrel FIrebrand at Matthias is a must, use it with 2 druids, 1 minstrel Firebrand, the rest condi dps, you will kill it with the timer remaining at 3-4 minutes, in one shot!

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> @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> That druid pov is the definition why pugs with lower experience die/fail in raids!


> Playing with mouse,


Clicking is the only crucial thing where I would agree but there are lots of players just clicking and getting things done fine.


> using trap skill, the glyph skill is 19 sec re aprox. In every scenario trap heal is bad, at Matthias, at Xera, glyph is faster, more times to heal, faster healing!


But this is just plain wrong - definitely if you say in every raid scenario. Btw. you don't take trap because of the healing. As druid you should always have enough possibilities to heal and not relying on that special heal spell!


The rest is just low performance druid playstyle but you shouldn't care because Talindra is getting her clears and CMs done. Would I be satisfied to have such a healer? Of course not but as long as it's working for her. This video also is a reason why I'm playing druid in fracs most often because I know what to do and when.

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> @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> That druid pov is the definition why pugs with lower experience die/fail in raids! Playing with mouse, using trap skill, the glyph skill is 19 sec re aprox. In every scenario trap heal is bad, at Matthias, at Xera, glyph is faster, more times to heal, faster healing! I know what I'm saying, just see the VG when green has to be healed, 2-3 sec waste of time there, where pugs with low experience die, the thing that these people are alive they have like 1k li, like us! The best trick for good support with Druid, is to take a trait, where you get out of stun, and clear 13 condi on you! Since I use that I go full in, I carry my team! At Matthias you can now use 1 druid, and 1 minstrel Firebrand, bad pugs 2 Druids and 1 minstrel Firebrand, you one shot Matthias!

> I often command, when I see people have to be carried, I make my own rules, have no problems!

> The minstrel Firebrand video is good, but not the best, you have to take CC with you, the power signet, healing signet is bad! Take shout healing, your dmg doesn't matter, you are the lowest dps there, so you have to make the best healing, boon sharing! The shouts take away condis, the shout heal makes ticks, that means many condi on you bye bye, and you have the mantra skill, f2 skill, where you even convert the condis into boons! The Minstrel Firebrand is a boon God, the boons are better then the healing, perma protection, perma might, perma regeneration, 50-99% condi cleanse, almost perma retaliation, and so on! Minstrel FIrebrand at Matthias is a must, use it with 2 druids, 1 minstrel Firebrand, the rest condi dps, you will kill it with the timer remaining at 3-4 minutes, in one shot!


Good stuff lordotto :) that you carried your team

Our FC on reset Monday this week wasn't so bad 2.5 hours w1 to 5.. and we can do better but we are very casual and our runs are relax run.. the group are very awesome and nice ppl we joke here and there.. much better than many pug group I join before. Been playing with this same group of ppl for few weeks now .. very happy to know them. :) Used to pug every of my raid since start.. but that's how I met diff ppl which is part of the fun. I'm not sc, not qt.. but yeah still can enjoy the game esp at 400 average ping too which is pretty cool

Also with build I run this build since wing 1 made it myself.. later it become meta in sc site. I know how my build works xD bcos it was made for myself to fit myself. But I'm not perfect xD I tried to do 6x water blast .. staff 5 heal trap = two water fields. Wh 5, staff 3, CA 3 = blast on two water fields.. The heal is enormous.. easy run build if play right.


To the op.. check sc site.. regen heal druid if u wanna try druid .. there should be good info there what u should n shouldn't do... Good website to start for raid/fractal ..You can check out other classes too

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> @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> is it condi druid viable? I would like use same gear for druid & soulbeast


Imo if u are pugging, it is best to go full heal druid. Otherwise do dps or bs. Likely to get into team if you are specialised on the most wanted class either support or dps. Condi druid usually run in higher skilled raids group and organised group fractal.

BS is another good class you can consider too.. this class doesn't hv a lot of special map mechanic duty in raids.

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> @"Censored.5921" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > Try druid. I think it's the easiest class to play and you be wanted in most group.

> >


> Ewww, that skill clicking is hard to watch but you seem to make it work so *shrug* you keep doin you


Thanks (& sorry) censored.. one day I will keybind my skill properly :)

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> @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> like title says, whats a easy class to play (especially the rotation department) for radi/fractal, and other PvE.


As somebody who plays harrier druid mainly, I would not recommend it as the easiest class to play whatsoever. I often am forced into carrying fractals and raids with druid. If you are playing with people who can avoid damage, dodge, and know mechanics well, then yes druid is a piece of cake. However a lot of the time this is not the case.


DPS classes are by far the easiest to play, pick up a condition BS warrior and you're good to go, you've got the biggest health pool and the easiest rotations. DPS classes are easier to play because you just have to focus on your rotation and the mechanics, support classes like druid and chrono are much more difficult because you have to focus your rotation, the mechanics, and your team mates every move. If you don't do this you'll end up in a lot of disbanded groups which you could otherwise have the potential to carry. Druid is not just about watching HP and healing, it's about anticipating when players are going to take damage and overhealing them, keeping scholar bonuses up and keeping heal skills from interrupting DPS rotations. When you do this properly, you will find yourself creating your own unique rotations not only for each encounter, but for each unique groups needs.


You'll understand this if you've ever carried groups at say matthias and had to tap rezz a downed player outside of the group, leave your pet there while you dash over the other side of the map and pull a downed player out of poison with S&R, inbetween using CA from range to drop heals on players with low HP running to cleanse corruption, only to realise in the time you've done so 3 or more players have dropped at mid without your heals and are almost dead, so you throw your spirit of nature out and clutch rezz every single person all in one foul swoop. Other times I've managed to S&R the HK at deimos, and carried fractal groups doing challenge motes hard.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Try druid. I think it's the easiest class to play and you be wanted in most group.

> A vg run at reset yesterday in a none elite group (normal group) run - druid pov. :)



> @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> That druid pov is the definition why pugs with lower experience die/fail in raids! Playing with mouse, using trap skill, the glyph skill is 19 sec re aprox. In every scenario trap heal is bad, at Matthias, at Xera, glyph is faster, more times to heal, faster healing! I know what I'm saying, just see the VG when green has to be healed, 2-3 sec waste of time there, where pugs with low experience die, the thing that these people are alive they have like 1k li, like us! The best trick for good support with Druid, is to take a trait, where you get out of stun, and clear 13 condi on you! Since I use that I go full in, I carry my team! At Matthias you can now use 1 druid, and 1 minstrel Firebrand, bad pugs 2 Druids and 1 minstrel Firebrand, you one shot Matthias!

> I often command, when I see people have to be carried, I make my own rules, have no problems!

> The minstrel Firebrand video is good, but not the best, you have to take CC with you, the power signet, healing signet is bad! Take shout healing, your dmg doesn't matter, you are the lowest dps there, so you have to make the best healing, boon sharing! The shouts take away condis, the shout heal makes ticks, that means many condi on you bye bye, and you have the mantra skill, f2 skill, where you even convert the condis into boons! The Minstrel Firebrand is a boon God, the boons are better then the healing, perma protection, perma might, perma regeneration, 50-99% condi cleanse, almost perma retaliation, and so on! Minstrel FIrebrand at Matthias is a must, use it with 2 druids, 1 minstrel Firebrand, the rest condi dps, you will kill it with the timer remaining at 3-4 minutes, in one shot!


I agree, luckily he's in a group that can avoid teleports and stay at max HP before greens explode, and has another druid ofc. Otherwise it's pretty poor gameplay, wasting CA abilities and missing spike heal off rotation from glyph. The trap is absolutely useless, just one harrier druid or optimised concentration druid gives out 100% regen uptime to 10 players. When overhealing at VG you should be using glyph and staff inbetween rotations to keep everyone at max HP, then keeping an eye on the greens until they are just about to explode and then a split second before immediately enter CA and begin healing everyone before they take any further damage. Like myself and this guy said, in your average pug group, that kind of gameplay doesn't work.

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The two classes I find have the easiest rotations are also the two classes least likely to be taken in for a raid: Thief, and Revenant.


The condi Renegade rotation is pretty easy. You just use mace 2, mace 3, and axe 5 whenever they are off cooldown. There's only one additional thing you need to keep track of outside of that, and that is legend cooldown. If you swap to mallyx, keep embrace the darkness active. If you swap to Kalla, use Orbital Bombardment and Razorclaw's Rage once you have the energy. Legend swap whenever possible, and you're good to go.


Power Daredevil is pretty easy, too. You just bound, weakening charge x 2, one auto attack chain, bound, repeat until you run out of initiative. Then auto attack is used to fill in space when you're out of initiative. The hardest part of this rotation is positioning: You want your bound to hit, so when you reach the auto attack portion, you'll want to walk backwards until you're just barely hitting the enemy. You'll want to keep your endurance below maximum, and have the bounding dodger bonus up as much as possible. Also, Fist flurry when its up. That's really all there is to it.


If you want a class that people are more willing to take, the Virtues Firebrand rotation isn't that hard. It has a lot of skills, but almost no additional factors to keep track of. You don't have to dodge weirdly or position weirdly or weapon swap for damage, or keep track of bizarre personal buffs or hidden cooldowns. You just have to know when to use skills:


Whenever the count of your mantras go from 2 to 3, fire them off once.

Blow all your symbols at the start of the fight.

Use Tome of Justice skills 2, 4, 5, 1, 1 when it is off cooldown.

Use axe 2, torch 4 when off cooldown. If you're running purging flames, also us that when off cooldown.

Otherwise, auto with axe

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> @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > Try druid. I think it's the easiest class to play and you be wanted in most group.

> > A vg run at reset yesterday in a none elite group (normal group) run - druid pov. :)

> >


> > @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> > That druid pov is the definition why pugs with lower experience die/fail in raids! Playing with mouse, using trap skill, the glyph skill is 19 sec re aprox. In every scenario trap heal is bad, at Matthias, at Xera, glyph is faster, more times to heal, faster healing! I know what I'm saying, just see the VG when green has to be healed, 2-3 sec waste of time there, where pugs with low experience die, the thing that these people are alive they have like 1k li, like us! The best trick for good support with Druid, is to take a trait, where you get out of stun, and clear 13 condi on you! Since I use that I go full in, I carry my team! At Matthias you can now use 1 druid, and 1 minstrel Firebrand, bad pugs 2 Druids and 1 minstrel Firebrand, you one shot Matthias!

> > I often command, when I see people have to be carried, I make my own rules, have no problems!

> > The minstrel Firebrand video is good, but not the best, you have to take CC with you, the power signet, healing signet is bad! Take shout healing, your dmg doesn't matter, you are the lowest dps there, so you have to make the best healing, boon sharing! The shouts take away condis, the shout heal makes ticks, that means many condi on you bye bye, and you have the mantra skill, f2 skill, where you even convert the condis into boons! The Minstrel Firebrand is a boon God, the boons are better then the healing, perma protection, perma might, perma regeneration, 50-99% condi cleanse, almost perma retaliation, and so on! Minstrel FIrebrand at Matthias is a must, use it with 2 druids, 1 minstrel Firebrand, the rest condi dps, you will kill it with the timer remaining at 3-4 minutes, in one shot!


> I agree, luckily he's in a group that can avoid teleports and stay at max HP before greens explode, and has another druid ofc. Otherwise it's pretty poor gameplay, wasting CA abilities and missing spike heal off rotation from glyph. The trap is absolutely useless, just one harrier druid or optimised concentration druid gives out 100% regen uptime to 10 players. When overhealing at VG you should be using glyph and staff inbetween rotations to keep everyone at max HP, then keeping an eye on the greens until they are just about to explode and then a split second before immediately enter CA and begin healing everyone before they take any further damage. Like myself and this guy said, in your average pug group, that kind of gameplay doesn't work.


Thank you for providing feedback on gameplay .. I'm the druid in the video ? so I can reply here


I get my raid done by pugging since wing 2 and played druid since start never had issue pugging. Met many cool cool ppl by pugging :). To the op, druid is easy to play, easy to get into group, my my exp as a druid disregard on how ppl believe one gameplay should be, its fun class and easy imo even playing at high ping it is possible. I believe playing dps role is harder as it is under dps meter pressure and everyone has eyes in numbers. I didnt hv a static raid group because being in Australia playing in EU.. the primetime is at 3am, that's why to do raids I hv to pug my way... These group of ppl were once pug here and there only until recently they wanted me to make group so we can play together.. we hv French, polish, Asian/Australian, Serbian, Russian and Portuguese etc pretty cool ?. I know many pug in NA plays with ts (I hv been in NA) but pugway in EU plays without ts generally. As a druid, I hv no issue getting into any group since start of raid...Getting kicked from raids, I don't say never but very very very rare.

I'm not perfect.. but getting FC done is never a problem for me as a druid in pug. I'm not pro but I'm not that bad ?? very bad at clicking yes. I will try to keybind my utility skills to shift and practice okay ??. Playing at 400 to 600 ping is very tricky I hv to adjust play style to fit..

Op asking for easy class to play I'd say druid that is if you like support role. Some ppl can heal well but dislike being a support hence go for dps role.. like I mentioned.. check out snowcrow site if you have any doubt in specific class and role.. post it here.

and you have a wonderful day Itz Jay ?

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

> > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > Try druid. I think it's the easiest class to play and you be wanted in most group.

> > > A vg run at reset yesterday in a none elite group (normal group) run - druid pov. :)

> > >

> >

> > > @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> > > That druid pov is the definition why pugs with lower experience die/fail in raids! Playing with mouse, using trap skill, the glyph skill is 19 sec re aprox. In every scenario trap heal is bad, at Matthias, at Xera, glyph is faster, more times to heal, faster healing! I know what I'm saying, just see the VG when green has to be healed, 2-3 sec waste of time there, where pugs with low experience die, the thing that these people are alive they have like 1k li, like us! The best trick for good support with Druid, is to take a trait, where you get out of stun, and clear 13 condi on you! Since I use that I go full in, I carry my team! At Matthias you can now use 1 druid, and 1 minstrel Firebrand, bad pugs 2 Druids and 1 minstrel Firebrand, you one shot Matthias!

> > > I often command, when I see people have to be carried, I make my own rules, have no problems!

> > > The minstrel Firebrand video is good, but not the best, you have to take CC with you, the power signet, healing signet is bad! Take shout healing, your dmg doesn't matter, you are the lowest dps there, so you have to make the best healing, boon sharing! The shouts take away condis, the shout heal makes ticks, that means many condi on you bye bye, and you have the mantra skill, f2 skill, where you even convert the condis into boons! The Minstrel Firebrand is a boon God, the boons are better then the healing, perma protection, perma might, perma regeneration, 50-99% condi cleanse, almost perma retaliation, and so on! Minstrel FIrebrand at Matthias is a must, use it with 2 druids, 1 minstrel Firebrand, the rest condi dps, you will kill it with the timer remaining at 3-4 minutes, in one shot!

> >

> > I agree, luckily he's in a group that can avoid teleports and stay at max HP before greens explode, and has another druid ofc. Otherwise it's pretty poor gameplay, wasting CA abilities and missing spike heal off rotation from glyph. The trap is absolutely useless, just one harrier druid or optimised concentration druid gives out 100% regen uptime to 10 players. When overhealing at VG you should be using glyph and staff inbetween rotations to keep everyone at max HP, then keeping an eye on the greens until they are just about to explode and then a split second before immediately enter CA and begin healing everyone before they take any further damage. Like myself and this guy said, in your average pug group, that kind of gameplay doesn't work.


> Thank you for providing feedback on gameplay .. I'm the druid in the video ? so I can reply here


> I get my raid done by pugging since wing 2 and played druid since start never had issue pugging. Met many cool cool ppl by pugging :). To the op, druid is easy to play, easy to get into group, my my exp as a druid disregard on how ppl believe one gameplay should be, its fun class and easy imo even playing at high ping it is possible. I believe playing dps role is harder as it is under dps meter pressure and everyone has eyes in numbers. I didnt hv a static raid group because being in Australia playing in EU.. the primetime is at 3am, that's why to do raids I hv to pug my way... These group of ppl were once pug here and there only until recently they wanted me to make group. I know many pug in Na plays with ts but pugway in EU plays without ts generally. As a druid, I hv no issue getting into any group since start of raid...Getting kicked from raids, I don't say never but very very very rare.

> I'm not perfect.. but getting FC done is never a problem for me as a druid in pug. I'm not pro but I'm not that bad ?? very bad at clicking yes. I will try to keybind my utility skills to shift and practice okay ??. Playing at 400 to 600 ping is very tricky I hv to adjust play style to fit..

> Op asking for easy class to play I'd say druid that is if you like support role. Some ppl can heal well but dislike being a support hence go for dps role.. like I mentioned.. check out snowcrow site if you have any doubt in specific class and role.. post it here.

> and you have a wonderful day Itz Jay ?


Like I said you had a pretty easy group there, they were all good players and none got teleported, all CC'd fast e.t.c. I pug all my raids also and in my experience whether I have been with 250li groups or 50li or even no li, it has reflected little to nothing of any player skill. Therefore it is almost always 50/50 give or take as to whether I am going to have to carry hard with druid, obviously there are some easy raids, but there are some carry ones too. It is because druid has the ability to carry raids, that it is not one of the easier classes to play, if you have the potential to carry, you are playing a hard class.


You obviously haven't played any DPS classes, because if you had you would know after you can do your DPS rotation practically blindfolded, which something like BS or DH you can learn to play braindead in about 30mins, your job is easy as hell. Once you can do rotations without looking at your skills, you can just focus mechanics solely. With druid you're not just focusing mechanics, your focusing on your team mates too. I play DPS classes and druid well, chrono not so much. DPS is by far the easiest unless you're playing weaver, then you have druid, then chrono, which is the most difficult.

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My h> @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

> > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > Try druid. I think it's the easiest class to play and you be wanted in most group.

> > > > A vg run at reset yesterday in a none elite group (normal group) run - druid pov. :)

> > > >

> > >

> > > > @"LordOtto.2650" said:

> > > > That druid pov is the definition why pugs with lower experience die/fail in raids! Playing with mouse, using trap skill, the glyph skill is 19 sec re aprox. In every scenario trap heal is bad, at Matthias, at Xera, glyph is faster, more times to heal, faster healing! I know what I'm saying, just see the VG when green has to be healed, 2-3 sec waste of time there, where pugs with low experience die, the thing that these people are alive they have like 1k li, like us! The best trick for good support with Druid, is to take a trait, where you get out of stun, and clear 13 condi on you! Since I use that I go full in, I carry my team! At Matthias you can now use 1 druid, and 1 minstrel Firebrand, bad pugs 2 Druids and 1 minstrel Firebrand, you one shot Matthias!

> > > > I often command, when I see people have to be carried, I make my own rules, have no problems!

> > > > The minstrel Firebrand video is good, but not the best, you have to take CC with you, the power signet, healing signet is bad! Take shout healing, your dmg doesn't matter, you are the lowest dps there, so you have to make the best healing, boon sharing! The shouts take away condis, the shout heal makes ticks, that means many condi on you bye bye, and you have the mantra skill, f2 skill, where you even convert the condis into boons! The Minstrel Firebrand is a boon God, the boons are better then the healing, perma protection, perma might, perma regeneration, 50-99% condi cleanse, almost perma retaliation, and so on! Minstrel FIrebrand at Matthias is a must, use it with 2 druids, 1 minstrel Firebrand, the rest condi dps, you will kill it with the timer remaining at 3-4 minutes, in one shot!

> > >

> > > I agree, luckily he's in a group that can avoid teleports and stay at max HP before greens explode, and has another druid ofc. Otherwise it's pretty poor gameplay, wasting CA abilities and missing spike heal off rotation from glyph. The trap is absolutely useless, just one harrier druid or optimised concentration druid gives out 100% regen uptime to 10 players. When overhealing at VG you should be using glyph and staff inbetween rotations to keep everyone at max HP, then keeping an eye on the greens until they are just about to explode and then a split second before immediately enter CA and begin healing everyone before they take any further damage. Like myself and this guy said, in your average pug group, that kind of gameplay doesn't work.

> >

> > Thank you for providing feedback on gameplay .. I'm the druid in the video ? so I can reply here

> >

> > I get my raid done by pugging since wing 2 and played druid since start never had issue pugging. Met many cool cool ppl by pugging :). To the op, druid is easy to play, easy to get into group, my my exp as a druid disregard on how ppl believe one gameplay should be, its fun class and easy imo even playing at high ping it is possible. I believe playing dps role is harder as it is under dps meter pressure and everyone has eyes in numbers. I didnt hv a static raid group because being in Australia playing in EU.. the primetime is at 3am, that's why to do raids I hv to pug my way... These group of ppl were once pug here and there only until recently they wanted me to make group. I know many pug in Na plays with ts but pugway in EU plays without ts generally. As a druid, I hv no issue getting into any group since start of raid...Getting kicked from raids, I don't say never but very very very rare.

> > I'm not perfect.. but getting FC done is never a problem for me as a druid in pug. I'm not pro but I'm not that bad ?? very bad at clicking yes. I will try to keybind my utility skills to shift and practice okay ??. Playing at 400 to 600 ping is very tricky I hv to adjust play style to fit..

> > Op asking for easy class to play I'd say druid that is if you like support role. Some ppl can heal well but dislike being a support hence go for dps role.. like I mentioned.. check out snowcrow site if you have any doubt in specific class and role.. post it here.

> > and you have a wonderful day Itz Jay ?


> Like I said you had a pretty easy group there, they were all good players and none got teleported, all CC'd fast e.t.c. I pug all my raids also and in my experience whether I have been with 250li groups or 50li or even no li, it has reflected little to nothing of any player skill. Therefore it is almost always 50/50 give or take as to whether I am going to have to carry hard with druid, obviously there are some easy raids, but there are some carry ones too. It is because druid has the ability to carry raids, that it is not one of the easier classes to play, if you have the potential to carry, you are playing a hard class.


> You obviously haven't played any DPS classes, because if you had you would know after you can do your DPS rotation practically blindfolded, which something like BS or DH you can learn to play braindead in about 30mins, your job is easy as hell. Once you can do rotations without looking at your skills, you can just focus mechanics solely. With druid you're not just focusing mechanics, your focusing on your team mates too. I play DPS classes and druid well, chrono not so much. DPS is by far the easiest unless you're playing weaver, then you have druid, then chrono, which is the most difficult.


I don't play much dps and chrono for me is no due to 400 ping can't get full rota for CS. My hub can heal too but no way he role druid bcos he likes dps role better.. I find dps role Weaver is tricky others are ok.. I totally suck at weaver (sad bcos ele is my main).. condi southeast rota is not hard.. but dps are role constantly under spotlight.. quite a bit of pressure imo

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> @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

> > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

> > like title says, whats a easy class to play (especially the rotation department) for radi/fractal, and other PvE.


> As somebody who plays harrier druid mainly, I would not recommend it as the easiest class to play whatsoever. I often am forced into carrying fractals and raids with druid. If you are playing with people who can avoid damage, dodge, and know mechanics well, then yes druid is a piece of cake. However a lot of the time this is not the case.


> DPS classes are by far the easiest to play, pick up a condition BS warrior and you're good to go, you've got the biggest health pool and the easiest rotations. DPS classes are easier to play because you just have to focus on your rotation and the mechanics, support classes like druid and chrono are much more difficult because you have to focus your rotation, the mechanics, and your team mates every move. If you don't do this you'll end up in a lot of disbanded groups which you could otherwise have the potential to carry. Druid is not just about watching HP and healing, it's about anticipating when players are going to take damage and overhealing them, keeping scholar bonuses up and keeping heal skills from interrupting DPS rotations. When you do this properly, you will find yourself creating your own unique rotations not only for each encounter, but for each unique groups needs.


> You'll understand this if you've ever carried groups at say matthias and had to tap rezz a downed player outside of the group, leave your pet there while you dash over the other side of the map and pull a downed player out of poison with S&R, inbetween using CA from range to drop heals on players with low HP running to cleanse corruption, only to realise in the time you've done so 3 or more players have dropped at mid without your heals and are almost dead, so you throw your spirit of nature out and clutch rezz every single person all in one foul swoop. Other times I've managed to S&R the HK at deimos, and carried fractal groups doing challenge motes hard.


Oh i didn't see this post . Totally agree on ppl whoo can't dodge or do mechanics .. druid life is doooom.. but still fun to play ??

Matthias remain my very very favorite boss

Sab last phase also my very very favorite phase.. good job on dev who created these raid bosses

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