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As A Fan Have You Ever Made Or Had Made Anything From In Game?

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Nowadays most people simply 3d print the weapons directly from the models of the game > [google search](https://www.google.fr/search?q=3d+printed+video+game+weapons&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj7odOFv_rZAhVHMewKHbPYBJIQsAQILQ&biw=1920&bih=925#imgrc=_)

One of the most 3d printed artists is [this one](https://www.artstation.com/scrutch) (We are 6 billion on the planet. So there is always someone more formidable than the previous one)

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> @"Yseron.8613" said:

> Nowadays most people simply 3d print the weapons directly from the models of the game > [google search](https://www.google.fr/search?q=3d+printed+video+game+weapons&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj7odOFv_rZAhVHMewKHbPYBJIQsAQILQ&biw=1920&bih=925#imgrc=_)


Yeah and that too is the kind of stuff I am trying to see if any active player has done.

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Well, I thought that my family's daily live became a bit boring lately, full of tedious routines. Both my wife and me agreed that something needs to be done to make it more fun. So a few weeks ago I decided to spice things up by adding some challenging instabilities to our flat. I changed the faucet fittings (hot/cold) in the bathroom and added mechanics to the shower that is triggered when you turn it off and pours hot water for another 2 seconds and spreads through the whole room for half a second before it shuts down. I rearranged mugs in the cupboard so they might fall out when you open it. I manipulated the turn-switch of the microwave so if you set it to 3 minutes, it's actually only 90 seconds. I layed out electrical wires from an electric pasture fence at places my wife and kid wouldn't suspect. When you uncounciously reach behind the couch to turn on the lamp, you'll learn to pay more attention next time. Also, I set up traps that force you to move much more slowly through the flat.


It was a lot of fun for the whole family, my wife loves me much more now. However, since these were basically static adjustments to our environment, she got used to them quickly. She just turns the red fitting when she wants cold water etc. we were basically as bored as before by executing daily routines.


So the next thing I'll do is making things more random. I'll change the fittings in the kitchen for one week and then the ones in the bathroom the next week. Also, the electrical shocks are no fun when you know where they can appear, so I will place them in one room for a week, and then in another for the next week and so on.


If that's not enough, I'll have to find a more sophisticated way, like only having 2 or 3 instabilities per room at once. Also, maybe I'll lay wires in every room and set up an arduino to activate them randomly on a daily/weekly basis. I'll see how the combination of the splashing shower head combined with the electrical wires works out, but I guess if we get scalded and electroluted at the same time, we just have to get gud.


My wife, me and even my kid agree that these changes enhanced our experience tremendously and we have a much better time at our home and together.


So this is how I made something from ingame.

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I've thought about getting a model of my main character made, but the cost always put me off. That and the fact that I'd never be able to decide which armour she should be wearing, but I'd probably want the shattered holographic wings and I don't think there's a way to do them justice. But maybe one day.

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