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[Video] WvW/PvP Matchup Duelling Guide 2 - Sword Thief vs Power Mirage


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Hi! As promised the second matchup-duelling guide. Sword Thief (S/D and S/P) vs Power Mirage.

Its a textbased guide again, so you have to read some stuff, sry for that. i can tell you that writing all this shit needs more time and effort than the reading. but sadly my sound equipment is still too bad for a voice commentary.


I hope you can enjoy (even with the strange music muha) and maybe it even helps someone. Pls notice the vid description as always! Thx!


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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Weird music! xD


> I particularly liked the use of IH evade on illusions to prevent CnD. Excellent video guide! :)


hehe i have to admit your music taste need to be veeeeryyyy flexible for the first song ;) but the second song i rly like. i just thought it fits well with the guide b/c dont disturb too much during all the reading.

big thx for the feedback, im happy you like the vid! :)

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I dunno why you’re so worried about the music, it’s not Gachi or some kind of offensive noise and high pitch anime screeching.


Very good video, I think I already said it in the other forums but they could really benefit from voice over rather than text to read as you need to watch the video twice, once to read what happens and once to see what happens. Of course this might be a plot to shamelessly get views ha ha.


Anyway really nice gameplay, very good fights and nice to see people running builds with as few passive procs as can reasonably be expected. I take it the lack of condition enemies in your videos is mainly because this build isn’t very good against them having only jaunt for cleanse?

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big thx for your feedback, rly appreciate it and im happy you like the vid! <3


i knew before the upload myself that esp the first song is maybe a bit too far away from mainstream to be accepted by everyone ;) and some comments mention the strange music in a negative way, so thats why i talked about it.


lol no its not a clickbait tactic, if i would care for clicks i wouldnt do guides in the first place since they dont get much interest in general. its just my sound equipment has a feedback problem, the soundquality is not rly that good, so i dont do voice commentaries. also i did a big pvp rotation guide with voice one time, it was a hell of a work over months, 6 parts each in 2 languages and they barely got any views, so i told myself i never do such work again since i have way more fun working with music than doing voice comments and when textguides go better on my channel anyway.


there is a lack of condition enemies? i rly dont think so, there are enough scourges, condimesmer and even condithiefs in my vids (just in the last 2 guides it wasnt about condibuilds so no condis there). in general i dont have that big issues with condibuilds as long as i play focused and dont get too greedy. you just need to know all condiburstskills and how to avoid them from all common condibuilds. im planning to do a little excursus vid for condi thief since i have some fights vs a sb/sb trapper condithief i could use for that,

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These videos you are putting together for the community are very nice! Do you have anywhere that people can contact you with specific questions? I was going to PM you here on the forums, but I don't know if anyone actually reads those. lol. I'm on NA so I can't hunt you down in game, unfortunately. :(

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> @"TakeCare.3182" said:

> These videos you are putting together for the community are very nice! Do you have anywhere that people can contact you with specific questions? I was going to PM you here on the forums, but I don't know if anyone actually reads those. lol. I'm on NA so I can't hunt you down in game, unfortunately. :(


hey! big thx for your feedback, good to hear some ppl like it and even got helped! :)

a pm in this forum shouldnt be readable by other persons but you ofc can also whisper me ingame or write an ingame mail when im not online (thats prob better with a mail so i can answer when i have the time for it). this shouldnt be a problem even when you are na and im eu, since i had a lot of ingame questions from player on na already and it never was a problem to communicate. just add jazz.4639 and send me a mail and i will answer as good as i can!

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