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How tall is too tall for a Charr

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My characters are all different heights and body types, it depends on the character.


My charr thief is relatively short (about 1/4 of the way up the slider if I remember correctly) because part of his backstory is that he was always smaller than the other cubs growing up so he learned that he couldn't simply over-power them and had to find smarter ways of fighting back instead. Whereas my charr revenant is nearly the max height because I wanted her to look like a big, powerful warrior even by charr standards.


I don't think it affects anything except your view if you keep the camera zoomed right in close (I normally keep it all the way out and slightly above the character so even a big character is rarely in my way), and as a charr you'll be bigger than the majority of other player characters anyway, so I don't think you need to worry too much about getting it right, other than what looks right to you.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:


> > I wouldn't recommend using charr for jumping puzzles in general, they are kind of clunky.

> >


> Basically, Charr are 'nightmare mode' for jps imo. You can't see anything.


I must say: I find charr (only toped by charr with wings backpack) a nightmare in any situation where stacking is required ;)

All this (wet, stinky) fur (& feather) in my human face ...


> @"OrbitalButt.5708" said:

> Make sure to make your horns as enormous as you can, too


Hm, biologically charr are a mixture of predator (teeth, cat-like, offensive) and prey's (horn, defensive). If you recommend to make the horn large you recommend the create a more prey-like charr, are you sure you mean that? ;)

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > The only regret I've ever had is in making something too small. I find especially in a crowd that if you're trying to show off your Fashion Wars skillz it's only harder to see the smaller models. This is what I hate about Asurans - they might look great, but no one can tell, because they're so scaled down you can't really make out much detail unless you go right up to them and move your camera just-so.

> >

> > I'm curious what stuff am I missing out on. Being a new player. I bought the standard edition. Are their stories I don't have access to? are they on the market? I know they mentioned. I'll have more stories when I hit 80. Is there anything I don't have currently. Could I buy stories or weapons in the shop? whats good for a charr?


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World

> There are Living World Seasons you probably have yet to acquire.

> You can buy Weapons and Weapons skins on the Trading Post and in the Gem Store.


> (The Wiki [link above] is a great resource for all things GW2.)




I have yet to buy that. They said its open at level 80. I was going to buy it sooner but since I'm just a level 10. I don't think I will be needing that.

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> @"Aurelian Omenkind.2470" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> >Bigger Charrs just look ridiculous to me, like mutants (the same goes for Norn, because making your character as tall as possible says a lot about your own need for attention ;) ).

> That’s a pretty bold assumption for people you’ve never met.


I am sure you have a better psychological explanation then for those players who run around with **gigantic** Norn and Charr, preferably with large shoulder armor and **huge** back items that block everything else, including other players' character models (which IMO they are doing on purpose during jumping puzzles and such - even though there is an option to deactivate back items, which they would do temporarily if they were considerate of others; so IMO it is definitely an ego issue).

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Aurelian Omenkind.2470" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > >Bigger Charrs just look ridiculous to me, like mutants (the same goes for Norn, because making your character as tall as possible says a lot about your own need for attention ;) ).

> >

> > That’s a pretty bold assumption for people you’ve never met. It might be true for you, and that’s okay, but when I built my charr to be massive, getting attention from other players was the last thing I was thinking of. I wanted a big charr just because I wanted him to be big. That’s all. To boot, he chose the Priory path in his personal story because he was more of a thinker than a fighter which his size might imply. I like the juxtaposition of looking like a fighter and being a researcher, proving that appearances can be deceiving. That’s the way I approached his story and it works for me. Don’t assume ill of others until you’ve met them and have proof to support your assumptions.



> People do judge sometimes. That's exactly the reason I wanted to be certain I didn't make one too large. I become obsessive about small things how people will see it. I first made mine was way too short. I think I'm about three notches from Max. I spend time going back and forth on it. People do judge silently like that one poster you responded too and not everyone says that out loud.


People judge, but they get their judgments wrong all the time. You can work with that, too.


It's reasonable that people might judge you harshly for being obnoxious in map chat. It's not reasonable that they might do so for playing a cat that's slightly larger than normal. Irritate the latter people, not the former.


> @"Biff.5312" said:


> > I wouldn't recommend using charr for jumping puzzles in general, they are kind of clunky.

> >


> Basically, Charr are 'nightmare mode' for jps imo. You can't see anything.


Ironically, I find it difficult to do jumping puzzles without a charr now, because the movement of the other races feels weird!

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > @"Aurelian Omenkind.2470" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > >Bigger Charrs just look ridiculous to me, like mutants (the same goes for Norn, because making your character as tall as possible says a lot about your own need for attention ;) ).

> > >

> > > That’s a pretty bold assumption for people you’ve never met. It might be true for you, and that’s okay, but when I built my charr to be massive, getting attention from other players was the last thing I was thinking of. I wanted a big charr just because I wanted him to be big. That’s all. To boot, he chose the Priory path in his personal story because he was more of a thinker than a fighter which his size might imply. I like the juxtaposition of looking like a fighter and being a researcher, proving that appearances can be deceiving. That’s the way I approached his story and it works for me. Don’t assume ill of others until you’ve met them and have proof to support your assumptions.

> >

> >

> > People do judge sometimes. That's exactly the reason I wanted to be certain I didn't make one too large. I become obsessive about small things how people will see it. I first made mine was way too short. I think I'm about three notches from Max. I spend time going back and forth on it. People do judge silently like that one poster you responded too and not everyone says that out loud.


> People judge, but they get their judgments wrong all the time. You can work with that, too.


> It's reasonable that people might judge you harshly for being obnoxious in map chat. It's not reasonable that they might do so for playing a cat that's slightly larger than normal. Irritate the latter people, not the former.


> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> >

> > > I wouldn't recommend using charr for jumping puzzles in general, they are kind of clunky.

> > >

> >

> > Basically, Charr are 'nightmare mode' for jps imo. You can't see anything.


> Ironically, I find it difficult to do jumping puzzles without a charr now, because the movement of the other races feels weird!



True. I wanted find the sweet spot of not too big or not too short. I'd feel bad if I was blocking something or I just took up giant space. I want people to see me but not think "oh here comes..big foot" everyone here has been extremely friendly so far.

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I think many advices are helpful, but just like everything, if you are used to it and don't know it otherwise, he will be fine as cat of any size in every content.


I hear so much BS about being small - as Lalafell, Asura or Yordle - in video games and I always just wonder: "What are they talking about".


The OP should play a kitty cat because we desperately need more Charr in this game. Do not discourage them with stuff he would not care about when he's a hardcore Charr fan.



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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Just did the daily vista and ran into this monstrosity (point proven, I'd say): ![](http://doccovington.net/_uploads/gw2/oversized-norn.jpg "")


> And that's just one of thousands of examples I have encountered over the years. :s


I'm not saying that a massive character size isn't annoying. Heck, I'm annoyed at how big my charr is doing JPs, and I sometimes feel bad for getting in the way of others. But I'm also pretty big in real life - tall and somewhat overweight - and have felt the need to apologize for getting in the way of strangers nearby. I happen to be kind of large and so does my charr. That's a product of my ancestry, and I like to think my charr's size is a product of his. The annoyance factor for you is understandable, but I guess that's your issue not mine. Hope you find some peace, dude.

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> @"Aurelian Omenkind.2470" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Just did the daily vista and ran into this monstrosity (point proven, I'd say): ![](http://doccovington.net/_uploads/gw2/oversized-norn.jpg "")

> >

> > And that's just one of thousands of examples I have encountered over the years. :s


> I'm not saying that a massive character size isn't annoying. Heck, I'm annoyed at how big my charr is doing JPs, and I sometimes feel bad for getting in the way of others. But I'm also pretty big in real life - tall and somewhat overweight - and have felt the need to apologize for getting in the way of strangers nearby. I happen to be kind of large and so does my charr. That's a product of my ancestry, and I like to think my charr's size is a product of his. The annoyance factor for you is understandable, but I guess that's your issue not mine. Hope you find some peace, dude.


I have several huge characters as well. In most cases I attributed that to compliment their story and in other cases I think I do that because I also always play fully zoomed out and the smaller your character the smaller the details on your armor. Though all the same I made smaller ones where that fitted their background.


Like my huge norn is supposed to be a humble person to balance it out. Pretty much the same with my charr. My asura is big because shes a warrior and I wanted her to be this buff looking asura with a strong character.


At least I try to be creative with characters size that way. I suppose one can attribute it some of it to some sort of psychological attribute of oneself as a person, but even then.. These attributes I see more in a neutral light than something with so much prejudice attached to it.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> What would be average height? I just bought this game. I have been obsessing about this small detail. I made one and I deleted it because compared to his brother and sisters. He was too short. Now I worry he may be too tall. I'm having him as a guardian. Should I go for very tall, or med or normal?


First off, the proper adjective for cats is "long".

Second, here's the proper [reference](https://images.encyclopediadramatica.rs/3/34/Longcat_buildings.jpg "reference").

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Norn are pretty tall already. My Syena is close to max height, I think, and her wife comes up to her waist at min human height. Height is subjective. I personally don't care how tall or short someone's character is unless I'm doing a jumping puzzle. Why would I? They aren't getting in my way unless it's a puzzle. Tyria is large enough to fit all of us. I myself make sure I use an asura or Gwen at puzzles, who is at min height with no fancy wings or backpieces or anything to get in the way of someone else. I like to write, so I have characters of all different sizes and shapes. One male Charr is tiny in body, while the other is larger and more burly. One prefers to tinker at his inventions, the other is more active in battle.


Mount heights are interesting to look at, too. My friend's near max height asura has a larger raptor than my min height sylvari. With the same glow color, same branded skin, and one gold while the other is dark purple, they look like a male and female pair.

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> @"DearlyMe.5320" said:

> Norn are pretty tall already. My Syena is close to max height, I think, and her wife comes up to her waist at min human height. Height is subjective. I personally don't care how tall or short someone's character is unless I'm doing a jumping puzzle. Why would I? They aren't getting in my way unless it's a puzzle. Tyria is large enough to fit all of us. I myself make sure I use an asura or Gwen at puzzles, who is at min height with no fancy wings or backpieces or anything to get in the way of someone else. I like to write, so I have characters of all different sizes and shapes. One male Charr is tiny in body, while the other is larger and more burly. One prefers to tinker at his inventions, the other is more active in battle.


> Mount heights are interesting to look at, too. My friend's near max height asura has a larger raptor than my min height sylvari. With the same glow color, same branded skin, and one gold while the other is dark purple, they look like a male and female pair.


Some people can be very picky. When I first played this game when it very first came out. I remember a huge Charr. I guess to most it doesn't matter. I just didn't want people to think I was very obese or taking up too much space. I know it sounds weird but I'm very sensitive to the reaction I'd get from him. I noticed my Radeon 580 runs real hot playing this game.


Do you know any tips that make it run smoother? I only place for 30 mins to an hour at a time after that it starts to get hotter than usual. What can I do to make it run more smooth, its a pretty nice video card? It should be able to run this with no problem. Barely into the game it goes from 31 degrees to 51

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Camera-wise... Charr and Norn are pretty much always too tall unless at the shortest settings.

Me, it depends... My Warrior (A Blood Legion Charr) is set to max height and the bulkyest of builds, my necro (Ash Legion) has a medium height and a thinner build. Other than that, character heights are capped to what's "acceptable" within their races, so you're alright.

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