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Deroir Guide for Beginners

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If you are serious about obtaining them, then you have come to the right place, as a "Fractal God" I know what I'm talking about so I can help you to reach this rank too.

Here I will explain what all the augmentations he sells do, in which order it's best to buy them and a few tips on how to make it more easy.


**What do they do?**


**1) Fractal Empowerment**

It is absolutely useless, all it does is give you additional 25,400 experience per rank every time you finish a Fractal.

You already get a lot of that even without it, so you don't relly need more, **but you must buy at least Tier 1 and 2 to unlock Mist Attunement.**

If you are a completionist or just really want that extra experience, then you should only buy Tier 3 and 4 once you have everything else unlocked.


**2) Karmic Retribution**

What it does is give you a Bead of Liquid Karma (500 Karma) on scales 1-50 and a Drop of Liquid Karma (600 Karma) on scales 51-100, 1 per each rank, giving a total of 2000 Karma on scales 1-50 and 2400 on 51-100. **There is never too much Karma and while it won't help you with the other augmentations, you should buy all 4 ranks as soon as possible.

Same as before you must buy at least Tier 1 and 2 to unlock Mist Attunement, however you should not hasitate in buying Tier 3 and 4 too, unless it will block you from buying your next rank of Mist Attunement.**


**3) Agony Impedance**

Each rank grants you +5 Agony Resistance, so a total of 20 AR with Tier 4. Contrary to what you may think it is not useless, while it's true that you don't need more Agony Resistance once you reach 150, **however if you decide to equip your character with Traited Infusions then the upgrade becomes very useful, as you will no longer need to use +9's only, but you can use the much cheaper +5 and +7. In fact if you have both Agony Impedance 4 and Mist Attunement 4 then you can use +5 Infusions only and still reach 150 AR if you also drink the Anguished Tear of Alba.** Agony Impedance 4 and Mist Attunement 4 give you 45 AR, 18 slots with +5 Infusions give 90 AR and Anguished Tear of Alba with Fractal Attunement Mastery gives 15 AR; 45 + 90 + 15 = 150 **In order to buy Agony Impedence your personal fractal level must be 100 and again you must buy Tier 1 and 2 to buy Mist Attunement. However, you should NOT BUY Tier 3 and 4 until you reach Mist Attunement 4 as each rank of Mist Attunement will also grant you Agony Resistance, also Tier 3 and 4 require a total of 15 +11 Agony Infusion's and 16 is enough to make a +15 Infusion which is required for Mist Attunement 3.**


**4) Mist Attunement**

The main goal, each rank grants 5 AR (Tier 4 grants 10), increased damage while in Fractals, Health regeneration each second, 1 additional Fractal Encryption per rank and 1 Bag of Fractal Relics per rank containing 5 Fractal Relics on scales 51-100 or 3 on scales 1-50. Each rank also grant a Title: Tier 1 "Fractal Savant", Tier 2 "Fractal Prodigy", Tier 3 "Fractal Champion" and Tier 4 "Fractal God". Awsome huh? And it only costs 750 Integrated Fractal Matrices, 160,000 Fractal Relics, 3200 Pristine Fractal Relics, 24 Fractal Journals and one of each of these Agony Infusions: +13, +14, +15 and +16 to reach Tier 4.


**Now if you are still serious about buying them all here is how you should proceed:**


- 1st buy Fractal Empowerment 2, Karmic Retribution 2 and Agony Impedance 2 to unlock Mist Attunement

- 2nd buy the highest rank of Mist Attunement you can and then keep working toward the next, if buying Karmic Retribution 3 and 4 won't prevent you from reaching your next Mist Attunement rank, or you are very far from it, then don't hasitate to buy it instead for now

- 3rd if you do reach Mist Attunement 4, then you can quit now or work your way to buy the remaining augmentations, if you don't have Karmic Retribution 4 yet then that will be your priority now, if you already have it then work on Agony Impedance 3 and 4

- 4th once you have everything else you can buy Fractal Empowerment 3 and 4, if you do want it that is, you can also buy it before Agony Impedance if you really want it, but probably not if you don't have any spare Fractal Relics and Integrated Fractal Matrices


**And now it's time for a few tips to make this more easy:**


**1) DO NOT buy any of these augmentations until you have bought all the Infinite Mist Potion's**

Contrary to what you may think it seems it's not an obvious concept to some people, I have seen a person who was "Fractal Savant" but did not have Infinite Mist Potion's.

So for those who don't know yet **Infinite Mist Potion's > Mist Attunement.** Also having the Infinite Mist Potion's means you can sell back the Large Mist Potion's you get from Daily Recommended Fractals for an additional 48 Fractal Relics each day, making working toward your next Mist Attunement rank more easy.


**2) DO NOT buy Agony Impedance 3 and 4 before you reach Mist Attunement 4**

I already mentioned that, but it is important not to make that stupid mistake. Remember each rank of Mist Attunement ALSO gives you additional AR and as I also mentioned before the required amount of +11 Infusions to reach Tier 3 and 4 is almost enough to make a +15 Infusion, which you need for Tier 3 Mist Attunement.


**3) Don't wait with buying your next Mist Attunement Tier**

Even if you are only missing a few things to buy a higher Tier it will still be a waste, as each Tier will grant you additional Fractal Relics and Fractal Encryption's when you finish a Fractal, which means you will gain the required Infusions, Relics and gold to buy the next Tier sooner.


**4) Take special care with Pristine Fractal Relics**

While you can exchange Pristine Fractal Relics for 15 regular Fractal Relics per each at BUY-2046 PFR, the opposite is not possible. So never use up too many and always keep the required amount you will need for Mist Attunement 2 and 4, which is a total of 3200 Pristine Fractal Relics or 2000 is you are Tier 2 already.


**5) Do 99 and 100 Challenge Mode**

Obviously if you don't it will take a lot longer, as doing both 99 and 100 CM will award you a total of 280 Fractal Relics, 4 Pristine Fractal Relics, 2 Fractal Research Pages and 2 Integrated Fractal Matrices, not counting the other rewards from the end chests.


**6) Don't buy the 2 daily Mystic Clovers**

They were added deliberately to slow down the process. So unless you have more than enough Relics it will only make the whole thing much slower. Of course once have enough Relics for all 4 Tiers, but are missing other things then you can go ahead. This also depends on how you feel, if you prefer Legendary Gear over the augmentations then it's your choice.


**7) If you have a Fractal Reliquary then use it**

For 25 Fractal Relics each day you can buy something from it that may help you in your quest to reaching Tier 4. The Fractal Reliquary can sell you Ascended Rings which you can salvage for additional Stabilizing Matrices. You can also buy a 5 Simple Infusion quite often which you can sell at INFUZ-5959 for 75 Fractal Relics, thus making a profit of 50 Relics.

If you have both options then you have to decide yourself what you need more, Fractal Relics or Stabilizing Matrices, it is worth mentioning that Matrices can be bought on TP, however you still have to pay 15 Relics to make an Integrated Fractal Matrix.



**Alright I think that's all I have to say on the matter, so enjoy and good luck reaching Mist Attunement 4.**



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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> **2) DO NOT buy Agony Impedance 3 and 4 before you reach Mist Attunement 4**

> I already mentioned that, but it is important not to make that stupid mistake. Remember each rank of Mist Attunement ALSO gives you additional AR and as I also mentioned before the required amount of +11 Infusions to reach Tier 3 and 4 is almost enough to make a +15 Infusion, which you need for Tier 3 Mist Attunement.

Pretty questionable piece of advice. Unless you are capped by infusion availability (maybe the CM crowd is, dunno), you get more effect from Impedance than from Mist Attunement when you use more than one or two characters.


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**^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest, not how to max AR.

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> **^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. **But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest**, not how to max AR.




by skipping the infinite mist potion wich you said to get first


you save around 25k? relics wich is faster to use on mist attunement


but hey spending 25k on something that is not mist attunement is deff faster am i right



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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > **^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. **But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest**, not how to max AR.



> uhm

> by skipping the infinite mist potion wich you said to get first


> you save around 25k? relics wich is faster to use on mist attunement


> but hey spending 25k on something that is not mist attunement is deff faster am i right




He was talking about Agony Impedance not Infinite Mist Potions and the Infinite Mist Omnipotion costs 20500 Relics to make. And I count it as a priority over Mist Attunement as it makes the journey more easy and you get to sell back all the potions you no longer need now for more Relics.

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > **^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. **But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest**, not how to max AR.

> >

> >

> > uhm

> > by skipping the infinite mist potion wich you said to get first

> >

> > you save around 25k? relics wich is faster to use on mist attunement

> >

> > but hey spending 25k on something that is not mist attunement is deff faster am i right

> >

> >


> He was talking about Agony Impedance not Infinite Mist Potions and the Infinite Mist Omnipotion costs 20500 Relics to make. And I count it as a priority over Mist Attunement as it makes the journey more easy and you get to sell back all the potions you no longer need now for more Relics.


wich would mean you need to spend roughly 451.50 days to get even with daily recs



so 452 days before those relics are actually going towards mist attunement


yupp brilliant deduction to get that first if you want mist attunement



don't get me wrong its a nice guide line to follow


but don't say contradicting stuff



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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> **^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest, not how to max AR.

Would be a good idea then to state that reaching MA4 is the only aim of your "guide". Because currently you mis-advertise it as a simple "Deroir guide".

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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > > **^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. **But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest**, not how to max AR.

> > >

> > >

> > > uhm

> > > by skipping the infinite mist potion wich you said to get first

> > >

> > > you save around 25k? relics wich is faster to use on mist attunement

> > >

> > > but hey spending 25k on something that is not mist attunement is deff faster am i right

> > >

> > >

> >

> > He was talking about Agony Impedance not Infinite Mist Potions and the Infinite Mist Omnipotion costs 20500 Relics to make. And I count it as a priority over Mist Attunement as it makes the journey more easy and you get to sell back all the potions you no longer need now for more Relics.


> wich would mean you need to spend roughly 451.50 days to get even with daily recs

> 20770/46


> so 452 days before those relics are actually going towards mist attunement


> yupp brilliant deduction to get that first if you want mist attunement



> don't get me wrong its a nice guide line to follow


> but don't say contradicting stuff




I can't, I'm just lost for words....... Can anyone help this poor soul?


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> @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > > **^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. **But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest**, not how to max AR.

> > >

> > >

> > > uhm

> > > by skipping the infinite mist potion wich you said to get first

> > >

> > > you save around 25k? relics wich is faster to use on mist attunement

> > >

> > > but hey spending 25k on something that is not mist attunement is deff faster am i right

> > >

> > >

> >

> > He was talking about Agony Impedance not Infinite Mist Potions and the Infinite Mist Omnipotion costs 20500 Relics to make. And I count it as a priority over Mist Attunement as it makes the journey more easy and you get to sell back all the potions you no longer need now for more Relics.


> wich would mean you need to spend roughly 451.50 days to get even with daily recs

> 20770/46


> so 452 days before those relics are actually going towards mist attunement


> yupp brilliant deduction to get that first if you want mist attunement



> don't get me wrong its a nice guide line to follow


> but don't say contradicting stuff




The thing is that AR can be covered by spending more gold so you don't have to spend relics on Agony Impedence. There is no way to supplement the buffs you get from the potions with gold, and those buffs make a huge difference. I suppose you could hold off on combining the potions into the omnipotion, but the potions themselves are a different story.


The potions are like an investment. Almost no one will take you to 99 or 100 CM unless you're so good you are on par with the other DPS and don't die, or you run with friends or guildies who are willing to carry you. Adding the CMs to daily T4s and recs doubles your daily relic income.


The potions will cut down your daily running time of Recs and T4s too so unless you're willing to spend more time each day on fractals, and burdening your party, the potions are a worthwhile investment.


I suppose you could just spend that extra time and expect your party to carry you every day, but then you're kind of being a jerk.


There is the human element as well. If you don't run potions in higher tier fractals and CMs you might be kicked or people will comment on you. And if you run with people who won't say anything about it, its more than likely that the party will wipe because of you. Wiping over and over again, taking a long time to complete fractals, and being hounded because of the lack of potions will take it's toll on your psyche unless you're really resilient, which could end up with you not playing fractals or even the game, slowing down the process.


Alternatively you could just farm recs and lower tiers and end up taking a longer time to get there, which is entirely reasonable if you don't have the ability to do higher tiers and CMs.


So yeah, ultimately the potions are an investment to speed up the process.

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> @"Moogri.1935" said:

> > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > > > **^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. **But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest**, not how to max AR.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > uhm

> > > > by skipping the infinite mist potion wich you said to get first

> > > >

> > > > you save around 25k? relics wich is faster to use on mist attunement

> > > >

> > > > but hey spending 25k on something that is not mist attunement is deff faster am i right

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > He was talking about Agony Impedance not Infinite Mist Potions and the Infinite Mist Omnipotion costs 20500 Relics to make. And I count it as a priority over Mist Attunement as it makes the journey more easy and you get to sell back all the potions you no longer need now for more Relics.

> >

> > wich would mean you need to spend roughly 451.50 days to get even with daily recs

> > 20770/46

> >

> > so 452 days before those relics are actually going towards mist attunement

> >

> > yupp brilliant deduction to get that first if you want mist attunement

> >

> >

> > don't get me wrong its a nice guide line to follow

> >

> > but don't say contradicting stuff

> >

> >


> The thing is that AR can be covered by spending more gold so you don't have to spend relics on Agony Impedence. There is no way to supplement the buffs you get from the potions with gold, and those buffs make a huge difference. I suppose you could hold off on combining the potions into the omnipotion, but the potions themselves are a different story.


> The potions are like an investment. Almost no one will take you to 99 or 100 CM unless you're so good you are on par with the other DPS and don't die, or you run with friends or guildies who are willing to carry you. Adding the CMs to daily T4s and recs doubles your daily relic income.


> The potions will cut down your daily running time of Recs and T4s too so unless you're willing to spend more time each day on fractals, and burdening your party, the potions are a worthwhile investment.


> I suppose you could just spend that extra time and expect your party to carry you every day, but then you're kind of being a jerk.


> There is the human element as well. If you don't run potions in higher tier fractals and CMs you might be kicked or people will comment on you. And if you run with people who won't say anything about it, its more than likely that the party will wipe because of you. Wiping over and over again, taking a long time to complete fractals, and being hounded because of the lack of potions will take it's toll on your psyche unless you're really resilient, which could end up with you not playing fractals or even the game, slowing down the process.


> Alternatively you could just farm recs and lower tiers and end up taking a longer time to get there, which is entirely reasonable if you don't have the ability to do higher tiers and CMs.


> So yeah, ultimately the potions are an investment to speed up the process.


you already get the potions for free every day from the recs

the relics gained from cm and dailies etc is something you already get BEFORE you get infinite potions or attunement


so whats the deal about being carried? you use potion regardless if there infinite or gained from the daily


it takes 452 day BEFORE the relics invested in there become profit so every day before that it would have been cheaper to not have taken the infinite potion



but hey what do i know about saving relics or ''infinite'' potions cause apperently people who only use potions from the dailies are being carried


the recs are things you do anyway other wise you can't sell those potions so instead of selling just use those and don't buy the omni potion

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> @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

> > > > > @"Rikimaru.7890" said:

> > > > > **^** What? How does that even work? They are both per Account not Character and Mist Attunement gives up to 25 AR while Agony Impedance up to 20, so I have no idea what you mean. Unless you are talking about Agony Impedance being cheaper, thus easier to get than Mist Attunement. **But this is a guide on how to reach Mist Attunement 4 the fastest**, not how to max AR.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > uhm

> > > > by skipping the infinite mist potion wich you said to get first

> > > >

> > > > you save around 25k? relics wich is faster to use on mist attunement

> > > >

> > > > but hey spending 25k on something that is not mist attunement is deff faster am i right

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > He was talking about Agony Impedance not Infinite Mist Potions and the Infinite Mist Omnipotion costs 20500 Relics to make. And I count it as a priority over Mist Attunement as it makes the journey more easy and you get to sell back all the potions you no longer need now for more Relics.

> >

> > wich would mean you need to spend roughly 451.50 days to get even with daily recs

> > 20770/46

> >

> > so 452 days before those relics are actually going towards mist attunement

> >

> > yupp brilliant deduction to get that first if you want mist attunement

> >

> >

> > don't get me wrong its a nice guide line to follow

> >

> > but don't say contradicting stuff

> >

> >


> I can't, I'm just lost for words....... Can anyone help this poor soul?



lost how?


to notice it will that 452 days before selling those pots are more profitable then using them?


cause thats 452 days of doing daily recs before you get the 20770 relics back thats 20770 that could have been spent on other things in that year

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I didn't know people need/want a guide to get the Deroir enhancements, it's not rocket science really. Just play lots of fractals and buy the stuff and you'll do fine.


The tips can be argued about even. I would say do not go for the omnipotion first if your goal is to get the attunements as fast as possible. That's about 25k relics that you have to invest, and with selling the pots you get as reward for doing fractals, it will take a long time to break even. How long you plan to play fractals per day also goes into that calculation. If you plan to only spend an hour per day in fractals, you can get away using the potions you loot without ever having to buy them. If you plan on spending 3 hours per day in fractals, you would have to spend relics for additional potions and therefore, the investment in infinite potions is more reasonable. Let's say you get 48 relics per day from selling one of each looted potion, then you need 520 days to get back your invested 25k. Even if you get almost 70 relics from selling potions to Dessa's Alchemist per day, you only start making profit after one full year. You are better off buying an attunement, which actually gives you more relics while you play. Then you could say that the omnipot is not useful in terms of investing relics, the three single infinite pots are doing the same job really. Or you say you really don't need the mobility potion, so you can get away with using the off and def one only, or only the def one if doing damage is not your role. Or you only farm fractals below T4 and don't use potions for these at all.


Another question could be, what's more efficient, saving up all pristine relics and never trade them, or trade them to get an attunement asap? Let's say your attunement costs 25k relics. You have 22k relics and 200 pristine relics. Should you trade them and buy the attunement? If you do so, you could get the benefits of the attunement faster, which means more relics per future fractal run. But the next attunement costs 35k relics and 1200 pristines! Since you can always farm more relics, but you can only get a limited amount of pristines per day, the latter can become the bottle neck. You might get into a situation where you have 40k relics but only 1000 pristines. If you decide to farm specific fractals, that's quite expectable. You would have been better off to not trade pristines to buy attunement I. But if you only do dailies and nothing else, you will not get into this situation.


What about Integrated Fractal Matrices? Is it better to buy them on the market to get the attunement faster or wait until you looted what you need from doing challenge mode fractals and normal fractals?


It's more complex than one might think to find the most efficient way because it depends on your personal playstyle and time you want to spend per day doing fractals.


At the end of the day, I think most people will not care to plan out their way to Fractal God at all but just play as they feel and purchase the stuff along the way.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> If you need more than 1 hour to finish CMs + T4 together you should rather optimize your game play than insisting on the infinite omni potion!


No, no you shouldn't. The infinite potions are a great option regardless if you speed run and play meta builds or if you put up your own LFG welcoming any class. They are universally a good option and not at all a worse option than "git gud"

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > If you need more than 1 hour to finish CMs + T4 together you should rather optimize your game play than insisting on the infinite omni potion!


> No, no you shouldn't. The infinite potions are a great option regardless if you speed run and play meta builds or if you put up your own LFG welcoming any class. They are universally a good option and not at all a worse option than "git gud"


Yes, you do. Insisting on the potion because you need more than one hour is NOT logic. The potion is nice to have but you aren't a better player with it. That's not logic at all, lol.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > If you need more than 1 hour to finish CMs + T4 together you should rather optimize your game play than insisting on the infinite omni potion!

> >

> > No, no you shouldn't. The infinite potions are a great option regardless if you speed run and play meta builds or if you put up your own LFG welcoming any class. They are universally a good option and not at all a worse option than "git gud"


> Yes, you do. Insisting on the potion because you need more than one hour is NOT logic.


I mean while trying to improve your gameplay you do progress your omnipotion funds at the same time. There is no conflict here. You are discussing literally nothing.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > If you need more than 1 hour to finish CMs + T4 together you should rather optimize your game play than insisting on the infinite omni potion!

> > >

> > > No, no you shouldn't. The infinite potions are a great option regardless if you speed run and play meta builds or if you put up your own LFG welcoming any class. They are universally a good option and not at all a worse option than "git gud"

> >

> > Yes, you do. Insisting on the potion because you need more than one hour is NOT logic.


> I mean while trying to improve your gameplay you do progress your omnipotion funds at the same time. There is no conflict here. You are discussing literally nothing.


Not if you are aiming for Mist Attunement 4.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > > > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > > > > If you need more than 1 hour to finish CMs + T4 together you should rather optimize your game play than insisting on the infinite omni potion!

> > > >

> > > > No, no you shouldn't. The infinite potions are a great option regardless if you speed run and play meta builds or if you put up your own LFG welcoming any class. They are universally a good option and not at all a worse option than "git gud"

> > >

> > > Yes, you do. Insisting on the potion because you need more than one hour is NOT logic.

> >

> > I mean while trying to improve your gameplay you do progress your omnipotion funds at the same time. There is no conflict here. You are discussing literally nothing.


> Not if you are aiming for Mist Attunement 4.


Short term rewards > long term (irrelevant) grind

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