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Mirage faster than thief ( all cd used on a long dinstance ).


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hey i'm not argueing just pointing out where you lost distance. make no mistake it doesn't matter in the long run, the mesmer is quicker.


Now if they didn't nerf the ability to vault cancel, the thief might be quicker. (probably not but maybe)


personally I miss being able to move like a knight on a chessboard, waste of init but the added variety was nice. (vault cancel into s/d 3)

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Thief is not about speed, it's about misdirections and negative conditions. This is the reason why our Shadowstep has Shadow Return for juking purposes. It's also the reason why we have traps and caltrops. Crippling them is the same as giving yourself Super Speed. Blinding them is the same as giving yourself Instant Reflexes.


Also always have an exit plan. The one I always use, and typically works very well, is Shadow Refuge/Infiltrator Arrow misdirection.


This is how I use it;

- Drop Shadow's Refuge ahead of the direction you are running towards to

- Your pursuer will see the AoE indicator

- Swap to Shortbow

- As soon as you enter the AoE, use Infiltrator's Arrow towards the opposite direction


Another one I use is the Shadow Refuge/Shadowstep misdirection.

- Drop Shadow's Refuge ahead of the direction you are running towards to

- Your pursuer will see the AoE indicator

- Shadowstep inside the AoE

- From here you can decide to either stay for full 10s stealth, or use Shadow Return to get a 1200 gap.

- If you swap to Shortbow, you can use IA after Shadow Return.


I don't agree that the Thief should be the fastest, I think Rangers should be the fastest. The thief just needs to be crafty.


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