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If Thief had 15,922 Health, would you use Marauder in PvP?


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There's a way to see how well rounded a character is. I call it the DPS/Durability product. It works something like this:


Ultimately, you want to do as much damage as possible while being as durable as possible. The exchange between damage and durability is a lot like geometry, in the sense that you want to maximize the area of a parallelogram while having a finite perimeter. "Damage" is the height of this rectangle, and "durability" is the length. With a finite perimeter, the maximum amount of area you can achieve is a perfect square. That is, when the damage and the durability are roughly the same.


As far as these points go, the damage and durability are a product of two things: effective health, and effective power. Effective Health is the product of armor and health. Effective health is also a maximum problem where you want to get an even mix of the two, but the short version is that all professions sans necromancer will want some vitality, since the maximum is going to be when armor x 10 = health.


Effective power is... more complicated. Essentially it is a calculus problem. My original source of the formula is lost, and while I could spend an hour hammering out another one, I am in terrible pain and am in no condition to do advanced math. Aside from maximizing it, effective power is is basically


(Weapon Strength x Power)(1 - crit chance + crit chance x critical damage)(additional modifiers from traits and stuff)


Overall you'll want these two things to be equal. Then, you'll have the most damage for the most durability. Now, you don't have to actually sit down and calculate most of this out, since all of our stats are given by the amulets. You can take shortcuts to compare the damage x durability product of the amulets themselves. And overall, the Marauder amulet beats out the Berserker amulet, for two reasons:


1: Giving both health and damage produces a more well rounded character than just giving either.

2: Marauder has objectively more points to give. The Berserker amulet has 3000 points, the Marauder has 3220 points.


Overall, you only lose, like, 10% of damage to live 35% longer. It is just better.

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I roam wvw with ~15k health, and for me that is plenty. Always liked the idea of glass cannon, but 11k was just way too little. Two hits from a warrior and it's game over. 15k and zerk would be a great sweet spot, but i would rather they just reduce the HoT armor stats to match core armors xD

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Doesn't matter since it is NEVER going to happen because the balance team doesn't care to change it.


It's been suggested for years that thief be made into a medium HP tier class. They haven't done it for 5 years, and they won't be doing it now.

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I don't understand why Anet (and to an extent other game companies) insist on making ridiculous systems such as these (health 'tiers' in this case) and then sticking to them no matter what. It's really, really inflexible.


Tbh I think boosting thief to 15.9k would be a bit too much, but I would really love maybe half that.

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