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Not enough easy accessible Mastery Points in New Expansion [Spoilers]

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Wow really? I've only just gotten into The Desolation - I have 12 points remaining, and I have Raptor, Bunny and Skimmer to 3, and Jackal to 1. I have definitely found points a lot easier to get in PoF than in Hot. So far, I've never needed to wait - As someone said above, it's exp i need!

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> @Rognik.2579 said:

> and none of the masteries in the Desert Highlands can be reached without the springer.


That's not actually true. Careful gliding can get you in the western half of the map, and then if you climb the cliff (there are ramps near the heart) you can glide to the insight along the southern edge of the map.


But ultimately yes, the best way to afford raptor 3 is to visit the maps out of order.


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I've yet to have an issue with getting mastery points enough to train things by the time I want them, but then I've also been keeping an eye out for achievements that reward you with them, as well as the map ones, while doing the story as I go. Without hunting them down actively I'm at Raptor 3, Bunny 3, Skimmer 3, with something like 6 points in the bank. I just haven't gotten to the Jackal point in the story yet and wanted to have points enough for that when I got there.

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I'm there with you.

I'm stuck with one more to learn canyon jumping. "Pot of Soup" is easy to find but I can't get close to completing the quest/mastery.

I've found plenty of other mastery points on the map, but with limited abilities on my raptor I can't get to them (need canyon jumping or another mount altogether).

Even playing the game to get masteries is stalled because I can't seem to get to places where I need to go with limited raptor skill.

Once I get canyon jumping, I know of several more that will automatically be open (including a new mount which will open up new story content).

I'm not giving up, just noting that others are having similar issues.

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If you train-up your masteries in the wrong order, you could possibly cause yourself problems or force yourself into story mastery to earn points. The order you should do it is: Raptor to 3, Springer to 3, Jackal to 3, then finish off everything else. If you do it in this order you should be able to do the story and all of the content with no problem at all grabbing only the mastery points in the maps. Also, you will have to back-track to past maps to pick-up mastery points you previously could not get until you unlock the correct mount and train the correct skill (i.e. Springer 3 is required to get the Glint's mastery point in the Oasis map, and the Manta is required to get the quicksand mastery on the same map.) Don't try and finish off a mastery, like training Raptor 4, until you have unlocked all mounts and trained Raptor, Springer, and then Jackal to 3.

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> What I really don't like is that the story is heavily locked behind the mastery system! **I need the 2nd mount to collect items just to continue the story** but I need 4 more mastery points for that! In HoT, it was okay because I mostly only needed one mastery / line to continue story and there were easy mastery points to get but in PoF it's a pain in the kitten tail to get them. **I want to enjoy the story without being interrupted by annoying mastery hunt!** I don't care if I need mastery points to max mounts but do **NOT** lock story behind it, PLEASE.


Mastery isn't a lock imho. By the time I needed Springer3 I had enough points for it with two points to spare and only thing I was missing was xp. What really is disruptive is having to interrupt your story progression to farm friggin gold in order to buy these mounts. I don't care about griffin, the 250g price wall make sense, as it is a bonus mount, but to do that with mounts that are part of a story is ridiculous. I don't mind mastery points because I obtain them WHILE playing the story, but story doesn't provide you with enough gold to afford those mounts. Having to take few days off from playing story (limited time to play) just because I am forced to farm gold is ridiculous (and yes, with my limited time I only play story because that is what I enjoy, I don't have time to waste on boring crap like farming, etc.).

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I'm there with you.

> I'm stuck with one more to learn canyon jumping. "Pot of Soup" is easy to find but I can't get close to completing the quest/mastery.

That was the only point where I was stuck briefly, but there are enough points that don't require too much effort. Sous-chef, raptor treat achievement and, I think, the all bounty areas achievement in Crystal Oasis did it for me.



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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Have you gotten the Raptor Treat mastery point? It's pretty easy.


> There's one for each of the other advertised mounts as well.


These, and other achievements really helped me. I have had very minimal difficulty getting mastery points, and I have only done the first story step to get to the map.

I have all the raptor mastery points, and I'm working on the last step for the rabbit.


I hate that chef, though. I hope nobody buys his soup.


Edit: Also, I would like to say that I did go to other maps. There's usually a handful of pretty easy mastery points on the other maps too, and then as you get more mounts, more mastery points are available to you from all maps.

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I found there was a bottleneck at Raptor 3 as well. Let me add some detail...


I was at the associated story point, having focused on story to that point. I had MP from story and a few of them from the first map that are attainable with the raptor. Dulfy's guide in this thread helps identify a few more that would have been available to me through gliding and raptor dismount "jumps". In the end, I was short 1 MP and was ready to jump over to the area with the Springer. The kids came to watch, and I went for the Sous Chef, having no other easily attainable MP options at the time. It took some time, and the kids had to cover their ears at several points, but I did get it. On to the Springer and much rejoicing; though, my daughter is concerned that the Springer may be a constipated sheep, based on the noises.


Ultimately, it felt like a bottleneck, and I was running around with a fully charged up XP bar, which wasn't great. With two mount tracks on the go and MP's available via Springer, this isn't an issue any longer. For those at this point, and especially any on the European servers with Story instance issues, I'd recommend using Dulfy's guide. If you don't have HoT (gliding), I'm not sure that you can get enough to hit Raptor 3 and gain Springer.


EDIT: Good point about Raptor Treat mastery, @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180"

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> @CptAurellian.9537 said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I'm there with you.

> > I'm stuck with one more to learn canyon jumping. "Pot of Soup" is easy to find but I can't get close to completing the quest/mastery.

> That was the only point where I was stuck briefly, but there are enough points that don't require too much effort. Sous-chef, raptor treat achievement and, I think, the all bounty areas achievement in Crystal Oasis did it for me.




I really need to look at the other achievements that give points.

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<--- haven't left the first map, haven't cheesed any of the mastery insights (didn't get Grotto, Quicksand, Sanctum, or Legacy), didn't use any guides. Still have Raptor3 with points to spare.


1. Unlock Raptor mount

2. Give your Raptor a treat

3. Complete a Bounty from Amnoon, Elona, and Destiny Gorge

4. Memory Game

5. Help the Chef

6. Pick up a [Vision Crystal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vision_Crystal_(bundle) "Vision Crystal") and Speak to 3 Ritual Priests

7. Amnoon Bazaar insight

8. Old Amnoon insight (in water off west coast)

9. [Reins of the Raptor Collection](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reins_of_the_Raptor "Reins of the Raptor Collection")


You only need 6 points for Raptor3 and that's 9 already...


Maybe people aren't looking at the achievement Journal?

It shows you which achievements reward Mastery points. Most of them are extremely quick and easy.


You can also find a list of achievements that reward Mastery for each map on the [GW2 wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Oasis_(achievements) "GW2 wiki")

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> @"Enola B Twenty Nine.2631" said:

> So far, I love the expansion. Compared to HoT, I really enjoyed playing PoF, except until the past few hours. I am stuck looking for a single mastery point. I am on the "Find the remaining crystals of Vlast's body" story, and need to get "canyon jumping" mastery. I have just one more point so as to get the Springer Mount, but for the life of me, I can't find any "easy" accessible points. I have also been to Elon Riverlands, but these don't seem to be accessible either.


> Am I missing something? I am sick and tired of wondering around the web looking for possible clues. Is there an exact number of easier accessible mastery's, and I am just missing them?


That first part is really the only place you will get stuck. I had a mesmer portal me to the first one on the second map entrance for my final one I needed.


After the vlast memory crystal questline they are super easy to get. Especially once you get the springer. Hop to it ????

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> @Ashabhi.1365 said:

> When you say "easily accessable" do you mean that you can't just walk up to them and commune? Or do you mean that you can't get there period?


> The simple answer to the first part is that sometimes you have to take friends with you, such as most of the HP challenges and some of the mastery points in Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, etc. The answer to the second part is more difficult. **I found one mastery point where I was standing on the icon in the map, but it said that it was 12K above me... and there was only sky.** That is an issue.


If you are talking about the Mastery Point I think you are talking about...it appears to need the special skill of a mount you obtain later in the game. I got high enough up some cliffs to be able to see what was up there, and how I'd need to get there.

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Nothing of value should ever be "easy to access" per se. I just finished map no. 4 (Vabbi) and already have all four standard mounts maxed and still enough MP left. Now that they are maxed, I can go catch the remaining MP on maps 1-3. And they are _all_ fun to get, so that is my reward.


I don't know why some people want it "too easy". ;) Where is the fun and reward in that? At least this is not a tedious grind void of fun like HoT was.

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Because every other area ive gone to the mastery points are 100ft up in the air so cant be done with out the previous mounts or on quicksand etc. Gating the story behind mastery points is a terrible design. GW2 is supposed to be a casual friendly game,i dont have the patience after working all day to try doing the chef , the games supposed to be fun not frustrating to the point i no longer want to play it.

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I hated them in HoT and i think i hate them even more now.. Masteries are not content they are a grind wall that gates off content behind silly dumb tasks. I couldn't get all the Hot ones before i lost my cool with them And i am sure i'll not get the PoF ones only the ones i have to get and anything beyond that is a bonus nothing more. I'd prefer the level cap increased and i get them at certain levels than playing a game of hide and seek around the map or playing some dumb adventure. Or better yet let me sink my gold into the problem to make it go away.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:


> I really need to look at the other achievements that give points.


^This. If you look at your achievement list, almost every achievement for the first zone (Crystal Oasis) has an AP attached to it. Some of them are incredibly easy, albeit time consuming. By the time I was ready for the Jackal, was prepared. Like others, though, there needs to be more to do to get the exp necessary.


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The amount of easily accessible mastery points in PoF is absurd already. The only reason why people might feel otherwise is that the needed experience amount has been lowered so much (a max lvl mastery now costs ~600k XP while in HoT it was arround 5.000k) that people max them very quickly and as such start looking for the next mastery points way faster. While casual players took months to max HoT and core masteries most players finished the 4 basic one in PoF in a matter of days.


This is obviously no accident, but simply means that the role masteries are supposed to play has shifted from a somewhat long-term-progression system to a system that allows players to unlock the mount realated abilities during a single playtrough. Why do I still bring this up? People need to keep in mind that masteries are still supposed to be some kind of progressio nsystem otherwise they coudl jsut throw the mounts and abilities at us from the get-go. Part of this system is that while some abilities are convinient and cool and maybe necessary for some hidden content, they usually aren't especially in earlier maps. The OP is plain wrong when he/she states that they need the lvl3 masterie of the springer to collect the shards in this story step.


What I'm really curious about is how ANet will keep developing the masteriesystem. It was in an odd palce before and PoF did little to fix this. While the roel it playes with mounts workes to a degree (its pretty much a non mechanic for many people) it is unclear how it is supposed to work o any future masteries that arn't mounts and if it ever really will fucntion as a "mid-term horizontal progression system".

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