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Infinite Volatile Magic Gathering Tools


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If I had to bet, I'd guess they'll be out in Fall 2018.


* Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools were added on [23 May 2017](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Unbound_Magic_Gathering_Tools#Trivia)

* Flashpoint (LS3.5) launched on [2 May 2017](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World_Season_3#Dates_of_free_access)


If ANet sticks to that pattern (of a single occurrence), then we shouldn't expect the volatile equivalent to be available for at least 4-8 months from now.



Reason that ANet might stick to that schedule? They probably want us motivated to do things in the current maps, as much a possible. They'd probably also like us to acquire v-magic more "naturally". Plus, we already have access to heart vendors who sell limited-use versions.


Reasons that might not matter? These would be a good item to encourage gem spending, especially after the March sales are over. Plus, they've had plenty of opportunity to see how the unbound tools affect user habits, and maybe they'll see it makes sense to release them sooner in the LS4 schedule, rather than towards the end.


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