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5 man queue season 11 trial

Crab Fear.1624

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Check this out for those that think teams are not part of the core GW spirit.


[Official Introduction of PvP Leagues](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-pvp-leagues/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-pvp-leagues/")


[Official Introduction of PvP Teams](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-pvp-guild-teams/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-pvp-guild-teams/")


And a couple picture screens I just took. The last one is the best. The devs took the words out of my mouth.


![](https://i.imgur.com/qrA8kKx.png "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/j6rLjxy.png "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/vIuQvL9.png "")



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Check this out for those that think teams are not part of the core GW spirit.


> [Official Introduction of PvP Leagues](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-pvp-leagues/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-pvp-leagues/")


> [Official Introduction of PvP Teams](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-pvp-guild-teams/ "https://guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-pvp-guild-teams/")


> And a couple picture screens I just took. The last one is the best. The devs took the words out of my mouth.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/qrA8kKx.png "")


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/j6rLjxy.png "")


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/vIuQvL9.png "")



joke was on us i suppose lol


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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> oh man


> ive written so much about this. so many arguments, so many posts- but i just get the ‘you want to farm solos you scrub’ responses so i get jaded. but it’s a nice hot morning in the Netherlands, so before i go off & get some green trees ill whip something up for y’all.




> there is this notion propagated by solo queue players, that teams are an arduous difficult thing to form. they actually aren’t at all. it’s actually pitifully easy if you take initiative. just like how people think it’s hard to make friends, when in reality it’s very easy.


> hold tight, ima lay out a step by step guide for how a forever alone solo queuer can become a team queue chad in under three games.


> 1. yo ask in map chat? say youre a silver holosmith, maybe ask around see if anyone wants to party up.

> 2. queue up for your first team regardless of if you were able to successfully able to whisper up some teammates.

> 3. examine the players on both teams. are any of them playing well? saying nice things on chat? or maybe they just have a funny name?

> 4. whisper those dudes you liked, invite those pals to party up.

> 5. queue for more games & repeat steps 1 to 4


> in under 3 games you should be able to recruit a team, well providing that you’re not a toxic human being who sprays chat hate- no one will want to play w you then.


> back when i used to play it would mostly be with a set trio (me & two guildies) & two subs we would pick up in matches or from our friends lists. it was good times, pretty easy getting two subs for the team too.


> the really cool thing about forming teams like this, is you end up with an active friend list of players you like who you can invite in the future. you end up with a community of players that you can easily whisper for partys. maybe this could even lead to y’all forming a pvp guild, that would be rad.


> so now, you’ve got people to play with. you can avoid the frustrations caused by the matchmaker, the afks, toxic chat, bad comps & wintrading. but there’s actually a bunch of hidden benefits too.


> this is because this behaviour effects the community culture if done by enough players. huh? what does that mean you ask?


> well buddy, i’ll explain. now if people start forming teams as i suggest above it will have a community impact, why? because people make the connection between being on a team & winning, so they want to join teams. so what does this mean? it means people no longer want to afk or be super toxic in chat, because they want to be invited to teams too.


> it’s simple human group psychology. a system that rewards cooperation is going to punish people who can’t cooperate by exclusion, thus enforcing a standard of conduct on the community. however a community where cooperation is forbidden is going to be unable to punish antisocial behaviour, & due to the antisocial nature of the community this behaviour is going to most likely become the norm.


> yeah, so in short a community where team queue is popular is going to be a lot less toxic than one that is full solo.


> now i could extrapolate about how this all relates to population growth & decline, but i have in the past, & honestly i think it’s pretty obvious- plus the drop in pvp population speaks for itself.


> so ah, TLDR: I just want to farm solos & need to be lynched ;) B)


This is the best post that describe the state of pvp perfectly and how to fix it.

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> oh man


> ive written so much about this. so many arguments, so many posts- but i just get the ‘you want to farm solos you scrub’ responses so i get jaded. but it’s a nice hot morning in the Netherlands, so before i go off & get some green trees ill whip something up for y’all.




> there is this notion propagated by solo queue players, that teams are an arduous difficult thing to form. they actually aren’t at all. it’s actually pitifully easy if you take initiative. just like how people think it’s hard to make friends, when in reality it’s very easy.


> hold tight, ima lay out a step by step guide for how a forever alone solo queuer can become a team queue chad in under three games.


> 1. yo ask in map chat? say youre a silver holosmith, maybe ask around see if anyone wants to party up.

> 2. queue up for your first team regardless of if you were able to successfully able to whisper up some teammates.

> 3. examine the players on both teams. are any of them playing well? saying nice things on chat? or maybe they just have a funny name?

> 4. whisper those dudes you liked, invite those pals to party up.

> 5. queue for more games & repeat steps 1 to 4


> in under 3 games you should be able to recruit a team, well providing that you’re not a toxic human being who sprays chat hate- no one will want to play w you then.


> back when i used to play it would mostly be with a set trio (me & two guildies) & two subs we would pick up in matches or from our friends lists. it was good times, pretty easy getting two subs for the team too.


> the really cool thing about forming teams like this, is you end up with an active friend list of players you like who you can invite in the future. you end up with a community of players that you can easily whisper for partys. maybe this could even lead to y’all forming a pvp guild, that would be rad.


> so now, you’ve got people to play with. you can avoid the frustrations caused by the matchmaker, the afks, toxic chat, bad comps & wintrading. but there’s actually a bunch of hidden benefits too.


> this is because this behaviour effects the community culture if done by enough players. huh? what does that mean you ask?


> well buddy, i’ll explain. now if people start forming teams as i suggest above it will have a community impact, why? because people make the connection between being on a team & winning, so they want to join teams. so what does this mean? it means people no longer want to afk or be super toxic in chat, because they want to be invited to teams too.


> it’s simple human group psychology. a system that rewards cooperation is going to punish people who can’t cooperate by exclusion, thus enforcing a standard of conduct on the community. however a community where cooperation is forbidden is going to be unable to punish antisocial behaviour, & due to the antisocial nature of the community this behaviour is going to most likely become the norm.


> yeah, so in short a community where team queue is popular is going to be a lot less toxic than one that is full solo.


> now i could extrapolate about how this all relates to population growth & decline, but i have in the past, & honestly i think it’s pretty obvious- plus the drop in pvp population speaks for itself.


> so ah, TLDR: I just want to farm solos & need to be lynched ;) B)


You should make this its own thread. You nailed it.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> I voted yes, but only if the 5 man ques are only paired against other 5 man ques.



I just wanted to say that this is what I meant. I would not want to play against pugs and waste my time either. Thanks for the response, and I apologize for not acknowledging it sooner.

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I votes yes as a mostly solo-queing-player. Why are Most ppl solo-queing? Because you can't group up properly.

As someone said before: it's a 5v5 Team vs Team mode. And what a wonder: you should also be ranked for your team skills. If we would allow ppl to team up they would do it and therefore most ppl would be attached by the ATs.

But we have to allow team-queing under a few circumstances:


No solo-que-player should be forced into premade teams. That said before you enter the que you should allow/Not allow queing against groups/teams where you can say which is the biggest matchup you wanna face. That said you can say you only wanna face solos/solos+duos/solos+duos+trios etc. So If you Start queing you tick a box where the max groupsize you want to face is given. Of course you have to wait longer for some matchups but you have the Options. Maybe implement Something like bronze can't que with plat/leg and if you group-que the min-level of your opponents is the highest-groupmember-level -1 (this could be Rank in generell or division like Platinum 1 e.g.) so that a group with 1 silver and 1 plat Player counts as plat or gold for the que.


Eventually group queing would be better IMO but you have to implement restricitions like those I mentioned.

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