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34 GB downloaded so far, still unplayable.

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Hello, I have been trying to download the client for the past 24 hours with no success.

Apparently it is downloading a 34 Gb (still downloading) file to infinity. Launcher says theres 340.503 files left and its stuck with that number.

Check ScreenShot Below (Spanish):


Launcher Screenshot: ![](http://oi66.tinypic.com/sf9bx2.jpg "")



I have tried to:

- Reboot the Launcher

- Reboot the Launcher (repair mode)

- Change the Language.


System Specs: ![](http://oi66.tinypic.com/33pbnuu.jpg "")


Speedtest Status: ![](http://oi63.tinypic.com/4j73t5.jpg "")


Appreciate the help in advance.

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You may need to use a VPN. This happens when something modifies what GW2's is downloading (or interrupts it), such as security software blocking the URL, adware injecting ads, or your ISP.


Delete the file %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat, and try using the following option when running GW2:



This IP changes frequently, so if it fails to connect, look up the IP by opening a command prompt (cmd.exe) and entering:

nslookup origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com


For more information, use the -log option, which will log what GW2 is trying to download to %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.log.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> You may need to use a VPN. This happens when something modifies what GW2's is downloading (or interrupts it), such as security software blocking the URL, adware injecting ads, or your ISP.


> Delete the file %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat, and try using the following option when running GW2:

> -assetsrv


> This IP changes frequently, so if it fails to connect, look up the IP by opening a command prompt (cmd.exe) and entering:

> nslookup origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com


> For more information, use the -log option, which will log what GW2 is trying to download to %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.log.


Thanks for the hasty reply Healix! sadly I am using the mac OSX version of the game so I don't know how to apply the workaround you suggested.

But here is a screenshot of all the folder contents I see:

![](http://oi66.tinypic.com/6rlp9u.jpg "")


Alternatively I have tried to delete the Gw2.dat file and had the Launcher download it again, but it still gets stuck at 29% (1% before playable) and keeps downloading a never-ending ghost file just like before.

Launcher Screenshot v2: ![](http://oi68.tinypic.com/1ewhs3.jpg "")


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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> Skip to using a VPN. Support recommends proXPN as a free one.


> How to use a command line on Mac:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments


> Local.dat is probably located here:

> ~/Library/Application Support/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat


Healix, I googled the equivalent of appdata on the mac and it seems to be the Library like you said, however, I do not see any folders related to Guild Wars 2, nor the Local.dat in there.

About the command lines guide you linked me, they require me to find the following file:




Sadly this file is also nowhere to be found within the Resources folder (I do have the option to see all the hidden files turned on), I am assuming it hasn´t been downloaded yet? Resources only contains Gw2.dat and Gw2.tmp (see Contents Folder screenshot in previous post).


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CiderSettings.plist is the old 32-bit client, which is no longer supported. Use the 64-bit terminal command or Settings.json.

/Applications/Guild\ Wars\ 2\ 64-bit.app/Contents/MacOS/GuildWars2 -log -assetsrv


Local.dat is one of the first files created, at least for Windows, since it contains a list of all the files that are needed. You can try searching the entire computer for it; it's alternative location should be ~/Documents/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat.


Note that using a VPN is almost always required to solve this problem.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> CiderSettings.plist is the old 32-bit client, which is no longer supported. Use the 64-bit terminal command or Settings.json.

> /Applications/Guild\ Wars\ 2\ 64-bit.app/Contents/MacOS/GuildWars2 -log -assetsrv


> Local.dat is one of the first files created, at least for Windows, since it contains a list of all the files that are needed. You can try searching the entire computer for it; it's alternative location should be ~/Documents/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat.


> Note that using a VPN is almost always required to solve this problem.


Healix, according to what you've suggested above heres how the terminal window is looking like:


Terminal Screenshot: ![](http://oi63.tinypic.com/dli87o.jpg "")


I started the download all over again via command, let me know if I did it right (idk if those "broken kqueues" are normal). I will let you know wether or not it gets stuck in limbo download again.


Secondly, the proXPN VPN download link from their website seems unresponsive, I have tried from different browsers but I can't get myself to download it, could you confirm if the mac download link is still functional? Thanks!


PS: Still no sign of Local.dat in the directories you mentioned (not even the Guild Wars 2 folders) I have searched the entire computer and not a single match.

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> @"Ebon.8547" said:

> Secondly, the proXPN VPN download link from their website seems unresponsive, I have tried from different browsers but I can't get myself to download it, could you confirm if the mac download link is still functional?


It works (http://download.proxpn.com/proXPN-MacOSX-10.7- / http://updater.proxpn1.netdna-cdn.com/proXPN-MacOSX-10.7-


Try pinging it to see if you can reach the server. Using the terminal:

ping download.proxpn.com


If the ping fails, try looking up the IP, then again with Google's DNS to compare:

nslookup download.proxpn.com

nslookup download.proxpn.com


If it fails to ping and both IPs are the same, there's a routing problem and you simply can't reach the server. If the IPs are different, your DNS is outdated.


If the ping succeeds, something is preventing you from downloading the file specifically. Ensure your firewall/security software isn't the cause, then complain to your ISP.


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Just for the heads up, I have downloaded the client from my MacBook Pro with no issues and transferred the client to the iMac.


Just as Healix stated It was probably something regarding my iMac´s IP that somehow prevented me from reaching specific arenanet server IPs while reaching others without any problem. I still haven´t figured out how to fix the issue. But my main problem which was getting the client is solved.


Thanks guys.

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