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Constant disconnects during Story instances

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Well, my alt got back into the game -- in Rata Sum where she started. Apparently she got reset to her home city, and lost everything she had done during that online session. Then when I tried to start doing my dailies again, she crashed again. So basically, I'm done for the night because I don't want to get all my characters locked out and lose everything I work on. This is not acceptable, ANet. A game this old should not be having such problems anymore.

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Yesterday was my 1st full day back in GW2 after about a year hiatus, was great with flawless game play.


Today you guy are really having some problems with the servers as the DC's have been rampant all day long. Not just in story instances, but in cities and open zones as well.

Hope this is a top priority for a fix with your crew for as you can see by this thread, people really dont like constant interruptions.


If its any help, every time I get DC, I can log right back on to the character select, but for 5-10 min after the DC I get a dialog box suggesting my network is down.

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Don't bother trying it now... i just tried the story intance "Be My Guest" and got kicked out of it.

I'm getting tired of this happening with every release. How much time does it take them to learn or come up with working solutions?

I love playing GW2 but this puts a big dampener on my willingness to play.

Strangely enough though: certain streamers seem to be immune to disconnects...

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Same problem here. For me it all started after the new update. Constantly getting DC with a msg saying connection error & to check my network. This happened whilst playing the new story so I gave up and went into WvW but same thing there too. When I DC it takes me about 4-5 times to be able to log back in. This is becoming a joke.

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> @"PixelJaeger.2403" said:

> Don't bother trying it now... i just tried the story intance "Be My Guest" and got kicked out of it.


Yep, that's where I keep getting kicked too. Have made it to the gate 3 times but no further. But the last 2 times I seem to get mid bridge and then disconnected.

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> @"ChuddaCHOO.4723" said:

> *snip* When I DC it takes me about 4-5 times to be able to log back in. This is becoming a joke.


I'm starting to think that this is made so on purpose. Would make sense though (taking a bit load of the server by not letting people try to connect for a certain amount of time).

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Hey, y'all. Please be aware that the disconnect issues in this thread and distinct from the issues around the launch of this patch. If your problems only started with LS4 Ep 3, a new thread (or just being patient, as ANet work on it) is the appropriate place.


The thread is about a problem that hits some players, causing disconnects unrelated to server issues, unlike the current pain.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...


I came back to GW2 after a long time.. i wanted to enjoy this since vanilla was awesome.. however i bought the two expansions and i cant pass these cutscenes..


I tried to play trought the storyline.. NO CHANCE.. i get disconnected A LOT.. and i think i am in the final mission of the first expansion.. it was a pain to come this far.. i have to kill the dragon at Orr.. of course it has become impossible to go on here as this mission has A LOT of cutscenes.. so chances of getting disconnected here are very high. i tried for two days in a row now.. i tried at least 30 times each day.. and i have no patience left anymore for this crap.. i am so frustrated with this.. i came so far once (i had to throw stones into some fat monster's mouth and he then becomes vunerable dont know the name of the boss) however.. after that fight a non skippable cutscene happens.. AND I GOT DISCONNECTED AGAIN!! I am angry and frustrated beyond myself!


So yeah here i am with recently bought expasion packs worth 100$ that i cant even play

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

It has been happening to me for years almost always just before getting the reward.


If it were a problem with an internet connection, the problem would be occurring more randomly in the story, not just the reward section.


Reducing your graphics or minimizing are "work around"s, not solutions.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had this issue a few times in the past, which was resolved by a re-log, or a patch that was waiting to download for me. But this time the problem persists. Going on five failed attempts at my Icebrood Saga: Bound by Blood. I complete where I get back to my companions, and then the game disconnects me. I even went to bed last night, hoping that it might have been resolved, or a patch had come my way. But nope. Still booted me out again this morning. It's a little frustrating, as issues like these tend to discourage me from pursuing my story quests, and I get left further behind the pack of players who are already advancing well past me.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like this is an over 2 year old issue, been fighting with these disconnects almost always at the final cutscenes of an instance during the Personal Story. Why do we not have 'bookmarks' within the instances yet, so at least if you do get dropped you can have the majority of the story completed when you return. Or keep the instance alive for 5-10 minutes so we have an opportunity to re-enter it.

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Same. I actually can't do any new story instances now due to this. I just cant get myself to fight through a 30 minute story just to get DCd at the cutscene.

Like others, i'm months behind in the story and there's no catching up because I can't actually progress.

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