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Anyone else dislike Scourge? Why?


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I love Scourge. It has noticeably higher dps than the other necro specs that came before it. It's defensive abilities are woefully undertuned however. It chugs life force. On single target bosses that don't spawn adds you will use more life force than you can generate. The Scourge heal (forgot the name) gives a weak heal but comes with a generous barrier. However, barrier starts to decay very fast. Combined with the massive cast time of the heal (0.75 seconds) I'm finding it hard to utilize it in a fashion where I can reliably cast it on reflex against faster attacks. The cooldown on the Scourge elite is also very long for what it offers.

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In PvP I love it but that's probably because it's OP and really only kept in check by the even more OP SB.


In PvE it's a clunky mess. Sure it's "effective" but it feels just awful to play. Hell punishments are casted pretty much solely for sadistic searing... it's pretty sad when utility skills with medium cooldowns aren't even cast for their primary function. Or trying to keep shades on top of enemies that run and charge all over the place? The hoverboarding forged seem like they were made as a dev joke at our expense.

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> @Drekor.5217 said:

> In PvP I love it but that's probably because it's OP and really only kept in check by the even more OP SB.


> In PvE it's a clunky mess. Sure it's "effective" but it feels just awful to play. Hell punishments are casted pretty much solely for sadistic searing... it's pretty sad when utility skills with medium cooldowns aren't even cast for their primary function. Or trying to keep shades on top of enemies that run and charge all over the place? The hoverboarding forged seem like they were made as a dev joke at our expense.


I agree about this utilities. As whole they feel lackluster. The heal and Trail of Anguish are great, but the rest... Dessicate is weak, need to give at least 2-3% LF per foe(up to 5) on top of what it does, and maybe a little bit more damage. Sand Swell is ok, but should be stun break and/or faster cast. Serpent Siphon, very weak with decent barrier, but also very situational... The elite... useless in PvE. I understand its pvp oriented, but it also can be split into pvp/pve...

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I hate Scourge for certain reasons. Not saying it's bad but it's just not me.

1. No shroud.

2. Way too supportive

3. Glasscannon


Scourge is really awesome in the damage division, but I feel like my necro went from rushing through enemies all Dyanasty Warriors style to now Dark Souls with an OP weapon... yet slow to make it that surviving is really tough unless you play a bit more of a supportive role.

Note: not saying Scourge is slow, just couldn't think of how a weapon would be op and you still dying in Dark Souls.

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i'm not letting go of my reaper yet. and i'm not sure if i'll let it go ever.

i don't say scourge is bad but i don't like the fact that it leans towards condis too much. i like that reaper spec is good for both condi and power, however you want to spec it. but for scourge, it feels like the power side is an orphan while the condi side is a favorite child.

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