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Soon Arkk CM 100 solo full viper

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Maybe I'm just not seeing it, but how are you eating corporeal reassignment and living to tell the tale?


I think it's a combination of high base health, barrier, and the Unholy Sanctuary GM trait (I don't play necro much so idk for sure).


The youtube comments note that the defeated holosmith in the party goes from 3% health to 0% health after the last cut (the last 38% of Arkk isn't shown), and that the order of icons next to his portrait changed. Still impressive though, if everything else up to that point was legit.

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OP heavily edited the video, literally skipping boss hp from 40% to 1%. They did this to make a cool montage. I appreciate the effort to make the video more entertaining for the general audience. Adding music, and neat visuals, its great for growing the gw2 brand. However, I believe for this to be taken seriously, a non-edited version needs to be made available as well.


When that druid first soloed cairn, they put up the entire 4 hour video. That is the level of proof to expect.

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> @"Lord Hizen.5918" said:

> sorry for this will reupload the video soon without edit


I am sad to hear this, you clearly put a lot of work into editing the original to make it more interesting. I wish you would simply make the non-editted version available too.

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