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ETA On the Fishing Event?

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Out of curiosity, do the Devs have any sort of estimated time of completion for fixing the bugs associated with the Sandswept Isles fishing event? It's the only recording I need to get to finish my backpack and I'm sure I'm not the only one on it. Any sort of information ANET could give us would be awesome! It's kinda crummy knowing the only thing keeping you from an ascended backpack is a bug no one is talking about...

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Most likely with SAB release which is soon:


Posted Guild Wars 2 > News > PvP League Season 11, Balance Updates, and Super Adventure Festival

From March 29 to April 19, Moto will open the portal to his greatest achievement, the Super Adventure Box, for the annual Super Adventure Festival! Get ready to jump around.

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Balance patch is Tuesday so I'm guessing the fix will go out then. SAB starts on Thursday, but festivals are no longer activated and deactivated via patches so there is no reason to think the fix will wait until SAB activation . . .


I too am disappointed that getting the fix out wasn't given a higher priority, and I was surprised to go the whole week without any information on it. But I understand that there are a lot of other collections that are stalled by bugged events and have been waiting longer than we have for a fix. I guess the reason I thought this one might get a higher priority is that it's linked to the new ep/zone so I imagine it's affecting a lot more ppl, but I don't actually know. On gw2efficiency, only about 16% of the players who have completed the step before the ascended back have also completed the ascended back, but ofc that is not an accurate representation of all players and not everyone who got to the second to last step would have bothered to finish the ascended back as well . . .


In general I feel like I'm a fairly patient sort about this kind of thing and it is just a back it's not a huge deal, but the apparent lack of urgency on this one has been a little frustrating :/

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