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Chilling Darkness. Why hasn't it been returned to its original state?


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Necromancers do not have nearly enough blinds to justify that 3 second internal cooldown.

To those that say "Well of Darkness" was overpowered if used alongside that trait, it is untrue. (And how can a **single ability** justify that nerf?)

Well of Darkness is one of the weakest utility skills in the necromancer's kit. I have never seen it used except when Reaper's trait "Deathly chill" made chill deal actual damage. Not apply some bleeds. That short time was the only time I saw that well be used.

Back then, as soon chill was applied, it could deal 900 damage instantly, and then every second. The nerf was justified back then, but now that it makes chill apply 3 bleeds, and that scourge is the proper condie class anyway, I do not see why it has not been reversed!


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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> I'd be fine with a 1s icd. That way it would make well of darkness good again, but not too powerful when used alongside Deathly Swarm, Death's Charge and Nightfall.

> *and Shadow Fiend


Those abilities all have decent cooldowns (Except for death's charge 5 second). So it probably wouldnt even be a problem with those


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Honestly ive never looked at the trait chilling darkness as per how many blinds I had in my kit usually how often I could convert fury into blind using corruptions on my foe. Most other professions will almost always have fury uptime so its not hard to pop that into a blind which will trigger the chill trait (depending on how many evades/invluns) they have.


So while i do think the icd is a bit high at the same time perhaps this is why anet changed it. Not to mention at the time it would probably make reaper chill theme pointless.

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I want my blind = chill = bleed back too..


removal of signets was nerf enough for those builds in pvp


But synergy and diversity don't sell.

A specialization that overshadows core does.


But some extra blinds and/or corruption pulse on GS 4 or WoD would be nice.

also mechanic should be looked at. blind application when entering the well doesn't seem to work for players leaping into the area of effect.

I'd even wonder if replacing the "pulse" with "upon entering" would work.

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_Chilling darkness_ was nerfed for the same reason that players complains about the scourge. It make any skill that apply blind into a condi bomb and condi bombs aren't healthy for the game.


Seriously, blind to chill to vuln and bleed... this is already to much. The ICD is there to keep this in check because it's to dangerous in PvP/WvW (thought, it's negligible in PvE but anet don't care for this gamemode when it come to the necromancer)

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> _Chilling darkness_ was nerfed for the same reason that players complains about the scourge. It make any skill that apply blind into a condi bomb and condi bombs aren't healthy for the game.


> Seriously, blind to chill to vuln and bleed... this is already to much. The ICD is there to keep this in check because it's to dangerous in PvP/WvW (thought, it's negligible in PvE but anet don't care for this gamemode when it come to the necromancer)

Plus bleed is only on reaper, and is rarely taken among reaper players.

If it were scourge, the well would be a CC tool, not a damaging one. It does have a decent cooldown of 35 seconds (28 if traited, which is unlikely, since they would have to give up either the chill on blind, or the vuln on chill).

Plus, wells do not cover an area as large as a "Sand savant" scourge's shade (Those shades have a radius of 300, while wells have a radius of 240), which makes them easier to avoid and escape.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> _Chilling darkness_ was nerfed for the same reason that players complains about the scourge. It make any skill that apply blind into a condi bomb and condi bombs aren't healthy for the game.


> Seriously, blind to chill to vuln and bleed... this is already to much. The ICD is there to keep this in check because it's to dangerous in PvP/WvW (thought, it's negligible in PvE but anet don't care for this gamemode when it come to the necromancer)


I liked the original chill trait which would have made chilling darkness strong but not out of control strong like it is with the bleed attached and seeing snowflakes pop out of people was oddly satisfying.

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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > _Chilling darkness_ was nerfed for the same reason that players complains about the scourge. It make any skill that apply blind into a condi bomb and condi bombs aren't healthy for the game.

> >

> > Seriously, blind to chill to vuln and bleed... this is already to much. The ICD is there to keep this in check because it's to dangerous in PvP/WvW (thought, it's negligible in PvE but anet don't care for this gamemode when it come to the necromancer)

> Plus bleed is only on reaper, and is rarely taken among reaper players.

> If it were scourge, the well would be a CC tool, not a damaging one. It does have a decent cooldown of 35 seconds (28 if traited, which is unlikely, since they would have to give up either the chill on blind, or the vuln on chill).

> Plus, wells do not cover an area as large as a "Sand savant" scourge's shade (Those shades have a radius of 300, while wells have a radius of 240), which makes them easier to avoid and escape.


Well, the issue is condi bomb, not the area covered (people are mistaken about one thing, the strength of the scourge is not the area it cover, it's strength is it's ability to have on demand condi bombs, F2-F4 would be insignifiant skills without the condi bomb that they proc and players would just leave the shade when F5 is used). The cool down is there to tune down the condi bomb. This is a love hate relationship between anet and necromancer's traits. Anet like to give the necromancer traits that proc conditions on other condition, then forum say: "Stop necro cancer!!!" which lead anet put an ICD to soothe things.


Anet just seem to have a hard time refraining itself from giving such traits. Look, the last one was _dread_ which can potentially make scourge's F4 apply: cripple, 2 stacks of torment, fear and 10 vuln stacks.


On reaper, you can make a single fear apply chill, torment, bleed, 13 vuln stack and on top of that make fear deal damage.


All those condi bombs need to be kept in check. for fear, it's easy because no skill pulse it. But for blind, there is a need for and ICD.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> Simply put, because ANet NEVER reverts nerfs. They always try to find something else to change instead.


It is more emotionally satisfying to break something new to make it better than admit to breaking something previously and putting it back together.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > Simply put, because ANet NEVER reverts nerfs. They always try to find something else to change instead.


> Because admitting your mistakes makes you WEAK! WEAK and EMOTIONAL! Human, even! We can't have that, can we?


ANet: "INDEED! It is absolutely impossible for us admit mistakes that we never committed. How dare you call us human! We are a machine! A sentient compared to you all. Using the guild wars franchise we have obtained thousands of mindless followers who continue enter our brainwashing tool you call Guild Wars 2 even after all the shit we've thrown at them. Someday we will conquer the world and rule over all of you lower lifeforms!! We will summon the gods and elder dragons from the universe we created and use them as pets to keep you lower lifeforms in line! ((MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!))"

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