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[PvP] The Soulbeast meta build discussion


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So, i tried the premade build suggested by Anet, the "bruiser". I can't see the point of that build,actually. Poor damage and survivability, clunky mobility and 0 support.

Then i moved to other builds, but i dunno, i feel like the spec is missing something.

This is my build for now: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnEqAN8itsAOsActglJBrJA84mA592fbx1pyNryclsoDA-jpxHQBib/BAcBA+2RAohHCA6VGQZPAAA

I've tried it only in 1 v 1 and unranked, but i think there's some potential. Good lockdown capabilities, decaps, some support through resistance and swiftness, nice rezzes, unblockable hits, mobility. Nothing special really, you need to kite a lot against condi builds. Also i'm not sure about the pets.

Have you found something that can actually compete in this meta guys?


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I only played Soulbeast in the beta weekend, and I decided not to buy PoF yet. It had some nice damage options while being tankier than standard power ranger, but with all the condi's flying around it can get hard to do actually something meaningful in a game. Scourges, firebrands, some holosmiths, mirages, some renegades... all pretty much condi orientated. You gonna miss Druidic Clarity, thats for sure.

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The issue is I don't think and really understands how much condition spam there is in the game. Usually I find issues with their builds lacking basic cleanse. Anyways tweaked up the build for you try this build instead.


A few notes, meld with bear when you want burst and have to fight a gaurd or warrior, it's got pretty low cd invulns so you can get up there and brawl with the rest of em. (Basically full counter go fuck yourself) meld with gazelle for mobility and interrupts also does insane damage on not moving targets, I just use it for the interrupts the f2 skill is fantastic in beast mode) however I really like the tree pet too since it gives cleanse and resistance


Paladin is great but consider maurader or demolisher for more burst after you get a handle on it) I switched second skin to to essense of speed simply because I really like boon boost. Remember your heal is going to be your biggest sense of cleanse so feel free to go ham on it


Also dolyack stance has a pretty okay cd so don't be afraid to use it in team fights, between that and unflinching fortitude and the stomp is basically yours ( out side of a necro bomb on top of the down)



Condition builds are insane right now so make sure your on your toes, this build dosnt seem to do well in condition heavy team fights (with boon rip I'm not




I also want to remake my old trooper remorsless burst build, however I'm trying to think how to get around to cleansing properly

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The stances I can't get to work in any game mode, in pvp, there are better alternatives in every situation, in wvw, same case, in pve? irrelevant (does anyone know)? Also, why add a cast time to the heal and elite stance? Wasn't the whole thing with stances that they in fact, weren't spells and didn't have cast times? Like, the new elite stance from soulbeast lasts only 8 seconds with a 60s CD and shit damage output. Anyone any clue why they felt the need to then: add an internal CD AND add a cast time? Feels like the second expansion where ranger gets shit for an elite, useless in every single aspect except perhaps raids. Good thing is tho that unlike HoT, this time around our utilities appear to be useless aswell! In general I'm in LOVE with the pet melding and all that stuff, but the stances for utilities are boring, lackluster, shallow, don't fullfill any role in any area of the game that I enjoy (which is nearly all parts of the game) and I feel fairly disappointed that my class got new skills which I'm already probably never going to touch again...

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UPDATED BUILD: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAsYTjEqQLLWyCOsAXLWmEsmAwjbCk3b/tFXnKXFIzVy5SD-jpxHAB0XGw/DBw3HBAlPBAA8AAEf/BA

Still work in progress though. After the smokescale evade fix, finally we can get another evade on short cooldown. Sword/dagger is a really useful set especially when i need to kite warriors or when i get +1ed, so i dropped the greatsword. I really like the quickness form Quickening Zephyr, especially when i go beastmode (quickness + unblockable oh man). I'm not sure about the elite skill, maybe Entangle can be a good choice especially considering the #6 bonus from Leadership runes, but no stab. Maybe i will drop Lightning reflexes for Dolyak stance, since they both remove immobilize. Marauder amulet seems a strong choice in certain scenarios, but i prefer paladin to be more versatile against power specs. I will keep testing, tell me if you have better ideas :)

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