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Rank the profession land downed

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For me it's between ranger and warrior. Ranger because their pets can revive them, which is huge. Warriors because they get a second chance at life if they manage to down their enemies while using vengeance. I ultimately voted warrior because vengeance is a bit more versatile in my opinion. Even if you don't get to rally, sometimes using it is enough to save another downed ally. etc.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> For me it's between ranger and warrior. Ranger because their pets can revive them, which is huge. Warriors because they get a second chance at life if they manage to down their enemies while using vengeance. I ultimately voted warrior because vengeance is a bit more versatile in my opinion. Even if you don't get to rally, sometimes using it is enough to save another downed ally. etc.


As a warrior, i kinda disagree, atleast if talking about PvP and WvW.

Warrior 3 will never happen with a semi competent enemy, and warrior 2 is useless in most situations (especially against rangers, who have pets who block the hammer most the time)

Even if you do get the 3 to pop (which is the ultimate in desperation moves and should most the time be held until the last moment) will not amount to much unless you have a nearly unattended ally (as the enemy will just do as much damage to the downed as they can to keep the revive as you inevitably just have heart attack), kite you (heart attack)

In the extremely rare case that there is a downed enemy while you used provenance, you only have 25% chance (unless traited)to come back, which is almost its only actually useful moment outside of PvE (where it is great) which at best would put you into a mutual kill situation 75% of the time, which is better than them rallying.


But nothing in the kit will help you get to the vengeance, rally or even a better spot for being revived. It mist the the most easily countered downed state in the game as the main fuction can be removed by just leaving the warrior alone, unable to do almost anything once committed to the skill.

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* Best: **Necromancer** (you rarely ever die while drawing the life out of your nearest enemy) and **Warrior** (dealing so much damage with you downed skills that you are quickly back up on your feet).

* Worst: **Ranger** (by the time your stupid pet support skill becomes available you are already dead in most of the high-end post-core Tyria maps, as your pet can't kill an enemy by itself on said maps, especially when it's a mob, before it becomes wounded and stops attacking)

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Necromancer has the best downed skills, they deal heavy reliable damage while downed, have life steal, and do condition spread... when they go down it's rare for them to stay down.

Mesmer has the second best, due to their illusions, stealth, and teleport they can stay in the game quite effectively and are able to heal themselves back up with very little hassle.

Thief takes third, just like the mesmer their stealth and teleports make it easy to avoid being attacked while they heal back up, they also do some pretty heavy damage with their 1, surprisingly heavy in fact...

Ranger is in fourth, their attack ability while down is rather lacking, but due to their pet they can easily heal themselves back up and if things get tough they can call their pet over to heal them.

Guardian takes fifth, knock backs and self heals... damage is lacking but they can pretty reliably bring themselves back into the fight.

Elementalist takes sixth... they can do some reliable damage, but when it comes to keeping themselves alive long enough to rally, they are terrible at it...

Warrior and Engineer tie for last... their downed abilities are utterly useless...


No clue where to rank revenant... I've never seen their downed state since I couldn't ever stand to play the class...

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All downed skills are useless, the whole crap should just get deleted for PvP and WvW and instead raise the Base Health values of all Classes by like 10-15k as compensation.

That would also help out in balancing out the powercreep in GW2, making battles against smoother and last longer instead of getting too easily 1-2hit killed from certain way too broken bursty builds for which the whole Base Health System of GW2 is after 5 years now way too outdated for, cause these insane damages were never be part of the original class balance GW2 had 2012 under this old gameplay element of the 2012er Base health System.


the Downed System helps you only basicayl in the situations, where you luckily are in the situation, where are get your health to 0 and you have luckily a downed foe in your near which got downed before you, so that you can give that foe eventually the last strikes to defeat it, so that you can rally ...


But how oftenly does exactly that situation happen in PvP/WvW? No really so often, that it is worth it to keep this outdated gameplay mechanism.


I rather would have for my Class 5 utility Skills more, which I can use anytime i want, instead of these obsolete Downed Skills, which I can use only very situationally and are in 90% of all cases anyways just only wasted time, unless you got yourself into a situation, where you actually have a chance to rally, because you have an enemy at hit distance, that is in a more worse situation, than you.

Its over 2 years ago, since anet added for the gemstore finishing moves..so the stuff doesn't sell well either, they make no money with this stuff, which is why anet has focused themself so muhc on gliders, miniatures and soon surely too mount skins, cause these thigns sell themself good


I'd really love to see, how the game would play out, and be it even only for just a single day - like Aprils fools Day - ghow GW2 would feel like, if we woudl have for just one day no down mode anymore, therefore 5 new utility skilsl for each class and as compensation for the downed mode having everyone their Base health Values increased by 10-15k Health without any increases on skill damage, so that battles and fights actually will feel different now...

I'm pretty sure, after just that one day will everyone want, that anet never returns back to the old outdated system, simply because of havign more Max health and more universally useful utiloity skilsl tzo have is just better to have, than lesser health in a Game, that makes its whole combat system feel more unbalanced and ruined by powercreep due to everyone dealing too much damage than the 2012er base health system can handle by now and 5 very situational skills, which will mostly never safe you, unless you have some luck on your side.

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