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Aura slicer 8 sec cooldown does not synergy with fast hands, revert it or fix it.


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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > You have 2 option to deal with this:

> 3 options

> > 1.- Revert the Aura slicer cooldown to 6 sec

> > OR

> > 2.- Make [sun and Moon Style](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun_and_Moon_Style) the mastery trait for dagger that gives a 20% cooldown reduction on daggers.

> >

> OR

> You deal with it and continue on playing as usual

> they have yet to fully revert any changes they have ever pushed to release i wouldnt count on this one.




Thier solution would be to remove quick hands lol then there would be in sync :)

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > > > @"bLind.6278" said:

> > > > Dagger is dead, especially in PvP. Poor design is a way of life for Anet.

> > >

> > > you could see that from a mile away, dagger is absolutely useless, it just does not deal dmg anymore and has so little utility it is not worth using.

> > > I dropped dagger for axe in wvw for at least 2 weeks now because anet posted the patchnotes beforehand, and while it cripples your mobility it is still playable.

> > >

> > > I even started to play mesmer, because i seriously can't take the amount a opness they got anymore. Well i'll just wait what the best fotm build in wvw will be with this patch and gonna start playing that. soulbest looks tasty :) aswell as mesmer or maybe even deadeye, i will wait and see but warrior days for me are probably over.

> > >

> > > On topic: Aura slicer nerf was unjustified, seeing that it deals low dmg and has low utility and range, i could see the nerf in pvp because classes like holo also got the nerf hammer in pvp, but holo and and most other classes were not even touched in wvw while warrior with dagger was gutted.

> > >

> > > It is too much and i would really like to play core warrior again, because there is nothing left of spellbreaker except for fullcounter and you need that because otherwise you got only 4 seconds of stab every 40 seconds if you want to have condi cleanse. that stance nerf was so ridiculous and all it did was destroy core warrior and made it mandatory to play spellbreaker. Berserker is dead anyway, its simply time to switch class.

> >

> > core warri is better than sb, hands down, way more burst dmg with alot more dodge rolls to compensate for no full counter

> > id rather habe a reliable condi cleanse to effectively fight condi cancer, cleansing ire feels just do bad when you are blinded all day or they just dodge every of those telegraphed as hell burst skills, losing all your build up adrenalin and not losing a single condition


> blind and enemies avoiding your burst skills is not even the only downside to cleansing ire... you would have to give up last stand and thus your active pulsing stab lasts only 4 sec with 40 sec cd, you'd get ragdolled to no end in wvw.


> And core warri is not better than sb, maybe in pve where defense does not matter and dmg is everything (and even here golem dps is higher for sb than core), but core warri gets eaten alive by almost all other pof specs. only with double balanced stance and double endure pain vs a pure power build (like holo or soulbeast) would you have a chance and any condi user like scourge or mirage would demolish you in seconds. After the stance nerf core warri also loses to sb in a straight 1v1.


lol especially in 1v1 core is stronger than sb, in small scale and zerg fights sb has the upper hand, and fighting condi specs with both, core and sb is like fighting windmills, atleast something like condi mes and good scourges will wreck you anyways, regardless what you do

in duells i have way more success with core than sb, most ppl simply cancel their attacks to not hit into fc, and with the lack of burst those pesky slippy classes that need to be burst down like thief will just slowly wear you down

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> @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..


> Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol


Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.


What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:


Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.


What it is now:


Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.


It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..

> >

> > Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol


> Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.


> What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:


> Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.


> What it is now:


> Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.


> It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.


So... Wait. SPvP/WvW is about mindlessly following a specific rotation and not reacting to an ever-changing situation? No wonder I suck at it.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..

> >

> > Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol


> Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.


> What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:


> Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.


> What it is now:


> Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.


> It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.


y but thats only at the start of the fight.. after that it Always takes atleast 10 sec to be back on dagger..

If we count the first swaps on start (so you start on Xweapon > swap > wait 5sec on Yweapon > swap to Xagain.) then you can say that there are many other skills that doesnt sync with fast hands


.. all in all there is ZERO issue here because following a EXACT rotation is stupid anyways in PVP (dagger is pvp)

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> @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > > Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..

> > >

> > > Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol

> >

> > Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.

> >

> > What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:

> >

> > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.

> >

> > What it is now:

> >

> > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.

> >

> > It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.


> y but thats only at the start of the fight.. after that it Always takes atleast 10 sec to be back on dagger..

> If we count the first swaps on start (so you start on Xweapon > swap > wait 5sec on Yweapon > swap to Xagain.) then you can say that there are many other skills that doesnt sync with fast hands


> .. all in all there is ZERO issue here because following a EXACT rotation is stupid anyways in PVP (dagger is pvp)


Yea I know it's not an exact rotation each time, but I think that he starts his attack chain and ends his attack chain with aura slicer, so you're getting hit with it every 6 seconds (now 8), so he's finding it hard to do a little more song and dance in between his weapon swaps. That's the only way I can think of it, I'm only trying to guess how he plays SB, not how I play SB. So it is realistic if he does aura slicer at the beginning and end of a weapon swap, that it was getting an aura slicer every 6ish seconds.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > > Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..

> > >

> > > Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol

> >

> > Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.

> >

> > What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:

> >

> > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.

> >

> > What it is now:

> >

> > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.

> >

> > It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.


> So... Wait. SPvP/WvW is about mindlessly following a specific rotation and not reacting to an ever-changing situation? No wonder I suck at it.


Only if you're a mesmer. :wink:

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> >

> > So... Wait. SPvP/WvW is about mindlessly following a specific rotation and not reacting to an ever-changing situation? No wonder I suck at it.


> Only if you're a mesmer. :wink:


The Mesmers are the ever-changing situation, though!

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > >

> > > So... Wait. SPvP/WvW is about mindlessly following a specific rotation and not reacting to an ever-changing situation? No wonder I suck at it.

> >

> > Only if you're a mesmer. :wink:


> The Mesmers are the ever-changing situation, though!


Not the one shot ones, same fight every time.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > >

> > > > So... Wait. SPvP/WvW is about mindlessly following a specific rotation and not reacting to an ever-changing situation? No wonder I suck at it.

> > >

> > > Only if you're a mesmer. :wink:

> >

> > The Mesmers are the ever-changing situation, though!


> Not the one shot ones, same fight every time.


That sounds... Utterly boring.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > So... Wait. SPvP/WvW is about mindlessly following a specific rotation and not reacting to an ever-changing situation? No wonder I suck at it.

> > > >

> > > > Only if you're a mesmer. :wink:

> > >

> > > The Mesmers are the ever-changing situation, though!

> >

> > Not the one shot ones, same fight every time.


> That sounds... Utterly boring.


That's what most one shot builds are is a bunch of setup where you're following a rotation, and then you drop your bomb and hope it lands and then run like hell. At least that's how I try to run my perma stealth rifle deadeye what little I run it.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > > > Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..

> > > >

> > > > Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol

> > >

> > > Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.

> > >

> > > What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:

> > >

> > > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.

> > >

> > > What it is now:

> > >

> > > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.

> > >

> > > It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.

> >

> > y but thats only at the start of the fight.. after that it Always takes atleast 10 sec to be back on dagger..

> > If we count the first swaps on start (so you start on Xweapon > swap > wait 5sec on Yweapon > swap to Xagain.) then you can say that there are many other skills that doesnt sync with fast hands

> >

> > .. all in all there is ZERO issue here because following a EXACT rotation is stupid anyways in PVP (dagger is pvp)


> Yea I know it's not an exact rotation each time, but I think that he starts his attack chain and ends his attack chain with aura slicer, so you're getting hit with it every 6 seconds (now 8), so he's finding it hard to do a little more song and dance in between his weapon swaps. That's the only way I can think of it, I'm only trying to guess how he plays SB, not how I play SB. So it is realistic if he does aura slicer at the beginning and end of a weapon swap, that it was getting an aura slicer every 6ish seconds.


Well it wassnt ment for you ofc but for the OP. :)

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > > > Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..

> > > >

> > > > Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol

> > >

> > > Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.

> > >

> > > What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:

> > >

> > > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.

> > >

> > > What it is now:

> > >

> > > Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.

> > >

> > > It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.

> >

> > y but thats only at the start of the fight.. after that it Always takes atleast 10 sec to be back on dagger..

> > If we count the first swaps on start (so you start on Xweapon > swap > wait 5sec on Yweapon > swap to Xagain.) then you can say that there are many other skills that doesnt sync with fast hands

> >

> > .. all in all there is ZERO issue here because following a EXACT rotation is stupid anyways in PVP (dagger is pvp)


> Yea I know it's not an exact rotation each time, but I think that he starts his attack chain and ends his attack chain with aura slicer, so you're getting hit with it every 6 seconds (now 8), so he's finding it hard to do a little more song and dance in between his weapon swaps. That's the only way I can think of it, I'm only trying to guess how he plays SB, not how I play SB. So it is realistic if he does aura slicer at the beginning and end of a weapon swap, that it was getting an aura slicer every 6ish seconds.


An elite warrior knows how to play and take advantage of every single trait. Fast hands is one of those warrior traits that is meant to take advantage of the #2 skills because warrior is the profession with the least amount of skills. If you are using fast hands and you are not using #2 skills upon switching weapon then you are doing it wrong!

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That's how it should be. Aura Slicer having a 6 sec cooldown means Dagger is a straight up better weapon than Sword because it does more consistent damage while providing more leaps. Currently Dagger is balanced when compared to other power MH weapons. Axe provides more burst (although this weapon is a bit busted right now), Sword provides more mobility, and Dagger is a mix of both (also benefits from the enemy stacking boons)



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> @"nativity.3057" said:

> That's how it should be. Aura Slicer having a 6 sec cooldown means Dagger is a straight up better weapon than Sword because it does more consistent damage while providing more leaps. Currently Dagger is balanced when compared to other power MH weapons. Axe provides more burst (although this weapon is a bit busted right now), Sword provides more mobility, and Dagger is a mix of both (also benefits from the enemy stacking boons)




Do you even play warrior? There is this trait called [blademaster](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blademaster) which is the trait that makes you a master in swords and reduces the cooldown of all your sword skills by 20%.


We also have traits that makes you a master in X weapon. For example:

* Greatsword = [forceful greatsword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forceful_Greatsword)

* Hammer = [Merciless Hammer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merciless_Hammer)

* Mace = [sundering Mace](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sundering_Mace)

* Shield = [shield Master](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_Master)

* Rifle and harpoon = [Crack Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crack_Shot)

* Axe = [Axe Mastery](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axe_Mastery)

* Warhorn = [Quick Breathing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quick_Breathing)

* Longbow = [burning Arrows](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Burning_Arrows)

* Torch = [Heat the Soul](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heat_the_Soul)


Now, Spell breaker dagger is the only weapon that did not need a mastery line because 6 seconds on aura slicer was implied it was a mastered weapon. But with the cooldown increased to 8 seconds, spell breaker is not a master of daggers anymore. Anet needs to introduce a dagger mastery trait of 20% reduction or revert the nerf to aura slicer.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > That's how it should be. Aura Slicer having a 6 sec cooldown means Dagger is a straight up better weapon than Sword because it does more consistent damage while providing more leaps. Currently Dagger is balanced when compared to other power MH weapons. Axe provides more burst (although this weapon is a bit busted right now), Sword provides more mobility, and Dagger is a mix of both (also benefits from the enemy stacking boons)

> >

> >


> Do you even play warrior? There is this trait called [blademaster](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blademaster) which is the trait that makes you a master in swords and reduces the cooldown of all your sword skills by 20%.


> We also have traits that makes you a master in X weapon. For example:

> * Greatsword = [forceful greatsword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forceful_Greatsword)

> * Hammer = [Merciless Hammer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merciless_Hammer)

> * Mace = [sundering Mace](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sundering_Mace)

> * Shield = [shield Master](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_Master)

> * Rifle and harpoon = [Crack Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crack_Shot)

> * Axe = [Axe Mastery](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axe_Mastery)

> * Warhorn = [Quick Breathing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quick_Breathing)

> * Longbow = [burning Arrows](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Burning_Arrows)

> * Torch = [Heat the Soul](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heat_the_Soul)


> Now, Spell breaker dagger is the only weapon that did not need a mastery line because 6 seconds on aura slicer was implied it was a mastered weapon. But with the cooldown increased to 8 seconds, spell breaker is not a master of daggers anymore. Anet needs to introduce a dagger mastery trait of 20% reduction or revert the nerf to aura slicer.


You're linking traits that are barely used, especially in a Power build.

Blademaster is a trait in the Arms line, a traitline you won't take when playing Power in WvW.

What about Merciless Hammer? If you're going to complain about how every weapon has a mastery trait, what about this trait that was good before, but Anet decided to swap its location, making Hammer a lot weaker?


Do I even play Warrior? I should ask you the same question. The nerf from 6 sec to 8 sec on Aura Slicer didn't make Dagger a useless weapon. It made it in line with other base weapon. Crying about it on the forums won't help you learn to deal with the change.

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> @"nativity.3057" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > > That's how it should be. Aura Slicer having a 6 sec cooldown means Dagger is a straight up better weapon than Sword because it does more consistent damage while providing more leaps. Currently Dagger is balanced when compared to other power MH weapons. Axe provides more burst (although this weapon is a bit busted right now), Sword provides more mobility, and Dagger is a mix of both (also benefits from the enemy stacking boons)

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Do you even play warrior? There is this trait called [blademaster](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blademaster) which is the trait that makes you a master in swords and reduces the cooldown of all your sword skills by 20%.

> >

> > We also have traits that makes you a master in X weapon. For example:

> > * Greatsword = [forceful greatsword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forceful_Greatsword)

> > * Hammer = [Merciless Hammer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merciless_Hammer)

> > * Mace = [sundering Mace](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sundering_Mace)

> > * Shield = [shield Master](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_Master)

> > * Rifle and harpoon = [Crack Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crack_Shot)

> > * Axe = [Axe Mastery](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axe_Mastery)

> > * Warhorn = [Quick Breathing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quick_Breathing)

> > * Longbow = [burning Arrows](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Burning_Arrows)

> > * Torch = [Heat the Soul](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heat_the_Soul)

> >

> > Now, Spell breaker dagger is the only weapon that did not need a mastery line because 6 seconds on aura slicer was implied it was a mastered weapon. But with the cooldown increased to 8 seconds, spell breaker is not a master of daggers anymore. Anet needs to introduce a dagger mastery trait of 20% reduction or revert the nerf to aura slicer.


> You're linking traits that are barely used, especially in a Power build.

> Blademaster is a trait in the Arms line, a traitline you won't take when playing Power in WvW.

> What about Merciless Hammer? If you're going to complain about how every weapon has a mastery trait, what about this trait that was good before, but Anet decided to swap its location, making Hammer a lot weaker?


> Do I even play Warrior? I should ask you the same question. The nerf from 6 sec to 8 sec on Aura Slicer didn't make Dagger a useless weapon. It made it in line with other base weapon. Crying about it on the forums won't help you learn to deal with the change.


You don't even have a valid argument! I stated clearly why aura slicer need to be 6 sec or have a dagger master trait line.

You on the other hand have no argument.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > > @"nativity.3057" said:

> > > > That's how it should be. Aura Slicer having a 6 sec cooldown means Dagger is a straight up better weapon than Sword because it does more consistent damage while providing more leaps. Currently Dagger is balanced when compared to other power MH weapons. Axe provides more burst (although this weapon is a bit busted right now), Sword provides more mobility, and Dagger is a mix of both (also benefits from the enemy stacking boons)

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Do you even play warrior? There is this trait called [blademaster](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blademaster) which is the trait that makes you a master in swords and reduces the cooldown of all your sword skills by 20%.

> > >

> > > We also have traits that makes you a master in X weapon. For example:

> > > * Greatsword = [forceful greatsword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forceful_Greatsword)

> > > * Hammer = [Merciless Hammer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Merciless_Hammer)

> > > * Mace = [sundering Mace](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sundering_Mace)

> > > * Shield = [shield Master](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_Master)

> > > * Rifle and harpoon = [Crack Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crack_Shot)

> > > * Axe = [Axe Mastery](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Axe_Mastery)

> > > * Warhorn = [Quick Breathing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quick_Breathing)

> > > * Longbow = [burning Arrows](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Burning_Arrows)

> > > * Torch = [Heat the Soul](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heat_the_Soul)

> > >

> > > Now, Spell breaker dagger is the only weapon that did not need a mastery line because 6 seconds on aura slicer was implied it was a mastered weapon. But with the cooldown increased to 8 seconds, spell breaker is not a master of daggers anymore. Anet needs to introduce a dagger mastery trait of 20% reduction or revert the nerf to aura slicer.

> >

> > You're linking traits that are barely used, especially in a Power build.

> > Blademaster is a trait in the Arms line, a traitline you won't take when playing Power in WvW.

> > What about Merciless Hammer? If you're going to complain about how every weapon has a mastery trait, what about this trait that was good before, but Anet decided to swap its location, making Hammer a lot weaker?

> >

> > Do I even play Warrior? I should ask you the same question. The nerf from 6 sec to 8 sec on Aura Slicer didn't make Dagger a useless weapon. It made it in line with other base weapon. Crying about it on the forums won't help you learn to deal with the change.


> You don't even have a valid argument! I stated clearly why aura slicer need to be 6 sec or have a dagger master trait line.

> You on the other hand have no argument.


I do have an argument in that Dagger was the defacto weapon to go to. Nerfing Dagger and buffing Sword gave Warriors more variety in weapon skills.

You came out of nowhere with traits that don't matter.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"nicknamenick.2437" said:

> > Takes 10 sec (with fast hands) to swap back to dagger..

> >

> > Complaints about 8sec not being synced with fast hands.. lol


> Umm...no, not 10 seconds weapon swap is 5 seconds with fast hands. So if you start at dagger, swap to your other weapon the timer to swap back is at 5 seconds, after those 5 seconds you swap back.


> What I believe Hitman is mad about is he wants to run:


> Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > dagger 2 into the rest of his dagger rotation back to dagger 2 > weapon swap > run the rest of his rotation.


> What it is now:


> Dagger 2 > weapon swap > do 5-6 seconds of weapon rotation on your other weapon > weapon swap > ________<- gotta fill in this gap since you're now waiting on dagger 2 CD.


> It can throw off your rotation, you'll end up doing more auto attacks on dagger which they nerfed as well, or the other weapon set which I'm guessing is GS or hammer which the auto attacks for those isn't spectacular either, they're slow and easy to avoid.


Good. That open blank will open up the warrior to some kind of weakness rather than being borderline impossible to punish based almost solely on build.


If the warrior has no downtime it has no weaknesses as far as skilled gameplay goes which either makes it horrendously overpowered or beyond weak. Nearly every other profession has this kind of downtime, and anything that doesn't is considered overpowered or unfightable as it is. This is also why I absolutely hate the idea of ANet's Deadeye despite explicitly warning them what would happen if they made it like it is, and proposed an alternative almost immediately after HoT launched with all the rifle threads popping up (see signature).


Winning in PvP is conceptually based on punishing your opponent during these opportunities and setting them up to force them like a very quick game of chess. Frankly, any and all rotations do not belong in PvP environments because then the game becomes less about skill and understanding what's happening and more about matchup and builds.


It may be difficult to fully realize, but when you get complimented for your skills on a build/profession constantly but in the same vein get told "it's physically impossible for you to win X matchup on your Y build because you literally do not have the ability to mathematically win in any circumstance against it because of Z predefined rotation," it's damned frustrating.


Granted, I also think that's a general problem with warrior as far as its design. It's just a little too simple in this game-state, and consequently does not behave nicely with powercreep, making it either generally wildly OP with a very, very low skill floor, or totally useless. A little more depth than just spamming everything off cooldown in a rotation would go a long way to make it healthier to play and allow for upping the skill floor and ceiling considerably.



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