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Mad As a March Hare: Nerfing What We Pay For Till We Go Back to Playing Vanilla


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> @"Asumir.1978" said:


> Again, I go back to my original point:

> Anet touts new expansions with a new elite spec each xpac. Everyone jumps on the OP bandwagon till it gets axed by demands of fair play.

> Fine.

> Balance, counterbalance, nerf because necessary, all fine.

> **_Just don't take our money for it if it is not going to last._**

> Let them find another reason to get paid.

> Otherwise this is just an eternal gear grind, with a cycle of 5-6 months per craze.


> What do we do now?


This isn’t how elite specs are intended. They are meant to introduce new, unique, and different play styles to classes. They aren’t meant to be pure, overall upgrades for the base class.


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> @"AlexndrTheGreat.8310" said:

> > @"Asumir.1978" said:

> >

> > Again, I go back to my original point:

> > Anet touts new expansions with a new elite spec each xpac. Everyone jumps on the OP bandwagon till it gets axed by demands of fair play.

> > Fine.

> > Balance, counterbalance, nerf because necessary, all fine.

> > **_Just don't take our money for it if it is not going to last._**

> > Let them find another reason to get paid.

> > Otherwise this is just an eternal gear grind, with a cycle of 5-6 months per craze.

> >

> > What do we do now?


> This isn’t how elite specs are intended. They are meant to introduce new, unique, and different play styles to classes. They aren’t meant to be pure, overall upgrades for the base class.



Indeed ... nothing the OP said there makes much sense. What is supposed 'to last'? Anet doesn't 'take' people's money either. Op doesn't seem to understand what he's actually paying for, at all. LAWL at 'eternal gear grind' as well. I've played with the same gear on my main character for 3 years now ... what grind is he referring to? His blanket statements make no sense.

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> @"AlexndrTheGreat.8310" said:

> This isn’t how elite specs are intended. They are meant to introduce new, unique, and different play styles to classes. They aren’t meant to be pure, overall upgrades for the base class.



It is, however, how it has been done so far. I am completely certain that it's deliberate and done to drive sales of expacs. It was somewhat plausible with HOT, since the difficulty of the game made a huge jump and the overpowered especs helped counteract that. But there's no way it's a coincidence that all the HOT especs got nerfed at the same time POF launched, or that the core specs are completely ignored.


Prove me wrong Anet. I dare you. I will give you all the moneys if you can make another expac without nerfing what came before.

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> @"ilmau.9781" said:

> to be more accurate, this patch is just another useless one, nothing will change beacouse this is NOT THE WAY TO BALANCE A GAME, you do not nerf skills/classes but you give classes a way to handle OP ones. For example, if Condi is an issue you do not nerf condi, you do increase cleanse. If ppl complain for 10k aoe Ravenant hammer hit you do not nerf the hammer skill you do give ppl a way to handle it.




> Keep going this way and will see where we go.


Yea, don't hate the player hate the game. " If ppl complain for 10k aoe Revenant hammer hit you do not nerf the hammer skill you do give ppl a way to handle it."

That's a fix, and is how it SHOULD be handled but me thinks the nerf key is easier to hit?


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If one is to believe the individual profession forums, even a 1% nerf to a single skill's numerics renders that given profession completely unplayable. If one is to believe the forum in general, these nerfs are done solely to marginalize any given profession simply so players are required to purchase some upcoming, fictional 10th profession simply to enjoy the game...


If this is the case, why are people continuing to support such a fetid, evil company out to service only their own greed?


Hyperbole is, on occasion, useful and entertaining. Hyperbole used to the extent commonly seen on these forums is a disservice to both the poster and the reader, and ultimately lessens any argument made.


Just sayin' it, ya'll.

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> @"AlexndrTheGreat.8310" said:

> This isn’t how elite specs are intended. They are meant to introduce new, unique, and different play styles to classes. They aren’t meant to be pure, overall upgrades for the base class.


Except. What they tend to be is just flat out upgrades to the previous spec. They dont change how a spec plays because of the whole no trinity means that all the specs need to be able to do everything - Healing, damage, Conditions and everything else. Yes some will be better than others but that isnt because they were designed to be, thats because the classes are just that little bit different. None of the specs really play any different to another. I mean look at Druid. Meant to be a healing/support spec yet look at how much damage, mobility and everything it has ONTOP of all he added healing it was given.


Elite specs were MEANT to be a side-grade. That unlocks different ways to play, different mechanics and everything. This simply didnt happen. We all already know that when it comes to the next set of elites. The ones everyone cry and moan about now will be hugely nerfed for the next set to be released that will drive the power creep even higher. Outside of Revenant which was SO poorly designed and balanced with them designing the whole base class around the Herald spec to the point that base Revenant is just a empty shell compared to Herald, they then went and made Renegade which is somehow managed to be WORSE than the base Revenant :/ Lol


There is no reason to take say base Ele over Temptest or Weaver, there is no reason to take base Engineer over Scrapper or Holosmith and the same can be said for all of the other classes. They are all just flat out better in every way than the previous spec and the base spec.



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Its always the same type that rants about "POF MAKING US BUY EXPANSION BECAUSE POWER CREEP" Soon they cave in to want and buy it, excited for his newfound power... Till anet brings it in line closer to core for balance purposes. Post "HOW DARE THEY NERF OUR PURCHASED POWER"


I don't understand. Bringing things in line with each other is a good thing. Elite specs should never be a straight upgrade and should be treated as an alternate way to play.


> @"Joxer.6024" said:


> Yea, don't hate the player hate the game. " If ppl complain for 10k aoe Revenant hammer hit you do not nerf the hammer skill you do give ppl a way to handle it."

> That's a fix, and is how it SHOULD be handled but me thinks the nerf key is easier to hit?


This quite possibly is the worst balance suggestion i've ever read. It will create an ever sliding margin for balance that will ultimately bleed into power creep faster than anything Anet has done before.


Think about it. Reducing the damage of 1 skill, impacts 1 skill. Trying to invent or strengthen every mitigation mechanic as a knee jerk by contrast will have a broader impact as that buff will have other effects. TL;DR: unless you are a simpleton, you should understand why giving new defensive utility to respond to dps is a dreadfully stupid idea.

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> With each expac, we are asked by the people we run with (WvW) to gear up according to the latest and greatest. Raids are even more demanding in that respect


I dont care about wvw but you are wrong about raids. Are there builds that are top tier and require only hot: yes

Chrono, berserker, dragonhunter, core warrior...

Are there builds that are top tier and require only pof: yes

Power holo, weaver, power spell breaker, core warrior....


Only builds tgat need both expansions are pof condi classes or harrier druid

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Anet has never said you would never have to pay for an expansion ever again to my knowledge...if that is incorrect, please cite source. Anet DID say explicitly that new elite specs were supposed to be a side-grade and not necessarily a direct upgrade. They are to make a new way to play an existing profession. Though invariably, with options come a certain inherent powercreep....because you have more options on how to build a character.

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