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Warrior Elite spec disscussion


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So me and my friend were discussing a potential warrior elite spec for the future and we got side tracked. One thing we aggreed upon is warrior banners require what we beleive is a reworking. This lead to us brainstorming about potential spec and we developed further working on a google doc. Ive posted what we got "done" but i just want to open up the discussion on potential ideas

Base Class - Warrior

Elite Specialization - Centurion

Weapon - Staff (ranged weapon)

Utility skills - Banners (modified) - banner skills become officers that patrol specific areas, attack enemy units inside them, and appling buffs to allies. Officers will follow the centurion until defeated.


Staff Skills ideas

1-Throw your staff at a foe (like a spear) marking your target.

2-Rally your allies granting swiftness. All standard bearers will also cast the buff.

3-Slam your staff into the ground breaking movement impairing effects on allies in an area.

4-Summon a boulder from a catapult that knocks down your target and enemies around it


what follows is my friends idea for a rework-he admits they are very similar to renegade utility warband skills

Banners (modified)


Heal - Officer of Infirmary - Summon an Officer that heals you and nearby allies and removes conditions overtime.

Medic - banner of Infirmary bearer runs to nearby downed allies and revives them.


Officer of Defense (reworked) - Summon an Officer that increases toughness and resistance for you and nearby allies. Officer blocks projectiles with a shield.

Fortress - reduce damage taken by allies in the area


Officer of Discipline - Summon an Officer that improves precision and critical damage for you and nearby allies. Officer attacks using a bow.

Sargent - Increase the attack speed of all allies in the area.


Officer of Strength - Summon an Officer that improves power and condition damage for you and nearby allies. Officer attacks using a hammer.

Juggernaut - Grant 10 stacks of might to allies in an area


Officer of Tactics (reworked) - Summon an Officer that provides vigor and concentration for you and nearby allies. Officer attacks using a sword.

Warmaster - Grant alacrity to allies in an area


ELITE Battle Standard - Summon a mounted Officer that grants Fury, Ferocity, and Stability.

Cavalier - Officer runs around knocking aside enemies and granting allies quickness.


Mechanic possibilities

Extended adrenaline gauge?

Shortened adrenaline gauge?

Toggle use adrenaline gauge?

Multiple burst skills?


What do i want warrior to be able todo?

I want another ranged option for warriors.

I want “greataxe” to be a weapon

Banners are a fire and forget utility skill type.

There is no counterplay to just free stats. There is no major interaction after your put them down on the battlefield. Yes you can pick them up and carry them but the skills with the bundle are uninteresting.

Third weapon slot? - mechanically this shouldn’t work at all (consider looking into a shroud like mechanic that uses adrenaline )


What should warriors be able todo? (my own opinions )

Warriors should be able to provide more than just might generation for allies. (with the recent patch support warrior is a thing)

Warriors should be able to provide decent ranged support for allies via buffing

Warriors should be able to provide decent ranged damage (well we do have burn-zerker with longbow )


What’s a cool theme to explore?

Legionnaire? (Frontline support warrior )

Centurion? Battlefield commander that buffs allies (mid-backline). Battlefield commander the creates allies then buffs them and commands them.

Squire? This just seems like it wont work mentally at all. Well it may if you heavily go into the support line.

Knight? (what the difference from a guardian then?)

Dragon knight? A knight that has embraced thematically Aurenes’ magic and has gained new abilities.

Marauder? (frontline DPS AOE ) (greataxe warrior) (“shroud”)

Juggernaut? Slow ramping warrior as you build adrenaline you gain benefits. (frontline tank/raid boss)(extended adrenaline gauge that provides benefits as you reach high and higher thresholds)

Spartan? High skill floor/cap warrior that can DPS/Control/support (multi burst?)

Dragoon? -mounted cavalry (this should be a ranger spec in all honesty)

Hand to hand brawler? A warrior that forges weapons for hand to hand combat (technical/combo combat)(multi burst skills that do heavily different things)


Warrior monk? A warrior that focuses on having not too much adrenaline and staying in a happy medium? (extended adrenaline bar but drawbacks at both ends of the spectrum)


Feel free to copy the following for a skeleton for yall to work on


Base Class - Warrior

Elite Specialization - (name )

Profession mechanic -


Weapon possibilities -

No new weapon?

Pistol main hand + off hand






Utility skills 6 total -

Healing -

Utility (need 4) -

Elite -


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  • 2 weeks later...

summoned stuff that follows you and can be killed never rly worked so far, even minionmaster is a rather niche build and those pets are supposed to die and explode, guardian summoned weapons are never used, new revenant guys are rarely used, gyros are kinda meh aswell


im all for a more support oriented build variant for warrior, but the paragon theme is already kind of used by guards

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I agree with RedShark that summons probably aren't a good idea considering the current summons of other professions have various issues. That's not to say those issues can't be fixed. I'm just agreeing that there are issues and pointing out that current problems have yet to be resolved. Now, I do like the concept of the Centurion. I might get jumped on for saying this but I would enjoy a warrior that was more of a boon bot. My favorite build was the old dungeon shout warrior if any of you remember that. My banners are fine, I enjoy dropping them, but I still want more. I have a touch of ranger envy you could say. Otherwise, more than a boon bot, what I would really like is to have pistol/pistol. I don't care what the theme is; heck, give me, pistols and I'll play a freaking tidy bowl man theme.

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> @"Fox Reeveheart.1890" said:

> paragon

> using staffs, basically warriors using them as spears

> or hell, use the actual underwater spear, but use it on land


> done


I am a fan of using underwater weapons on land they have a whole slew of skins that are going unappreciated or probably used. We also have seen anet can do this with the NPC seraphs in lake doric they are using an ascalonian spear skin i believe.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> summoned stuff that follows you and can be killed never rly worked so far, even minionmaster is a rather niche build and those pets are supposed to die and explode, guardian summoned weapons are never used, new revenant guys are rarely used, gyros are kinda meh aswell


> im all for a more support oriented build variant for warrior, but the paragon theme is already kind of used by guards


Yes and it is a weird balenceing anet would have todo basically along the ranger profession. all of the summons can be used but none of them are meta or steadily used for various reasons some being to little power or too easy to avoid/play around thus nullifying.

I think anet given some more time can pull something off that would be very good on its own.

Also yes the Paragon archtype is already in use so then how could we make a support warrior flavorwise ideas?

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> @"DKShang.8792" said:

> I agree with RedShark that summons probably aren't a good idea considering the current summons of other professions have various issues. That's not to say those issues can't be fixed. I'm just agreeing that there are issues and pointing out that current problems have yet to be resolved. Now, I do like the concept of the Centurion. I might get jumped on for saying this but I would enjoy a warrior that was more of a boon bot. My favorite build was the old dungeon shout warrior if any of you remember that. My banners are fine, I enjoy dropping them, but I still want more. I have a touch of ranger envy you could say. Otherwise, more than a boon bot, what I would really like is to have pistol/pistol. I don't care what the theme is; heck, give me, pistols and I'll play a freaking tidy bowl man theme.


so then how about instead of summons, area effects that hinder foes while supporting allies. Single instance effects mostly. I agree the issues could be fixed but this isnt the area to be discussing them i think.

All right would would you think of for the boons or effects we should/would give out and to who? Warriors have had access to a fair chunk of all boons but not to much of specific ones (probably for balance reasons)

How do you think pistols would be a supportive weapon?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> why not rework banners on core warrior instead of adding banners through an elite spec?


id like to see anet to do that but i don't expect it I believe they haven't really changed mechanically since implementation but anet has reworked guardian spirits weapons to be more interesting to use and fight against.Banners currently work for the niche they need to and are a simple stat buff for the regular utilities. The banner i wouldn't like to see change is battle standard since its a very nice elite skill. They could go along the lines of heralds facets and they are more of a toggle effect. we activate the skill a banner pops up on our character model and there is an area around us that allies receive the benefit.

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> @"SomeGinger.5697" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > why not rework banners on core warrior instead of adding banners through an elite spec?


> id like to see anet to do that but i don't expect it I believe they haven't really changed mechanically since implementation but anet has reworked guardian spirits weapons to be more interesting to use and fight against.Banners currently work for the niche they need to and are a simple stat buff for the regular utilities. The banner i wouldn't like to see change is battle standard since its a very nice elite skill. They could go along the lines of heralds facets and they are more of a toggle effect. we activate the skill a banner pops up on our character model and there is an area around us that allies receive the benefit.


2 issues: first of, having to mechanically different skills with the same name is just confusing and secondly it will probably replace your backpack with your suggested implementation, which ppl won't like just like when weapon kits did it on engi

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> @"SomeGinger.5697" said:

> so then how about instead of summons, area effects that hinder foes while supporting allies. Single instance effects mostly. I agree the issues could be fixed but this isnt the area to be discussing them i think.

Sure, are you talking about something like banners are now? They hit and affect an area? I wouldn't mind if they were movable, maybe like the Rev tablet is now. You know, you target the new location and command it to move. I think commanding the banners to move remotely, maybe at a range of 1500 units, would be great. Then you could move one summons to point "A", then another summons to "B", and since we have three utility slots move summons "C" to yet a third location. Now, keep in mind that I am calling them "summons" only because that's kind of the name we are calling them by right now.


> @"SomeGinger.5697" said:

> All right would would you think of for the boons or effects we should/would give out and to who? Warriors have had access to a fair chunk of all boons but not to much of specific ones (probably for balance reasons)

Great question! I like it but sadly I don't have an answer right now. I have thought about a boon here or a boon there but not considered a list. I agree with you that it's most likely going to be a balance issue.


> @"SomeGinger.5697" said:

> How do you think pistols would be a supportive weapon?

Oh no, I apologize. I didn't mean pistols as support weapons. I was just saying that I would really like to have pistols. I wanted pistols before HoT gave us the torch. Then I wanted pistols before PoF gave us the daggers. I'm still wanting pistols. However, since you asked I would think the off-hand pistol would be a good support weapon. I imagine something like thief pistol 4 with the stun and for pistol 5 something that is a good cripple. Now, as for main-hand pistol, I'm thinking condi and aggressive skills.


Thanks for asking, I really appreciate the opportunity to bounce an idea off others. What do you think, am I just shooting (pun intended) blindly or is the pistol a viable weapon? What theme would go with a dual pistol wielding warrior though? Hmm...


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Not exactly a fan of staff as a warrior weapon type. Hope we are going to see a spear wielding elite spec instead. The "land spear" idea is at least more likely than an entirely new type such as a greataxe.

A build with increased melee range and frontal, cone shaped cleave. Either fantasy based - let's say a paragon with mantras or meditations as the utility type or possibly more basic - a pikeman with survival skills.

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> @"DKShang.8792" said:

> > @"SomeGinger.5697" said:

> > so then how about instead of summons, area effects that hinder foes while supporting allies. Single instance effects mostly. I agree the issues could be fixed but this isnt the area to be discussing them i think.

> Sure, are you talking about something like banners are now? They hit and affect an area? I wouldn't mind if they were movable, maybe like the Rev tablet is now. You know, you target the new location and command it to move. I think commanding the banners to move remotely, maybe at a range of 1500 units, would be great. Then you could move one summons to point "A", then another summons to "B", and since we have three utility slots move summons "C" to yet a third location. Now, keep in mind that I am calling them "summons" only because that's kind of the name we are calling them by right now.


> > @"SomeGinger.5697" said:

> > All right would would you think of for the boons or effects we should/would give out and to who? Warriors have had access to a fair chunk of all boons but not to much of specific ones (probably for balance reasons)

> Great question! I like it but sadly I don't have an answer right now. I have thought about a boon here or a boon there but not considered a list. I agree with you that it's most likely going to be a balance issue.


> > @"SomeGinger.5697" said:

> > How do you think pistols would be a supportive weapon?

> Oh no, I apologize. I didn't mean pistols as support weapons. I was just saying that I would really like to have pistols. I wanted pistols before HoT gave us the torch. Then I wanted pistols before PoF gave us the daggers. I'm still wanting pistols. However, since you asked I would think the off-hand pistol would be a good support weapon. I imagine something like thief pistol 4 with the stun and for pistol 5 something that is a good cripple. Now, as for main-hand pistol, I'm thinking condi and aggressive skills.


> Thanks for asking, I really appreciate the opportunity to bounce an idea off others. What do you think, am I just shooting (pun intended) blindly or is the pistol a viable weapon? What theme would go with a dual pistol wielding warrior though? Hmm...



i cant think if a warrior pistol theme that looks much different or more exciting than thief with pistols, id say it would be some bandit/marauder theme with a pistol in the offhand, that you pull out of your sleeve for dirty tricks, or maybe like the hand cannon from guts (anime berserk, if anybody knows that), or a pirate theme? yarr mighty pirate with a sabre in one hand and a pistol in the other...dualwielding pistols tho dont rly fit warrior imo

also since i dont like conditions builds at all id want it to be a power weapon and since warrior isnt about magic or chemy n stuff ican hardly imagine how you prepare a pistol to inflict conditions with them in a medieval setting, you put bullets in your opponents, thats physical dmg for me


in wvw i play a boon ripping, cc spamming warrior with very good group condi cleanse and moderate dmg+heal in zergfights, pof modified oldschool worker warrior

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