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Thief feels very underwhelming

Ferhat Rock.9431

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I am Ferhat and i've been playing gw2 since release.

What bothers me so much about thief at the moment at how weak it is and so many bugs around it.

Whether it might just me being a bad thief or the class in general I lose most duels as a d/p thief against most classes and the Steal skill seems to have a hard time finding a path aswell. (lol)

Its more so now after the AA nerf. It gets dominated by most classes in conguest.

Whats your opinion on this?

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The "no path to target" bug is really annoying. It happened to me in the FFA arena in the PvP lobby (Heart of the Mists) today, which is ridiculous given that it's basically a flat arena. The few steps in the middle were apparently enough to prevent reaching my target...

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I think thief is fine, except they are restricting us on more on what we can use. In other words, they are still viable as gankers and pvp, but we are having less viable options; some of those options being the reason why we found thief fun in the first place.


Things that I hope they buff eventually though:

Traps I think are B-C tier because of the 1 second cast, and then a 1 second arm time. They should definitely make Trapper's Respite have an arm time of 0. Also think amubsh trap/amubsh should be reconsidered. Besides the random scorpion wire, they don't really do much. The free BP is nice, but I doubt anyone would be fighting near it.


Scorpion wire is still a 50-50 and would really wish if it would just work like guardian spear and have a 50% chance to launch someone into the stratosphere instead.


I think most signets have their place in the game too. Shadow signet is pretty poop though. I wish it was reworked into an elite. Maybe something like Constant: Can not apply stealth when in combat. Passive: Permanently stealthed when OOC (3 seconds stealth every 3 second). Active: Become revealed for 30 seconds (30 second cd).


Deadeye I wish was completely changed. As much as I like one shotting people after afking in stealth for 15 seconds, I'm pretty sure no one likes being one shotted (anyone remember ~2015 kill shot warriors).

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i duel quite often on thief and the main problem is most thief builds are very unbalanced. By that i mean most builds nowadays are one trick one shot builds that fail after one or two duels bc they are ez to adapt to, or they have a lot of defense but hit like a wet noodle which is pretty much s/d and d/p. deadeye has a lot of potential but it has a cast time on the mark, kneel has a fat cast time, and kneel makes you immobile. If it was any one of those things it would be fine but with all three it is just a garbage spec. If you have a legit dueling build i would like to see it but i just dont think thief has the toolkit anymore for dueling.

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D/P + S/D traditionally have a lot of utility (and got even more after the unblockable and boon rip buffs on sword) but lack damage to pressure hard after the last balance patch. I can't kill anyone on these weaponsets anymore in 1v1. But I play the class only 2 hours per month. Maybe some highly skilled thieves still can.


If you want to do damage you have to run staff (melee + aoe) or rifle (ranged + single target) now. In contrast these weapons lack utility.


I would call that balanced.


Now that berserker, reaper and daredevil are balanced 2,5 years after Hot Release, anet can start to balance the other 24 specs. Good luck!

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The best duellists are the ones with great damage and sustain, and thief has never had great sustain (by sustain I mean passive/active health regen, not active damage avoidance). We're great gankers, but the number of fights that we lose to druid, warrior, ele etc where we do more damage than the enemy's health pool over time but lose due to the passive sustain puts a natural timer on our fights, meaning we either have to hit hard and kill within a certain time limit or run. It's just a design issue at this point.

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This build is pretty broken now, especially because people on plat division or bellow doesnt know how to dodge.

[https://youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo "https://youtube.com/watch?v=tdREqwNTQuo")


Get on the bandwagon before the next balance patch hits and we received the next nerf cause who doesn't hate thieves, right?!


But jokes aside, that sword and dagger nerf was retarded, even pistol autoattack now crits more.


I thank god that they do one balance patch each 2~3 months now cause who knows what nerf they will put on thief next LOL.

Jokes aside, a balance patch each 2~3 months are unacceptable for a pvp gamemode, that means we have to endure mirage/scourge until next balance patch that will probably be in a month or two. So I hope that people spam this retarded thief build until our next nerf my friends.


rip pvp

rip thief

rip mesmer

and rip scourge


coming to you

in a month ;)

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