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ANET we deserve and explanation !


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I hope they read this, though i know they are not, and they never will!

Can we have a thread or notes on why and how those nerfs and buffs happened, what is the math and calculations behind it? (like why 14 or 20%, why not 13 or 12 or whatever?)

because it seems right now for us, that the people working at your offices responsible for some classes, knows jack shit about them nor about what they are doing, it seems like a mesmer in your office "noob enough", got beaten hard by warriors many times, so he went and nerfed the warrior, and buffed his own class, and probably the same thing happened to other classes.

if you want the people that have been playing this game since the beginning, to NOT hate this game, and if you do care about your players like you care about money, and you care about changing this image of whats happening behind the scenes. WE DESERVE A DETAILED EXPLANATION !!

thank you

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This thinking astounds me ... what makes anyone think they deserve a detailed explanation of how these changes are decided on? Do you challenge other products on their design choices in the same way; by demanding to know the reasons for the choices that were made? That makes no sense ... you either buy the product/service ... or you don't, based on what it delivers to you and the principles of the company that delivers it.


You aren't paying for this information, so no, you don't deserve a detailed explanation.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> This thinking astounds me ... what makes anyone think they deserve a detailed explanation of how these changes are decided on? Do you challenge other products on their design choices in the same way; by demanding to know the reasons for the choices that were made? That makes no sense ... you either buy the product/service ... or you don't, based on what it delivers to you and the principles of the company that delivers it.


> You aren't paying for this information, so no, you don't deserve a detailed explanation.


Well, usually games that are serious about pvp and balance do justify their changes.

Arena Net just reacts to forum feedback, whether justified or not. Which leads to poor balance.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This thinking astounds me ... what makes anyone think they deserve a detailed explanation of how these changes are decided on? Do you challenge other products on their design choices in the same way; by demanding to know the reasons for the choices that were made? That makes no sense ... you either buy the product/service ... or you don't, based on what it delivers to you and the principles of the company that delivers it.

> >

> > You aren't paying for this information, so no, you don't deserve a detailed explanation.


> Well, usually games that are serious about pvp and balance do justify their changes.

> Arena Net just reacts to forum feedback, whether justified or not. Which leads to poor balance.


I think it's pretty straight forward ... if something got a nerf, it's because Anet thinks the effect was too strong, a buff for things not strong enough. Looking for 'a detailed explanation' is just a poor attempt to argue Anet is wrong, which isn't really a compelling reason to change things anyways. Obviously Anet think they aren't wrong ... they are heading in a direction that makes sense to them ... why are they even going to respond to random unhappy guy demanding details to argue with them? That's clearly not how they balance things.

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I don't know sometimes I think it could be handy to hear why Anet might be nerfing something. Like say for instance in EU all the warriors have been destroying people with offhand mace, and so Anet nerfs it and to those of us in NA see the nerf to offhand mace and we haven't found out that in EU they just crush things with it. So that leaves us in NA going Whiskey Tango Foxtrot why did you nerf offhand mace it wasn't even being used. Or it might have been getting used but not in a way we were thinking.

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I came from League of Legends and I've got to say, I felt really spoiled by Riots patch notes. They give such concise and detailed explanations on why certain items/champions/skills got adjusted as they did. Transparency Is important to many members of the community.

Totally Riots choice to do or not to do this. Could it benefit the community? Surely. Would it take some extra time in formatting and formulating a writing style that flows well with the company's values? Absolutely.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> I don't know sometimes I think it could be handy to hear why Anet might be nerfing something. Like say for instance in EU all the warriors have been destroying people with offhand mace, and so Anet nerfs it and to those of us in NA see the nerf to offhand mace and we haven't found out that in EU they just crush things with it. So that leaves us in NA going Whiskey Tango Foxtrot why did you nerf offhand mace it wasn't even being used. Or it might have been getting used but not in a way we were thinking.


To be fair, Anet does provide explanations. Not all the time, but they have done so in the past; not trival, flippant ones either. So it's not like these things just come out of no where and hit you in the face every balance patch. This patch necros gave a little, they got a little. Overall, I don't see many of the changes affecting all that much. It's not so much balancing as it is tweaking. Why they tweak numbers? I can only suspect they have reason to do so by examining the data they have access to. No doubt it's probably subjective, it's important to realize that matters in subjective is Anet's version, not anyone elses.

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> @"Saint Sated.2698" said:

> I came from League of Legends and I've got to say, I felt really spoiled by Riots patch notes. They give such concise and detailed explanations on why certain items/champions/skills got adjusted as they did. Transparency Is important to many members of the community.

> Totally Riots choice to do or not to do this. Could it benefit the community? Surely. Would it take some extra time in formatting and formulating a writing style that flows well with the company's values? Absolutely.


This, Riot is a great example of how to do good, regular and transparent balance.

Sure they mess up now and then, but rarely will you go 3 months with the same broken Champions.

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I have this strange impression that whole balance process is mostly random ...not suppose to do real balance but to shake up whole meta out of stagnation in some acceptable bondaries and check what comes up.

I would like to see some ultimate goal ..a point to which patches are going to take us all (not only warrior class but overall) ..somehow I don't see this ultimate goal.

Every major patch we have nerfs for some professions which looks like clear message ..sry guys, we don't want you to play this build anymore ..please switch to different traitline and weapon set ...we now have a new vision.

After all those years I saw patches which excluded some builds from meta ..patches which made some builds overpowered ..then again nerfs and tunes which brought back those builds to where they were few patches back ..where is logic in this? ..where is some vision how the perfect balance should look like?


Don't expect any explanation to numbers ..they don't have any ..they are just shooting blindly.

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> @"Wnerwiak.6049" said:

> I have this strange impression that whole balance process is mostly random ...not suppose to do real balance but to shake up whole meta out of stagnation in some acceptable bondaries and check what comes up.

> I would like to see some ultimate goal ..a point to which patches are going to take us all (not only warrior class but overall) ..somehow I don't see this ultimate goal.

> Every major patch we have nerfs for some professions which looks like clear message ..sry guys, we don't want you to play this build anymore ..please switch to different traitline and weapon set ...we now have a new vision.

> After all those years I saw patches which excluded some builds from meta ..patches which made some builds overpowered ..then again nerfs and tunes which brought back those builds to where they were few patches back ..where is logic in this? ..where is some vision how the perfect balance should look like?


> Don't expect any explanation to numbers ..they don't have any ..they are just shooting blindly.


they already say "our overall goal with this balance patch was ..." in most instances.

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> @"Wnerwiak.6049" said:

> Hmmmm ..could you quote more? I can't find this statement ..maybe they should attach it to patch release notes to let players know what they are up to in long term ...and to be clear I'm looking from WvW perspective ..PVE content look enought documented.


> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


>**High Level Goals**

>Reduce influence of passive traits. (PvP not WvW)


>* Passive skills make the game less skillful.

>* The prevalence of passives is a common competitive player complaint. (PvP only)


>Increase build diversity


>* By decreasing the power of some of the more dominant builds, we hope to give increased viability to builds that previously were pushed out by these dominant specs. We're also increasing power levels in some targeted areas that previously were underperforming.


>Reduce effectiveness of offensive instant cast skills/traits


>* Instant cast spells don't give players an opportunity to respond. While we don't want to remove combos utilizing instant cast abilities, we wanted to reduce the impact they have.


don't know why they didn't put this in the patch notes.

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