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Part of PVPs toxicity: lack of forfeit


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Some may view this as a non-issue but I believe it is. If your team is losing, especially because of an "AFK" player that moves around to prevent getting kicked, I believe we should put those games to rest by adding a forfeit vote. If at least four players vote yes to forfeit the game then it will be forfeited. A small box will appear to the left of the screen with a "checkmark" and an "x" as well as related forfeit text. Checkmark obviously means yes vice versa.


This makes it so that players don't need to wait until the very end of the game in situations where the game is absolutely impossible to complete. Also, forfeiting is only allowed if the enemy team has more than 200 points than your team's. This prevents forfeit spam trolls in unranked. There is also a cooldown for separate forfeits--one minute between sessions. Each forfeit voting lasts a minute as well.


Even if you don't agree with my proposed specifics I think you'll agree that forfeiting needs to be an option.

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that'd cause it's own problems. ppl would forfeit matches because they've had bad comp (the "gg surrander @ 20" meme in gw2). and what about pips and skill rating? give to much and surrendering becomes the new win trading and to little and you've opened a new door for griefers.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> that'd cause it's own problems. ppl would forfeit matches because they've had bad comp (the "gg surrander @ 20" meme in gw2). and what about pips and skill rating? give to much and surrendering becomes the new win trading and to little and you've opened a new door for griefers.


Pips? That system changed since 6 seasons ago.


Skill rating definitely but I included a precaution such as only being able to forfeit if the score is 200 points less than the other team's score. So the comp forfeit is a nonissue.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > that'd cause it's own problems. ppl would forfeit matches because they've had bad comp (the "gg surrander @ 20" meme in gw2). and what about pips and skill rating? give to much and surrendering becomes the new win trading and to little and you've opened a new door for griefers.


> Pips? That system changed since 6 seasons ago.


> Skill rating definitely but I included a precaution such as only being able to forfeit if the score is 200 points less than the other team's score. So the comp forfeit is a nonissue.


i meant pips for the reward chest, not rank.

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adding a surrender option will cause a repeat of red resign from gw1 (or something similar).


sure PvP is almost dead, but a surrender option will kill what's left.


you have no idea how efficient the farm would be if you can force surrenders by afking your team. it would be insane. people would exploit the hell out of it and kill the gamode.


not that I care, I play For Honor now- but y'all who still queue up for this trash game wouldn't like having surrender implemented, trust me.

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> adding a surrender option will cause a repeat of red resign from gw1 (or something similar).


> sure PvP is almost dead, but a surrender option will kill what's left.


> you have no idea how efficient the farm would be if you can force surrenders by afking your team. it would be insane. people would exploit the hell out of it and kill the gamode.


> not that I care, I play For Honor now- but y'all who still queue up for this trash game wouldn't like having surrender implemented, trust me.


> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> adding a surrender option will cause a repeat of red resign from gw1 (or something similar).


> sure PvP is almost dead, but a surrender option will kill what's left.


> you have no idea how efficient the farm would be if you can force surrenders by afking your team. it would be insane. people would exploit the hell out of it and kill the gamode.


> not that I care, I play For Honor now- but y'all who still queue up for this trash game wouldn't like having surrender implemented, trust me.


Farm what? The garbage pvp rewards that exist now? This game is dead buddy most of the people left playing just want to pvp. Most of the cheating that goes on now is directly related to pvp placement on leaderboards and titles. And you know whats a cra cra idea in the world of A-net trying just something then removing it rather quickly if it doesnt work in a mostly positive manner. Isnt it a crazy idea to try something and then just remove it immediately (instead of waiting weeks or months) if it doesnt work out as you would hope. This game is dead they should be trying all sorts of things to improve the experience for the few die hards that are left.

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Having that option when a match is at MOST 15 minutes is rediculous. It can have uses in other games like MOBAs where a match can take way longer but in GW2 is absolutely pointless and it would most likely make the games even more toxic than before.

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Like others said, GW2 PvP is fixed at a maximum 15min (and OT is extremely rare). All they need is to fix their inactivity/AFK mechanic so it isn't so easily abused. Promote play, you can recover from point deficits.


PvP's toxicity stems from players who think they can't improve themselves and they are perfection. It's the same for any game. Asking for a forfeit option is toxic.

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Based on personal experience, a completely unbalanced game lasts for about 7-8 min the most, half the max match duration.


This is still preferable compared to the amount of abuse the "clever" kids would try to pull with a forfeit option. Address afk/"dc" rather than offering forfeit.

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Based on personal experience, many players in game today( it wasn't the case 2 years ago) have absolutely no idea when a game should be considered " lost ", and adding a /resign command would make ranked PvP even worse.


That being said, it would be good to add it when it is 4v5 from start, at least you don't have to wait the end of the match

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> Some may view this as a non-issue but I believe it is. If your team is losing, especially because of an "AFK" player that moves around to prevent getting kicked, I believe we should put those games to rest by adding a forfeit vote. If at least four players vote yes to forfeit the game then it will be forfeited. A small box will appear to the left of the screen with a "checkmark" and an "x" as well as related forfeit text. Checkmark obviously means yes vice versa.


> This makes it so that players don't need to wait until the very end of the game in situations where the game is absolutely impossible to complete. Also, forfeiting is only allowed if the enemy team has more than 200 points than your team's. This prevents forfeit spam trolls in unranked. There is also a cooldown for separate forfeits--one minute between sessions. Each forfeit voting lasts a minute as well.


> Even if you don't agree with my proposed specifics I think you'll agree that forfeiting needs to be an option.


As above this would get so much abuse, you're basically condoning afk behaviour. Not only that people would start getting utterly lazy and game quality would go down a lot overall.


Some of the best games I've had have been bought back from impossible odds, if people don't give up and keep trying there is often a good chance you can bring a game back. I can remember bring crazy games back from about 200-450.


Sure there are gonna be games that you won't be able to bring back, but in my experience it's under that kind of pressure, if I continue trying, I play my best and learn the most. Sometimes it's just one player making 3 bad rotations with the opposing team playing perfectly that throws the game to 100-300, often as soon as that player pulls his head out, you bring the game back and win it.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> If we were to ever implement a vote to forfeit option, we'd probably put in score and time requirements to prevent abuse. At that point, it's likely saving you maybe 2-3 minutes max. Doesn't seem like a worthwhile thing for us to spend our time on.


Could it be possible to kick ppl from the game when they are idle ? (in base only maybe? but easy to get out of the base then) that way they 'll get dishonor? and you don't need then a report option for idle players. and it's more efficient without consuming time for admins or else.

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Truth be told there is a lot of AFKers in PvP. Even in tournements people queue and AFK on spawn just to get participation rewards and reward track progression without actively participating in match.


Only during the holidays I reported more than 10 players for being idle. I had 3 games in a row with an AFK person in my team.


How about a system which basing on player participation (damage, healing, offense, defense etc.) & time spent on spawn suspends player for X hours from receiving rewards?



Someone went AFK after a few minutes or didn't move from spawn at all. Player's participation stats are very low and he spent a lot of time on spawn. Maybe something important happened so 1st time he got a warning. Situation happened again shortly after - warning didn't work. How can a player like this be punished? Account suspension is too harsh. He tried to scam rewards so it would be just to suspend his reward progression. All of it: pips, PvP xp, reward track gain.


PS. This might be just a dumb idea of mine, but I can't help it... my hate towards afk players in group content speaks through me.

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This is an interesting topic, here's my 2 cents:


Having the option to concede would not help with toxicity - people would attempt to concede at first sign of "trouble" in order to get out of a bad match. ( imagine the scenario where the game is just starting -We have 2 thiefs Vs their firebrand+scourge combo, lets concede). We lost showdown for middle point, lets concede... people that vent thry chat would simply spend that energy pushing for early end of the game via concession.


What i would suggest instead of option to forefit is a Mercy rule, let's say at 5 and 8 min of match duration: If the difference in score is greater than 200, match ends with team in the lead being victorious.

Also, in every match that ends in this manner, I would implement a check: did player dealt, recieved or healed at least 8k of damage, and did he travel at least 3000 units. If he did not, client generates a log for review (or just flags the player, to automate the process - If you get 3 games like that, you get some form of encouragement to attribute more to your team)


Numbers could be (and should be) tweaked to provide balanced system, but general idea is there - shorten the game if one team is getting outplayed, but do not give the players option to do so themselves.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> If we were to ever implement a vote to forfeit option, we'd probably put in score and time requirements to prevent abuse. At that point, it's likely saving you maybe 2-3 minutes max. Doesn't seem like a worthwhile thing for us to spend our time on.


sorry , im a bit off topic , but there are some plans to avoid matches that start 4 vs 5? something like a real ready button and if someone don't press it it will get relace or something similar?

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