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Signet of Renewal: The Skill That Fails Or Kills Your Pet


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Remove the range requirement. Just do it. Makes no sense that our most iconic weapon is 1500 range and one of our skills requires us to be within 600 range of our pet or it will activate and proceed to fail. Furthermore the fact that it almost always kills the pet needs to be addressed. Make it so in addition to the 2 seconds base resistance the pet receives 1/2 a second of resistance per condition transferred. At most this would be 8.5 seconds of resistance for the pet, and honestly it's dumb that your profession mechanic can be disabled so more pet survivablility is a good thing imo.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Try using recall or pet swap prior to activating SoR


Wasting a petswap just to activate a stunbreak/cleanse is an inherent wasted design.

The whole concept of the skill is flawed.


It should be: Cleanse conditions arround you and your pet. Gain resistance and helath per condition cleansed.

So it can be used to heal the pet and cleanse stuff or to heal you and cleanse stuff.



How many condis is up to debate though.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Try using recall or pet swap prior to activating SoR


> Wasting a petswap just to activate a stunbreak/cleanse is an inherent wasted design.

> The whole concept of the skill is flawed.


I agree, making SoR punishing is flawed. If you take in comparison other _all clear_ skills, no other classes punish them. It is like if they use an utility skill, their profession mechanic was getting busted (Ex: longer cooldown virtues ? less effective and damaging shatters ?)


The semi-direct comparison to SoR is [Contemplation of Purity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Contemplation_of_Purity "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Contemplation_of_Purity"), it is not punishing and has no range to make it work. I understand SoR takes all condi from the Team, but then it should take the conditions around you, not around the pet. ["Save Yourselves!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Save_Yourselves!%22 "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Save_Yourselves!%22") takes condis around the Guardian.


You have other all clear skills like : Elixir C, Signet of Stamina, Mantra of Resolve. Then you have good healing skills with condition clears such as Soothing Stone (Good buff), Natural Healing and Consume Conditions. Consume Conditions is the only punishing skill, but not at the same extent as SoR.


There is a reason why so many rangers go WS line to get WK trait.

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> @"Krispera.5087" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Try using recall or pet swap prior to activating SoR

> >

> > Wasting a petswap just to activate a stunbreak/cleanse is an inherent wasted design.

> > The whole concept of the skill is flawed.


> I agree, making SoR punishing is flawed. If you take in comparison other _all clear_ skills, no other classes punish them. It is like if they use an utility skill, their profession mechanic was getting busted (Ex: longer cooldown virtues ? less effective and damaging shatters ?)


> The semi-direct comparison to SoR is [Contemplation of Purity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Contemplation_of_Purity "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Contemplation_of_Purity"), it is not punishing and has no range to make it work. I understand SoR takes all condi from the Team, but then it should take the conditions around you, not around the pet. ["Save Yourselves!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Save_Yourselves!%22 "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Save_Yourselves!%22") takes condis around the Guardian.


> You have other all clear skills like : Elixir C, Signet of Stamina, Mantra of Resolve. Then you have good healing skills with condition clears such as Soothing Stone (Good buff), Natural Healing and Consume Conditions. Consume Conditions is the only punishing skill, but not at the same extent as SoR.


> There is a reason why so many rangers go WS line to get WK trait.


Basically they could make it like it is now + consume conditions.

The range should apply to you and your pet and the healing could be greater while in beastmode.

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