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Returning player and thinking about Ultimate vs standard

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I'm just getting back in GW2 and I have not purchased any of the expansions.

Is it worth it to get the Ultimate edition version or just stick to the standard edition for both?

I understand I get 4000 gems which is $50 by themselves.


Can someone who's purchased it offer some insights on what they thought of it?


Thank you!

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I am Canadian and always purchase ultimate because it turns out to be cheaper than simply buying the 4000 gems later. 4000 gems is $50 USD so when you add on the exchange rate, it turns out to be roughly $65 CDN dollars for the gems alone. It works out to be just over $100 Canadian for Ultimate and I get a free character slot, game content etc.


If you do not have HoT, there will be the option to purchase HoT during the checkout process that will offer it to you for $20. Back when I purchased HoT, I used my gems to unlock bank tabs, inventory space and then the LW2 story. I believe, you can actually add Lw2 on during checkout for $16 (you could when POF purchasing opened) and I highly recommend unlocking that content as it is a natural progression after personal story and introduction to HoT content.


While it may seem like a huge investment up front, you never pay a subscription in this game and as long as you log-in during the first month a LW episode is released you get that content for free. So I encourage the Ultimate but it is really up to your budget. :-)

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