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What's the purpose of dune cloak? Is it useful in any situation? Isn't Infinite Horizon better?


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I wonder... what's the purpose of dune cloak?


If you want to play a condition mirage infinite horizon with staff or axe clones is way better than dune cloak. Dune cloak also applies condies and increases their duration but I don't see a scenario where it would be better than infinite horizon. I also never see anyone use it.


So, what's the purpose of this trait?

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To be honest in general i like the Concept, but the problem is that both , IH and dunecloak are damage traits Kind of.


The flexibility of IH in the ambush attacks makes it significantly better in most Situations.

IH synergies well with condis, while Dune cloak is focused on condis too, while it could Potentially be focused on Power.


I'd Cut the condi duration and put more towards Power damage and/or change bleeding to burning.


Should be more rewarding for permanently beeing in meele Range.


Summary ; IH is the saver and more potent damage trait right now. Either nerf IH or buff/change DC would be my Solution to offer more build diversity. Another Option would be an overall rework of DC.



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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> What if they made Dune Cloak a blast finisher?


Both pointless and edge case overpowered. Mesmer is not a class that makes effective use of blast finishers, so it would be mostly pointless. On the other hand, getting together with a thief for smoke fields or an ele for water fields and fire fields would give immense access to powerful blast finishers with no downside.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > What if they made Dune Cloak a blast finisher?


> Both pointless and edge case overpowered. Mesmer is not a class that makes effective use of blast finishers, so it would be mostly pointless. On the other hand, getting together with a thief for smoke fields or an ele for water fields and fire fields would give immense access to powerful blast finishers with no downside.


Yeah I suppose it's not like BlackPowder+Bound leap finisher or similar. Blast would be too powerful in group situations.


On the other hand while I get what the devs were going for making the 3 GM major traits as dodge modifications similar to daredevil, I think the execution hasn't worked out so well - we're left with one trait which should almost be a fundamental mechanic of Mirage (IH), one trait that is borderline overpowered survival (EM) and one trait that is kind of Caltrops on dodge (DC) competing with a spot for damage output...


This might be barking totally up the wrong tree, but perhaps if the traitline structure was reevaluated so that:

Top line = General Utility

Middle line = Personal Defence

Bottom line = Damage Output


And then maybe have something like the following for major traits (ignoring current balance issues and I removed Desert Distortion because tbh I think it needs to be replaced with something else as it feels unfinished/tacked on for Mirrors):

Self Deception -> Mirrored Axes -> "new utility trait maybe involving Mirrors"

Renewing Oasis -> Mirage Mantle -> Elusive Mind

Riddle of Sand -> "new damage trait, maybe involving Mirrors" -> Dune Cloak


So then Dune Cloak would be the only choice as a grandmaster trait for boosting damage output.


With minor traits being:

Mirage Cloak (merged with Speed of Sand) -> Nomad's Endurance -> Infinite Horizon


Of course with everything being adjusted accordingly for balance, before someone screams IH+EM will kill the game. xD

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I tried it in WvW and the bleeds were noticeable, problem was I was fighting another mirage who wanted to keep their distance as much as possible so it’s use was limited at best. The extra condition application might be nice if the range was increased, the duration increase rarely matters though. IH is just better in every way as it gives you more chances for the ambush skills to hit.


If dune cloak actually made your ambush attack better instead then we’d see some niche use where you’d take it if you don’t want to rely on clones for doing damage or can’t rely on them.

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Dune Cloak is basically just the offensive roll that Warrior and Thief get, except that IH already does its job, especially with the Dueling. Also, probably worse than the thief Lotus Training, which has 3 condis (gotta cover) and a whirl finisher.


Since dueling grants all illusions bleed on crit, and IH makes all of your illusions evade so they can apply those crits, you get a lot of bleed uptime, especially on the 2 multi hitting ambush weapons; GS and Scepter.


I suppose the condi duration boost is nice with Staff Ambush though.

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