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[Elite Suggestion] Witchdoctor

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Update: renamed from shaman to witchdoctor.


Theme: a dark priest of sorts who communicates and employs spirits of the dead to further his own evil desires. Something between reaper and scourge (having their best aspects but in an unique way), a spiritual leader and cruel overlord of the tribes from cold swamps of the north. A dark spiritual guide who crafts totems out of wood and bone, dance around them while invoking spirits of the deceased and chills his enemies with bizarre cold flames of the underworld.

Slightly based on these things:

[Gw necromancer's prophecies](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_Prophecies_necromancer_skills "Gw necromancer's prophecies")

[Celestial boss tied to necromancer](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kuonghsang "Celestial boss tied to necromancer")

[Fallen god of death](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dhuum "Fallen god of death")


This elite uses totems to call the spirits of the dead to do its bidding and can perform unnatural paradoxes learned from the ancient spirits of the dead.

This elite have:

1) Power build focused on building damage and massive burst after lengthy preparation (class focus);

2) Condition build based on chills and burns;

3) Tank build focused on toughness, death prevention and dodges.




> **Adept Minor Trait** (Knows the Knowledge of the Dead)

> Unlock **Mace for your main-hand** and allow you to use **Paradox** abilities.

> Replace **Death Shroud** with **Totems**.


> _Adept Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 1** (Is a Mighty Leader)

> When you enter combat you start slowly building 20 bonus power every 2 sec. Stack up to 20 times. Lose all stacks when you exit combat.

> **Major Trait 2** (Has Cold Flames)

> Inflicting a chill on an enemy will inflict it with 1 stack of burn for 5 sec. Cooldown: 4 sec.

> **Major Trait 3** (Crafts Tribal Totems)

> You gain 300 bonus toughness while you have an active totem nearby. Range: 450.




> **Master Minor Trait** (Fights for the Tribe)

> Might now also grant you 10 bonus toughness per stack of might. Gain 3 stacks of might for 10 sec when you enter combat.


> _Master Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 4** (Has Ultimate Might)

> You will deal 1% more damage for every stack of might on you.

> **Major Trait 5** (Speaks with Unknown Spirits)

> When you use one of your paradoxes, then your following autoattack will chill your target for 3 sec. Cooldown: 10 sec.

> **Major Trait 6** (Is a Ritualistic Dancer)

> Dodging while in combat will grant you vigor for 5 sec. Gain 100 bonus toughness while you have vigor.




> **Grandmaster Minor Trait** (Is Blessed by Ancient Spirits)

> Gain 100 concentration and 100 expertise while you have at least one boon on you.


> _Grandmaster Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 7** (Holds Supreme Rule)

> Gain 80 bonus power while wielding a mace and your mace 3 will deal 5% more direct damage for every stack of might on you.

> **Major Trait 8** (Is Possessed by Dhuum)

> Your burns will deal 20% more damage against chilled enemies. Your chills will last 10% longer.

> **Major Trait 9** (Is a Great Shaman)

> Increase your healing power by 10% of your toughness. Gain protection for 5 sec when you use healing skill.




> **Mace 1** (The Tribal Crush)

> First hit of three hit chain. Strike your target.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Range: 140

> * Damage: 400 (sales with power)

> * Life force: 4%



> **Mace 1** (The Tribal Slam)

> Second hit of three hit chain. Strike your target and deal bonus damage if you target is chilled.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Range: 140

> * Damage: 400 (scales with power)

> * Bonus damage against chilled enemies: 150 (scales with power)

> * Life force: 5%


> **Mace 1** (Shaman's Bash)

> Third hit of three hit chain. Strike your target, gain might and chill your target.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Range: 140

> * Damage: 500 (Scales with power)

> * Might: 2 stacks for 5 sec

> * Chill: 2 sec

> * Life force: 8%


> **Mace 2** (Chilling Blazer)

> Blast enemies around you with cold flames of undeath burning and chilling them, and grant might to yourself.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 10 sec

> * Radius: 450

> * Damage: 100 (scales with power)

> * Burning: 2 stacks for 6 sec

> * Chill: 3 sec

> * Might: 3 stacks for 15 sec


> **Mace 3** (Dhuum's Burst)

> Cause a fallen god to posses your weapon and release an unblockable explosion in front of you. It will deal damage to nearby enemies, burn and chill them.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 16 sec

> * Range between you and center of explosion: 140

> * Radius of explosion: 240

> * Damage: 650 (scales with power)

> * Burn: 3 stacks for 5 sec

> * Chill: 2 sec




> **F1** (Drums of War)

> Summon a totem at your current location. It will pulse every second dealing damage to nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 8 sec

> * Life force cost: 1500

> * Duration: 4 sec

> * Radius: 300

> * Damage per sec: 150 (scales with power)


> **F2** (Totem of the Sleepers)

> Summon a totem at your current location. It will create a field which blocks movement abilities of nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 15 sec

> * Life force cost: 2000

> * Duration: 4 sec

>* Radius: 300


> **F3** (Grim Ward)

> Summon a totem at your current location. It will pulse every second fearing nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 25 sec

> * Life force cost: 4000

> * Duration: 2 sec

> * Radius: 300

> * Fear: 3/4 sec


> **F4** (Ward of Ancestral Guidance)

> Summon a totem at your current location. It will pulse every second healing nearby allies and chilling nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Life force cost: 2500

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Radius: 300

> * Healing per sec: 200 (scales with healing power)

> * Chill: 1 sec


> **F5** (Spirit Walker)

> Enter into ethereal form (counts as shroud) for a duration. While in this form you take less damage and you will regenerate endurance faster.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Life force cost: 3000

> * Duration: 5 sec

> * Damage reduction: 33%

> * Endurance regeneration: 25%




> **Healing Paradox** (Paradox of Life)

> Your yourself and gain a special effect which protects you from boon removal for a duration.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Healing: 4000 (scales with healing power)

> * Duration: 5 sec




> **Utility Paradox 1** (Paradox of Might)

> Consume all boons and you and gain a stack of might per boon consumed.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 16 sec

> * Might per boon consumed: 1 stack for 15 sec




> **Utility Paradox 2** (Paradox of Counter-intuitivity)

> Curse your target for a duration. Next damaging attack perform by cursed enemy will heal its target instead of dealing damage. Cursed attack will not inflict any conditions.

> * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Range: 900

> * Duration: 4 sec

> * Healing: 100% of damage it would have caused otherwise

> * Stunbreaker




> **Utility Paradox 3** (Paradox of Phantom Limbs)

> Chill all nearby enemies and prevent them from swapping weapons for a duration. Cause damage to NPC in pve instead of preventing weapon swapping.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Radius: 450

> * Chill: 2 sec

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Damage in pve: 600 (scales with power)




> **Utility Paradox 4** (Paradox of Revival)

> Encase your soul in cold flames for a duration. If you are about to get downed, then flames will restore your soul healing you and will grant you regeneration.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 40 sec

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Healing: 1000 (scales with healing power)

> * Regeneration: 5 sec

> * Stunbreaker




> **Elite Paradox** (Paradoxical Avatar)

> Transform into avatar of a fallen god for a duration. While transformed you will periodically gain might and vigor. Fear nearby enemies when you transform and when transformation ends.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 60 sec

> * Duration: 6 sec

> * Boon interval: 3 sec

> * Might: 1 stack for 15 sec

> * Vigor: 3 sec

> * Radius of fear: 450

> * Fear: 1 sec

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It would certainly be very enjoyable but your "power line" might be a bit to strong: 400 extra power from trait 1, 25% increased damage from trait 4 and 80 extra power from trait 7. I'm not even talking about the mace#3 ability which would gain 75% increased damage on top of that... That would hit like a truck.


The second line being a chill line feel out of place since we already have reaper that focus heavily on chill. If we didn't have reaper, I wouldn't even mention it. You could probably replace chill by weakness, after all weakness suit mace.


The third line is mostly fine, I'd probably replace vigor by protection on trait 6. Vigor just don't suit the necromancer.




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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> It would certainly be very enjoyable but your "power line" might be a bit to strong: 400 extra power from trait 1, 25% increased damage from trait 4 and 80 extra power from trait 7. I'm not even talking about the mace#3 ability which would gain 75% increased damage on top of that... That would hit like a truck.


Did you account for time and boon removal?

Trait 1 - 400 bonus power after spending 40 sec in combat. That's LOADS! of time, especially when there are classes like mirage, deadeye, power spellbreaker, power holosmith. You would need to stay in combat and not be focused for 40 sec to fully benefit from this trait. I can't spend even 2 whole seconds in a team fight with my guardian before i get 10k single hit burst from one enemy or another.

Trait 4 - well, that's actually 1%, and you need to generate lots of might and avoid any class which can corrupt your might. Again, necro doesn't have fast might generation and even generation of might from Spite traitline is kinda slow. So, again, it takes time to get a good benefit from this.

Trait 7 - yeah, but you will need a mace - melee weapon. What would that extra power do against a druid who will root you and simply kill you at range? Yeah, you can take all traits for maximum power damage, but then you will be a sitting duck against ranged enemies.


Essentially, for pve you would want to go full power damage and that would make necro one of the best pve damage dealers, but in pvp you might prefer to take some defensive trait of go full defense, because this elite have even less mobility than core necromancer.

I personally wouldn't take any of power traits for pvp and would take all of power traits for pve. Would you do differently?


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> The second line being a chill line feel out of place since we already have reaper that focus heavily on chill. If we didn't have reaper, I wouldn't even mention it. You could probably replace chill by weakness, after all weakness suit mace.


Yeah, but reaper sucks at chills. It is literally the worst aspect of it. So, why not try again with another elite. And yeah, i though and it was hard to decide between chill and weakness. But i eventually decided that spamming chills would be better than spamming weakness, because this elite have no mobility and chill would help this elite out much more.

Though, it could be replaced by weakness and cripple at any time.


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> The third line is mostly fine, I'd probably replace vigor by protection on trait 6. Vigor just don't suit the necromancer.


Yeah, but it fits theme of a witchdoctor/shaman who dances around totems (or fire) to summon spirits of the dead. Then again, vigor could be replaced by protection at any time. Vigor fits the theme more, protection fits the kit more.




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To put it bluntly, staying in combat for more than 40 second is easy, we got those utilities called _corruption_ for that. And even if it was not the case, the issue of the necromancer is often that he is unable to reset a fight while it's easy for other professions. In WvW there is a great chance that you'd be at full power for quite a long time in zerg fight.


As for migth, You got teammates and farting might is there specialty. But stacking might as a necromancer isnt difficult as well.


> ...because this elite have even less mobility than core necromancer.


That just mean that it lack a single extra mobility skill (dark path) which couldn't be more unreliable. There is no great loss in mobility.


And for weakness, just take into account that you got more weakness source from core than chill source and it suit the idea of something resilient because weakness reduce your foes' outgoing damage while chill don't.


> I personally wouldn't take any of power traits for pvp and would take all of power traits for pve. Would you do differently?


I'd do. Axe as a range option is already fine, if you add some extra power and 25% increased damage, that would be very enjoyable. Lich form, as much as I hate it, would benefit tremendously from that. Even well of suffering would make it worthwhile. In any way range fight have always been the counter to the necromancer, this wouldn't change a lot of things and since CPC exist as a good way to relieve range pressure it wouldn't really matter.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> To put it bluntly, staying in combat for more than 40 second is easy, we got those utilities called _corruption_ for that. And even if it was not the case, the issue of the necromancer is often that he is unable to reset a fight while it's easy for other professions. In WvW there is a great chance that you'd be at full power for quite a long time in zerg fight.


I will be honest here. I don't play WvW, so i can't really comment on it.

But in pvp arenas necromancers are one of the main targets and only scourge (with tons of barriers) can survive that long in a fight.


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> As for migth, You got teammates and farting might is there specialty. But stacking might as a necromancer isnt difficult as well.


What if you got randoms who play builds who doesn't spam might?


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> That just mean that it lack a single extra mobility skill (dark path) which couldn't be more unreliable. There is no great loss in mobility.


But it still have less.


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> And for weakness, just take into account that you got more weakness source from core than chill source and it suit the idea of something resilient because weakness reduce your foes' outgoing damage while chill don't.


I am not arguing about what more accessible. I simply said that chill would help much more than weakness for a class which lacks mobility.


> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> I'd do. Axe as a range option is already fine, if you add some extra power and 25% increased damage, that would be very enjoyable. Lich form, as much as I hate it, would benefit tremendously from that. Even well of suffering would make it worthwhile. In any way range fight have always been the counter to the necromancer, this wouldn't change a lot of things and since CPC exist as a good way to relieve range pressure it wouldn't really matter.


Do people actually use axe for necro? I though it was the worst weapon for it. Then again, i don't play necro more than few times per week. But yeah, lich form would benefit from power traits a lot. Hmmm, maybe it would benefit too much from them.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> Do people actually use axe for necro? I though it was the worst weapon for it. Then again, i don't play necro more than few times per week. But yeah, lich form would benefit from power traits a lot. Hmmm, maybe it would benefit too much from them.


Axe used to be in a bad spot, but it reached an interesting spot after a few months in HoT. It's no longer a bad weapon and in PvP is does have an interesting burst. With 25% more damage a some more power behind it, this would be very entertaining for the necromancer and would stir the PvP community.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > Do people actually use axe for necro? I though it was the worst weapon for it. Then again, i don't play necro more than few times per week. But yeah, lich form would benefit from power traits a lot. Hmmm, maybe it would benefit too much from them.


> Axe used to be in a bad spot, but it reached an interesting spot after a few months in HoT. It's no longer a bad weapon and in PvP is does have an interesting burst. With 25% more damage a some more power behind it, this would be very entertaining for the necromancer and would stir the PvP community.


Well, i am not convinced until i try it for myself. Though, yeah, power necromancer would might first time ever be one of the best class in pvp. I might even main it with lich form :D

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > I wouldn't play lich form even if it was op, that's the extent of my hate toward this skill.

> >

> > Why though?


> Why would some people hate spiders?


Because some spiders are poisonous and you don't know which one is harmless and which one is dangerous.

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