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Feedback on the State of the Mesmer [merged]

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> @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > Does the new phantasm rule not give the mesmer a clone even when you destroy the phantasm? That is another point should get changed again. The new phantasm rule is just beyond broken in PvP. Give some compensation only in PvE for the backchange of this broken mechanic and only hold the one change that phantasm turn into clones after their first attack when they live long enough. I don't even see a limit of 3 phantasm will solve the problems with the new phantasm rule. So change it back already, Phantasms should be able to get shattered, should be able to die without giving a clone and should count to the clone limit of 3. Staff should not give 2 phantasm, change it back to one, same for the greatsword trait that give 2 berserker. The dmg from the most op phantams like from utilities should still get nerfed to prepatch lvl. Npc carried builds, in particular when they can be combined with a semi tanky build on the player (Chaosline) without bigger dmg lose is just bad in PvP.

> > >

> > > The fact you want the phantasm change just flat out reverted means you don't understand Mesmer issues that were especially highlighted after Mirage came into play. Reversion makes the class miserable to play again since your core mechanics are constantly fighting each other. Phantasms don't give a clone if they're destroyed anyway so I don't know what your complaint about that is. If you mean you're irritated that they give a clone after completing an attack that's l2p, you can easily kill phantasms they're made of paper. The Staff phantasms have a long channel time, just kill them and stop being bad. As for your GS complaint, you seriously want to just kitten a GM trait because you can't learn to dodge? Both utility phantasms have very very very easily evadeable attacks, l2p.

> > >

> > > Bottom line: Asking for the phantasm change to be reverted is asking to give Mesmers NPC carried builds again, which you don't seem to underst> @"EpicTurtle.8571" said:

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > Does the new phantasm rule not give the mesmer a clone even when you destroy the phantasm? That is another point should get changed again. The new phantasm rule is just beyond broken in PvP. Give some compensation only in PvE for the backchange of this broken mechanic and only hold the one change that phantasm turn into clones after their first attack when they live long enough. I don't even see a limit of 3 phantasm will solve the problems with the new phantasm rule. So change it back already, Phantasms should be able to get shattered, should be able to die without giving a clone and should count to the clone limit of 3. Staff should not give 2 phantasm, change it back to one, same for the greatsword trait that give 2 berserker. The dmg from the most op phantams like from utilities should still get nerfed to prepatch lvl. Npc carried builds, in particular when they can be combined with a semi tanky build on the player (Chaosline) without bigger dmg lose is just bad in PvP.

> > >

> > > The fact you want the phantasm change just flat out reverted means you don't understand Mesmer issues that were especially highlighted after Mirage came into play. Reversion makes the class miserable to play again since your core mechanics are constantly fighting each other. Phantasms don't give a clone if they're destroyed anyway so I don't know what your complaint about that is. If you mean you're irritated that they give a clone after completing an attack that's l2p, you can easily kill phantasms they're made of paper. The Staff phantasms have a long channel time, just kill them and stop being bad. As for your GS complaint, you seriously want to just kitten a GM trait because you can't learn to dodge? Both utility phantasms have very very very easily evadeable attacks, l2p.

> > >

> > > Bottom line: Asking for the phantasm change to be reverted is asking to give Mesmers NPC carried builds again, which you don't seem to understand.

> >

> > It was a question if phantasm turn into clones when get destroyed, that's what i was remembering but i wasn't sure and it turns out i was wrong in that, i just checked the patchnotes, they only turn into clones even when get interrupted on their one attack. "Phantasms: Phantasms can no longer be shattered and no longer count toward your maximum illusion count. Phantasms are destroyed and then replaced by clones after completing their unique attack or if their attack is interrupted." I was just remembering the interruption thing wrong.

> >

> > Still no, the class would not be miserable to play with the old phantasm rule, mesmer was playable with the old rule for years. The change was done for PvE not that much for PvP. And sry but anet have to find another way to prevent a 3 phantasm perma-uptime and only autoattack through PvE content playstyle for mesmer. A way that don't make the class a npcs carried brainless spamfest and effect-/npc-clutter on screen. Making phantasm turn into clones after one attack prevent that already. The class mechanic are shatterskills for some reason and shattermesmer never have let phantasm live for longer than one attack before shatter anyway. The new phantasm rules with even buffing the npcs dmg is just aids in PvP and was not needed.

> >

> > I am not irritated by phantasms turn into clones, that was the only change i said they should keep, obviously you didn't understand my post at all. Yes, obviously also from your other sentences. Its not about dodging the phantams (even tho telegraphed skills don't help when you can't see anything from all the clutter) its about a mesmer can generate way more clones than before much more permanently. Means he can shatter with more clones = also more dmg frequently after having phantams attacks which are very stong already. How many dodges should an opponent have? Doging all phantasm the mesmer can spam and all shatters? Pls start thinking. I play mesmer myself sometimes and even me not being that good on mesmer the brainless playable phantasm builds are just boring and ez to play. Phantasm builds were never a thing in PvP before but they are now. You seems to mix up PvE and PvP.

> >

> > It is so funny i either get attacked by mesmer hater for saying not all builds of chrono or mirage are op or i get attacked by not so good mesmer mains needing and defending a broken mechanic to play the class in PvP.

> >

> > I agree to try the 3 phantasm up limit before but i'm sure that will not rly help vs anything. So i still vote for undoing this broken mechanic except the one change that phantasm turn into clones after one attack and find another way to compensate mesmers in PvE for that phantasms are not permatent up after casting them once anymore, a way that is possible to split (like give skills more dmg or shorten cds in PvE only).

> >

> >


> Yeah Mesmer was 'playable' the same way you can still eat ramen noodles with a fork, sure it kinda works but you're missing out on a fair amount of effectiveness. Yes, the change was done for PvE because ANet is taking a stance against passive gameplay which is exactly what pop 3 phantasms and AA was. And considering far more people do PvE than PvP it's a fair consideration. Although you can't seem to understand that npc carried brainless spamfest is exactly the same thing as pop 3 phantasms and AA even though you recognize both concepts (which are the same concept) in sentences next to each other. Sure maybe the damage is overtuned for PvP, fix it there then, don't go back to gimpy class design because you want a ride in the wwaaahhhmbulance.


> Yeah it's pretty hard to understand a poorly written post, my bad. No Mesmers shatter capabilities were not bolstered at all, if anything the offending trait is Shatter Storm, not clone generation, making phantasms shatterable or having them change into clones after their attack literally does not magically make more clone generation, the net amount of illusions being shattered is the exact same except in the few cases where phantasms skills now generate more than one phantasm (only 2 untraited instances). You seem to forget you don't necessarily have to dodge a phantasm attack to avoid damage from it since you didn't read my post, phantasms can be destroyed before or during their attacks and you only really need to dodge one shatter, Cry of Frustration is garbage, Diversion doesn't do any actual damage and Distortion isn't an attack. And you don't seem to understand that phantasms aren't spammed, the offending trait is Chronophantasma which might need to be reworked a little, generally something that happens when you have a class mechanic overhaul.


> Change it back because it's overtuned in the least played game mode is a really sorry reason to kitten it for PvE mesmers. I'm clearly thinking more than you because you forgot phantasms can just be destroyed before or during their attack. You even admit that you're not that good on mesmer so I'm having trouble accepting your perspective from what appears to be hotjoin hero syndrome.


> So basically what you're saying is, rebreak Phantasms for PvE because a small fraction of the playerbase is sad and can't wait for tuning changes.


> Edit: forgot one more thing, you can even prevent phantasms from attacking by dodging the Phantasm skill itself, they're evadeable, blockable, and blindable, oh look the mesmer is swinging his greatsword around, dodge, wow there's no phantasms.



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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> Does the new phantasm rule not give the mesmer a clone even when you destroy the phantasm? That is another point should get changed again. The new phantasm rule is just beyond broken in PvP. Give some compensation only in PvE for the backchange of this broken mechanic and only hold the one change that phantasm turn into clones after their first attack when they live long enough. I don't even see a limit of 3 phantasm will solve the problems with the new phantasm rule. So change it back already, Phantasms should be able to get shattered, should be able to get destroyed without giving a clone and should count to the clone limit of 3. Staff should not give 2 phantasm, change it back to one, same for the greatsword trait that give 2 berserker. The dmg from the most op phantams like from utilities should still get nerfed to prepatch lvl. Npc carried builds, in particular when they can be combined with a semi tanky build on the player (Chaosline) without bigger dmg lose is just bad in PvP.


Instead of a wall of that you could just say something like.... REVERT PHANTASM REWORK!

In short ,all problems i see its chronomancer with chronophantasma (at least from your post ;D )

(i wouldnt mind nerf disenchanter damage to return 20s cd and rework defended to stop oneshot ppl that unaware that is a bomb in disguise,o yes, shield 4 hit like a truck even tho can be outplayed by dodging it etc)

. Screen clutter blablabla

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> Stop saying that Mirage is OP cos this is stupid and this is why:

> 1. Mirage can't hold a point.

> 2. Mirage can't one shot.

> 3. It's more or less like a thief good in roaming and +1 but slower than a thief only can compete with a thief if you play sword and if so the condi damage is minor.

> 4. The good skills have long couldown's like torch 1 and 2 and torch 1 is so ez to be evaded with the sound effect so all you need to do is to wait 2.5sec and dodge or just move away especially the mesmer is slower than chrono(+25% speed).

> 5. The only problem is that mirage is all around cos it's the most fun class to play was it in pvp or pve and mirage is good vs core builds in general but not the SD thief(so much evades and free teleports and spam-able unblockable ).

> 6. Torment is not a good condi however the only good condi a mesmer can do is confusion forcing the high lvl players to disengage so they don't suicide using skills however the stupid players keep fighting and die and blame mirage for being op when the only problem is him being stupid ,so if you remove the confusion damage the condi mesmer in general gonna be useless and everyone gonna swap to power chrono if they are die-hard mesmers or just change the class .


> and i will list here the real broken classes:

> * The one shot power ele .

> * The one shot core gard .

> * Druid so much damage from the pets and so much heal and can hold a point vs 2

> * S/D thief with the spam-able unblockable with 5k+ damage with crits with an evade frame what more you can ask for.

> * P/P thief is op it the best version of deadeye and its not played in high lvl games simply cos they are ashamed to play it cos it's so ez .

> * Scourge is lovley corupption is real in huge AOE's and the bariers make the scourge harder to kill more than a reaper if in good hands .

> * ~~power rev~~ removed from the list till it show up on the next meta(due the public demand)

> * The lovly FB support .

> * The cute HOLO.

> * The shy one shot power Mesmer (added due the public demand )

> * The scary SB with perma resistance and double swing kill.

> and more.....






1 yes, it can

2 yes, it can

3 it's actually capable of chasing a thief down

4 Torch 1 and 2? Who the fuck uses torch mainhand?

5 sd got gutted mirage did not

6 why the hell are you still playing condi, self imposed limitation

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In case someone can't understand simple thing about phantasms - it is just a skill with cool animation. Just imagine it is mesmer takes 2h sword then runs through your character like warrior. Problem solved? Or leave only ghostly weapon, remove mesmer figurine holding it. Problem solved? "Phantasms" are just ranged skills with cool effect "a ghost with a sword/pistol hoho". We should not talk about "phantasms", but only about their damage.

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> @"Almog.7023" said:

> hey im actually thinking of opening mesmer and go mirage or power mirage, but i want to know your opinion on how it is now after the update


Wow, this troll really wants attention, lol. After creating duplicates of the same thread and necroing this one, I can't wait to see what he does next.

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> @"ScottBroChill.3254" said:

>You can't stun break the first one because there are like 5 (maybe not that many) total stuns in a row and if you let them all hit you then you have stacks of condis on you as well or just a large damage spike that will kill you. So you can't stop it once its happening and it's incredibly frustrating.


Not gonna lie, you got me till I saw the date of your post.

Well played sir...well played.


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My thoughts about current mesmer hype (yes i think so).


I want to split current complain topics into 2 sections.


1) Mesmer defense abilities. In short in most cases people say "mesmer survive too long from my attacks". I think main source of these complains are people who don't understand conquest tactics. As i can see in most low tier match made games most of people:

a) use bad builds

b) fight out of points

c) spam skills, can't use combo, don't count cooldowns etc


Combine a+b+c = people waste time for nothing, all theirs skills on cooldown, mesmer is alive. Yes, in this situation mesmer is op.


While in higher tiers most of fights on or near points, tons of combos, stacks of boons/condi AOE from other classes, "focus" (T) where mesmer can't survive at all. Even 1v1 to prevent point from stealing by good weaver, druid, firebrand, spellbreaker he MUST stay on a point (he can't run away), while these classes can tank all damage. In this situation mesmer in disadvantage, since his tricks last for 1-2 seconds, while he can be hit for 50% hp from one enemy sword swing. Mesmer must track every enemy action and use survive abilities in proper time. Without it he is useless completely.




2) Mesmer damage. Main concern: "in berserk builds phantasms have too much damage, mesmer can kill my berserk [any_class] in one second". Past, near past and what happened recently...


In "vanilla" it was common to play direct damage builds. In past mesmer could "oneshot" you too, but many of you don't know about it (check old mesmer guides). If we compare this "boom=kill" with present - there is nothing new. Also almost any berserk class can do the same. Take scepter ele, he can kill you from 900 range before you realize someone attacks you, you can step into dragonhunter stacked traps and die instantly, some ranger pets can almost oneshot you (while sinlge 2 from bow can remove 50% hp from you from long range)... etc etc... Nothing is wrong with the situation when berserk mesmer kills you fast from nowhere if you are running glass cannon build too.


After HoT and balance changes direct damage builds were not viable. So many people don't know what it is because most of mesmers were condi.


... and here phantasms rework comes...


What happened? Imagine you do 2 direct attacks 1000+1000=2000 (DPS=1000/s). Replace it with condi, lets say 1 attack, 2 seconds duration with 2000 dmg, so DPS=1000/s, looks balanced. Let's track developers mind now:

For simplicity lets say "berserker" has 1000 dmg, after 2 attacks 2000 total, 3 attacks 3000 total etc,.

1) Mesmer can summon phantasm and give it time to bring more damage, then summon new phantasm, damage stacks etc. They balanced around it and gave him lets say DPS=2000/s (2-3 attacks)

2) Then they decide to rework phantasms while remain their dps unchanged. Since phantasms can attack 1 time only, need to buf their damage to 2000dmg/attack (in real situation it is not x2 times, but less)


Sounds logically right? Just before-rework-mesmers did not use full potential of phantasms (did not let them live long enough), so mesmer enemies are used to low damage inputs. So after rework they see same dps (but more spike damage) as indirect buf. While it is not something special for direct damage berserk glass cannon.


Bright side of this indirect buf is - direct damage builds are viable again, this is why we can see more direct damage mesmers now.


In short - there is nothing wrong with berserk-mesmer fast kills, just people did not know it is possible. Also other classes can do the same. And only developers can say if it is what they want or not.


P.S. As for me, i will continue to play condi builds since they fit my play style better (and i dont use chaos trait line).

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > BS harder to land than shatter is now a meme.

> >

> > Harder to land untimed aoe than melee directional ability with a requirement to be facing your opponents back within specifically 3 seconds is the kitten meme, you have to be ACTUALLY mentally handicapped to think its harder to land a shatter


> Nothing misleading here, folks! I mean, shatter is an "untimed" attack, right? Oh, no. Wait. The cast is instant, but the effect literally has the biggest telegraph in the game as all clones run straight toward the target from every direction! It may not be hard to land a shatter, but it relies on your opponent being asleep at the wheel. There's not really much a mesmer can do but trust to luck.


> I'm not saying BS is "easy" to land, but it is an attack that occurs from stealth. The only telegraph is if the opponent notices the thief go into stealth (which isn't really much of a telegraph!).


You mean the same stealth that mesmer uses? Lol


This debate is honestly making me stupid, if you really believe it's harder to shatter than to land steal there is something wrong with you. It's not an opinion it's a fact:

One is aoe and requires clones

One is single target melee, requires you facing your opponent and your opponents back to you and has a 3 second window requiring stealth in addition to a full bar of initiative


They BOTH are difficult to spot if you're not aware it's coming, that is not an argument of anything. They're BOTH easy to avoid if you see it coming, again not an argument of anything


Stop with this pointless nonsense please

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> > @"Almog.7023" said:

> > hey im actually thinking of opening mesmer and go mirage or power mirage, but i want to know your opinion on how it is now after the update


> Wow, this troll really wants attention, lol. After creating duplicates of the same thread and necroing this one, I can't wait to see what he does next.


stfu i actually want to know idiot...jezz so many morons

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Mesmers this patch din't get a buff. Between mirage Elusive minds nerf & cooldowns increase & damage toned down, Forgive me if i don't cry a river for you complainers. **The real issue here is on how you all actually relied on your passive skills to out play & out gun any skilled players. ** Now that's removed, first thing you all do is scream on how mirage is OP! Besides a few nerf this patch,....Mirage did not change!!! How bout you all open up a thread & scream about on how bad you really are with out your passives & be more constructive & figure out builds & gameplay that will make up for it.


**Drop the Mic.....poof!**

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WHatever guys! D/P is out of the meta now ... mesmer isn't ... and arguing about a thing so harmless than shatter is non sense ... shatter is not the main problem on mesmer burst. It's phantasm + ambush skills . SHatters is just here to add some dmg when the guy is stun / immob / kd / etc


And by the way, shatters land most than it get destroyed ... unless you're bad at using it or have a slow time reaction

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The problem with it is Chaos Mesmers are nearly unkillable and do too much damage at the same time. I mean we don’t sacrifice things as much as an Elementalist to do damage + be evasive.


I played the iDisenchanter build on Metabattle with only difference being Desert Distortion. My shatters were doing ~3K damage every hit and I could keep up many boons such as protection, regen, stab, fury etc. For defense I had Distortion, 2 Evades, Frenzy, 2-3 Mirrors from Desert Distortion and permanent vigor so 1 evade per 7,5 seconds. I’ve never had a problem killing any class except Scourge (I played kinda bad that time) and Spellbreaker (that player was godlike, I wish I could duel that person again) in 27-28 matches played. Ah, and an S/D Thief, I got ganked but I used Mirage Thrust over a smoke field an ally left, reset the fight and killed the thief. It was just easy because when they tried to burst me I mostly had some endurance up or I was near a Mirror.


Most reasonable people think that if 2 players with same skill level are fighting, Mesmer player will most likely win.


About the burst-build; in the past, Mesmer had to sacrifice some defense to burst people. Now with Mirage, the evades cover the defense part and burst build became a bit... umm... annoying to deal with.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > Stop saying that Mirage is OP cos this is stupid and this is why:

> > 1. Mirage can't hold a point.

> > 2. Mirage can't one shot.

> > 3. It's more or less like a thief good in roaming and +1 but slower than a thief only can compete with a thief if you play sword and if so the condi damage is minor.

> > 4. The good skills have long couldown's like torch 1 and 2 and torch 1 is so ez to be evaded with the sound effect so all you need to do is to wait 2.5sec and dodge or just move away especially the mesmer is slower than chrono(+25% speed).

> > 5. The only problem is that mirage is all around cos it's the most fun class to play was it in pvp or pve and mirage is good vs core builds in general but not the SD thief(so much evades and free teleports and spam-able unblockable ).

> > 6. Torment is not a good condi however the only good condi a mesmer can do is confusion forcing the high lvl players to disengage so they don't suicide using skills however the stupid players keep fighting and die and blame mirage for being op when the only problem is him being stupid ,so if you remove the confusion damage the condi mesmer in general gonna be useless and everyone gonna swap to power chrono if they are die-hard mesmers or just change the class .

> >

> > and i will list here the real broken classes:

> > * The one shot power ele .

> > * The one shot core gard .

> > * Druid so much damage from the pets and so much heal and can hold a point vs 2

> > * S/D thief with the spam-able unblockable with 5k+ damage with crits with an evade frame what more you can ask for.

> > * P/P thief is op it the best version of deadeye and its not played in high lvl games simply cos they are ashamed to play it cos it's so ez .

> > * Scourge is lovley corupption is real in huge AOE's and the bariers make the scourge harder to kill more than a reaper if in good hands .

> > * ~~power rev~~ removed from the list till it show up on the next meta(due the public demand)

> > * The lovly FB support .

> > * The cute HOLO.

> > * The shy one shot power Mesmer (added due the public demand )

> > * The scary SB with perma resistance and double swing kill.

> > and more.....

> >

> >

> >

> >


> 1 yes, it can

> 2 yes, it can

> 3 it's actually capable of chasing a thief down

> 4 Torch 1 and 2? Who the kitten uses torch mainhand?

> 5 sd got gutted mirage did not

> 6 why the hell are you still playing condi, self imposed limitation


Necro thread.

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No problem is that no one in a groupe fight focuses mesmers first. they all go for Necros. Even with all the clutter focusing the mesmer & it's illusions will either make him run for it or plain kill him. Mesmers,Chrono & mirage are not gods even with a skilled player if you know what your doing. As i said before, most classes that realied on passives are feeling it now. You just gonna have to get better now that all is playing on an even field. Passive skill's & Traits was a major problem in this game. Players are going to have to push them selves a bit more to deal with mesmers or any other bursty classes.


**FYI: Don't make yourself so glassy if you don't want to get one shoted!**

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> @"ezd.6359"


> The problem with it is Chaos Mesmers are nearly unkillable and do too much damage at the same time. I mean we don’t sacrifice things as much as an Elementalist to do damage + be evasive.


> I played the iDisenchanter build on Metabattle with only difference being Desert Distortion. My shatters were doing ~3K damage every hit and I could keep up many boons such as protection, regen, stab, fury etc. For defense I had Distortion, 2 Evades, Frenzy, 2-3 Mirrors from Desert Distortion and permanent vigor so 1 evade per 7,5 seconds. I’ve never had a problem killing any class except Scourge (I played kinda bad that time) and Spellbreaker (that player was godlike, I wish I could duel that person again) in 27-28 matches played. Ah, and an S/D Thief, I got ganked but I used Mirage Thrust over a smoke field an ally left, reset the fight and killed the thief. It was just easy because when they tried to burst me I mostly had some endurance up or I was near a Mirror.


> Most reasonable people think that if 2 players with same skill level are fighting, Mesmer player will most likely win.


> About the burst-build; in the past, Mesmer had to sacrifice some defense to burst people. Now with Mirage, the evades cover the defense part and burst build became a bit... umm... annoying to deal with.


tl;dr - i played offseason , it was very productive !

aside that ,for fun was in group of 4 mesmers on AT ,only this 3 ppl were clueless how to play it... we nearly lost to team with no mesmers : thief fb scourge engi and someone else ,dont remember... thing is ... point is : facerolling over broken class with 0 understanding almost cost game vs bad players XD

I alrdy want mesmer to be nerfed to hell , like seriously , chronophantasma and phantasm spammers are kinda annoying...(cuz my team dying to it 24/7)

Your proposal for mirage nerfs thats most braidnead that i was ever reading ... Those traits are bad and you want to nerf them ? Really ? DE is much better than SUMMON 1 CLONE, USE DECEPTION AND U GET 1 MORE! while you just dodge and get a clone(why the hell u are afraid of a CLONE to add DAZE on it??? what is your problem?you want to make shatter builds worse by adding daze on clone? that would be shattered anyway?:D) ... Soulbeast have 33% condition damage reduction (20% scrapper iirc) which is million times better than -20% condition duration of damaging conditions...? Nomad endurance is not permanent vigor and said FB gets 3 stats 150 each while in pve 250x3. They are not even new traits, they have their counterparts which are better even .

If anet find something OP something and nerf it , thats would be amazing :) How all this people arent bored to death sitting on forum entire day

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