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So, curious about the Aether Blade Jumping puzzle

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Is this puzzle some kind of sophisticated torture technique? If it is, I have to say it is very good at it.


I don't particularly enjoy jumping puzzles though some of them can be somewhat fun. I'm currently going for the dive master ach not because I care about it in the slightest, but for the mastery point. Done every dive, but the Aether Blade one. It is the only one skipped due to my frustration with it.


Why lock the mastery point behind such unforgiving puzzle? One wrong move and you have to repeat everything all over again. I've seen several people like me at this place, not giving a kittten about this puzzle or it's reward, but enduring for the mastery. From what I've seen most of them gave up.


This game is supposed to offer something for everyone. If someone likes to do jumping puzzles just fine by me. If someone wants an achievement related to this also fine. However, I go for achievement which I don't care about just to get mastery point I want by doing something which I grew to hate.


If you do the dive you miss on the chest reward. So, what stops you from adding shortcut for players who are not masochists and need something completely unrelated? Just saying.

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If you have HoT, then do this with Staff Daredevil. Really. It makes all the JPs easier, except Portmatt's Lab where there's no jumping and Skipping Stones where Vault doesn't actually help. ((Bear in mind: it's an achievement - the game doesn't care which character you do it on, so do it on the one that's easiest. For me, that meant Daredevil.))


But yeah, Not So Secret is a teeny tiny bit harder than the rest (/sarcasm). Vault helps a lot in the upper section, after the split, as you go across nominally using the thrower cogs, but blow that for a game of soldiers, Vault across immediately next to the cogs rather than using the cogs themselves.


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@OP - I did the same exact thing the other day. I need about 13 MPs to completely finish core Tyria masteries, and I figured the diving goggles would be one of the easier points to get, but when I realized I had to do that JP to get those goggles, which itself is a hard enough jump to land, I let out a very deep long sigh. I hate that JP, and almost made me quit the game when I discovered it, and tried to do it last year - 8+ hours over 2 nights playing before I gave up on it. Never completed it til I got guild mesmer months later to port me to the end.


So, I went ahead and tried to do it the other day.....again. And once again got so frustrated I wanted to log off and not play again. After around an hour I gave up and made a map call. Got a mesmer to not only take me right TO the goggles, but showed me how to do the jump too. I landed it 1st try, let out a huge sigh of relief, and proceeded to mail that player 5g with a HUGE thank you.


Said I never have to go back there again. Then a guildie informed me I'd have to go back there for certain legendaries, to which I replied "remind me not to make those legendaries."


Done with that place, and never want to step foot in there again.

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