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[Elite suggestion] Musician

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Following original suggestion:


> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> I really have enjoyed playing Bards in just about every game that's had one. I would really love to have Mesmers get this as their next Elite Specialization.


> Charm, Disenchant, Stealth, Bolster, Mesmerize, Demoralize -- the list of options could go on I think. Lots of room to play around.


Theme: musician focused on magic of will and sound.



1) Power bruiser build focused on dealing power damage and healing yourself;

2) Support build focused on healing nearby allies;

3) Condition build focused on control, condition transfer and confusion.




> **Adept Minor Trait** (Tuned for Combat)

> Unlock **Shortbow** and allow you to use **Melody** abilities.

> Replace **Shatter** abilities with with **Festival** abilities.

> Gain 1 **Tempo** when you summon a clone. Your **Festival** abilities will turn all your clones into **Tempo** and will consume all your **Tempo**. You can have up to 6 tempo, but you now can only have up to 2 clones at one time. Lose all **Tempo** when you exit combat.



> _Adept Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 1** (Slow Notes)

> Your Shortbow 1 have 25% chance to slow an enemy on hit for 1 sec. Slows you inflict will last 33% longer on weakened enemies.

> **Major Trait 2** (Refreshing Tune)

> When you grant regeneration to yourself then grant regeneration for 3 sec to nearby allies. Radius: 600.

> **Major Trait 3** (Deadly Charms)

> Disabling an enemy will also corrupt 1 boon on it. Cooldown: 2 sec.




> **Master Minor Trait** (Accent)

> Gain 100 concentration and 100 expertise.


> _Master Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 4** (Demoralizing March)

> Deal 7% more damage to weakened enemies.

> **Major Trait 5** (Healing Melodies)

> Take 3% less damage while you have regeneration. Increase regeneration duration on you by 20%.

> **Major Trait 6** (Melodies of War)

> Your Melody abilities will also inflict 1 stack of confusion for 5 sec on affected enemies. Direct healing done by your Healing Melody becomes 20% greater.




> **Grandmaster Minor Trait** (Attune to Life)

> When you heal yourself you also heal nearby allies for 10% of healing you took. Double this effect when you heal yourself through regeneration.


> _Grandmaster Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 7** (Aria for the Weak)

> Steal 1 boon from an enemy you inflict weakness or slow on. Cooldown: 4 sec.

> **Major Trait 8** (Bard of Light)

> Increase your healing power by 100 and gain 30 bonus healing power for each nearby ally (illusions and minions doesn't count). Radius: 600.

> **Major Trait 9** (Cleansing Festivals)

> Your Festival abilities transfer 1 condition from you to nearby enemies when you trigger them. Radius: 600.




> **Shortbow 1** (Magical Note)

> Release slow moving magical note at your target and hit first enemy it comes into contact with. Then, this note rapidly bounce back at you and heal you for some health.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Range: 600

> * Damage: 400 (scales with power)

> * Healing: 100 (scales with healing power)

> * This ability have 20% chance to summon a clone




> **Shortbow 2** (Special Notes)

> Release several magical notes to either health nearby allies or weaken nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 10 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Target's effected: up to 6

> * Healing: 250 (scales with healing power)

> * Weakness: 2 sec




> **Shortbow 3** (Phantasmal Musician)

> Phantasm. Summon a phantasm which will perform a symphony granting boons to nearby allies.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Channel duration: 2 sec (done by your phantasm)

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * First pulse: 1 stack of stability for 2 sec

> * Second pulse: 2 sec of resistance

> * Third pulse: 2 sec of protection

> * Forth pulse: 2 sec of regeneration




> **Shortbow 4** (Perfect Tuning)

> Tune with your surroundings reflecting light to gain stealth and remove up to two damaging conditions from yourself. Leave a clone after yourself.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Stealth duration: 2 sec




> **Shortbow 5** (Bewitching Note)

> Stun your target with demoralizing note and confuse your target.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 25

> * Range: 600

> * Stun: 3 sec

> * Confusion: 4 stacks for 6 sec




> **F1** (Festival of Power)

> Consume all your tempo to create a festival at your current location. This festival will deal damage to enemies inside of this area every second. The more tempo you consume the bigger radius and damage of this festival will be.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Tempo 1 radius: 350

> * Tempo 2 radius: 400

> * Tempo 3 radius: 450

> * Tempo 4 radius: 500

> * Tempo 5 radius: 550

> * Tempo 6 radius: 600

> * Tempo 1 damage (3x): 400 (scales with power)

> * Tempo 2 damage (3x): 500 (scales with power)

> * Tempo 3 damage (3x): 600 (scales with power)

> * Tempo 4 damage (3x): 700 (scales with power)

> * Tempo 5 damage (3x): 800 (scales with power)

> * Tempo 6 damage (3x): 900 (scales with power)


> **F2** (Confusing Festival)

> Consume all your tempo to create a festival at your current location. This festival will confuse enemies inside of this area every second. The more tempo you consume the bigger radius of festival will be and the more longer it will last.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Confusion per sec: 1 stack for 4 sec

> * Tempo 1 radius: 350

> * Tempo 2 radius: 400

> * Tempo 3 radius: 450

> * Tempo 4 radius: 500

> * Tempo 5 radius: 550

> * Tempo 6 radius: 600

> * Tempo 1 duration: 1 sec

> * Tempo 2 duration: 2 sec

> * Tempo 3 duration: 3 sec

> * Tempo 4 duration: 4 sec

> * Tempo 5 duration: 5 sec

> * Tempo 6 duration: 6 sec


> **F3** (Festival of Chaos)

> Consume all your tempo to create a festival at your current location. This festival will have chance to daze enemies inside of this area every second. The more tempo you consume the bigger radius and chance to daze of this festival will be.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 50 sec

> * Daze: 1 sec

> * Duration: 2 sec

> * Tempo 1 radius: 350

> * Tempo 2 radius: 400

> * Tempo 3 radius: 450

> * Tempo 4 radius: 500

> * Tempo 5 radius: 550

> * Tempo 6 radius: 600

> * Tempo 1 chance: 25%

> * Tempo 2 chance: 40%

> * Tempo 3 chance: 55%

> * Tempo 4 chance: 70%

> * Tempo 5 chance: 85%

> * Tempo 6 chance: 100%


> **F4** (Festival of Inspiration)

> Consume all your tempo to create a festival at your current location. This festival will grant distortion to allies and heal them every second. The more tempo you consume the bigger radius of this festival will be and the more it will heal.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 70 sec

> * Distortion: 1 and 1/2 sec

> * Duration: 3 sec

> * Tempo 1 radius: 350

> * Tempo 2 radius: 400

> * Tempo 3 radius: 450

> * Tempo 4 radius: 500

> * Tempo 5 radius: 550

> * Tempo 6 radius: 600

> * Tempo 1 healing over duration: 500 (scale with healing power)

> * Tempo 2 healing over duration: 650 (scale with healing power)

> * Tempo 3 healing over duration: 800 (scale with healing power)

> * Tempo 4 healing over duration: 950 (scale with healing power)

> * Tempo 5 healing over duration: 1100 (scale with healing power)

> * Tempo 6 healing over duration: 1250 (scale with healing power)





> **Healing Melody** (Melody of Regeneration)

> Heal yourself instantly and after short delay release tune of harmony granting regeneration to you and nearby allies.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 40 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Healing: 4000 (scale with healing power)

> * Delay: 3 sec

> * Regeneration to yourself: 10 sec

> * Regeneration to nearby allies: 4 sec




> **Utility Melody 1** (Melody of Weakness)

> After delay release demoralizing tune inflicting weakness and immobilize on nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Delay: 2 sec

> * Weakness: 3 sec

> * Immobilize: 1 sec




> **Utility Melody 2** (Melody of Duality)

> After delay release special tune damaging nearby enemies and heal nearby allies.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 35 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Delay: 2 sec

> * Damage: 550 (scales with power)

> * Healing: 350 (scales with healing power)




> **Utility Melody 3** (Melody of the Basilisk)

> After delay release shocking tune stunning nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 40 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Delay: 2 sec

> * Stun: 2 sec




> **Utility Melody 4** (Melody of Ailments)

> After delay release shinning tune removing 1 condition from nearby allies and corrupting 1 boon on nearby enemies.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 20 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Delay: 2 sec




> **Elite Melody** (Legendary Melody)

> After delay release legendary tune slowing, weakening and damaging nearby enemies while also granting regeneration to nearby allies.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 70 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Delay: 3 sec

> * Slow: 2 sec

> * Weakness: 5 sec

> * Damage: 700 (scales with power)

> * Regeneration: 8 sec

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Not my kind of e-spec, but I'll still give some feedback


- you're trying to achieve too many things with this spec and fail at most of them. Concentrate on one main goal first. As mirage is already the "Condi Spec" and chrono the "Boon Support Spec" you should probably focus on healing, though you'll have a hard time, as pure healing is rarely wanted in this game and often hated (see: PvP).

- Anet has removed aoe distortion for a reason and the chances of it ever coming back are very slim

- Skills with a delay are ... lets say unfavored by the community. They can be broken esp. on a class that already has access to many instant attacks, but they often end up being bad, as enemies die before the attack hits or has moved on, condis have been covered or done most of their damage and so on.

- Attacks with a % chance to do something you have to play around (summoning a clone, dazing) isn't good design


In this iteration I can see the following applications for this spec

PvE: None (sry, but is outclassed in pretty much every aspect but healing and nobody wants that unless coupled with broken boon sharing)

WvW: Pretty strong in zergs thx to aoe healing

PvP: Another terrible bunker alongside druid, that can survive endlessly thanks to self-healing, stealth, stuns and well what mesmer already has. Also has huge aoes that even outclass scourge, so another broken spec for capture points.

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> @"Bod.8261" said:

> Not my kind of e-spec, but I'll still give some feedback


> - you're trying to achieve too many things with this spec and fail at most of them. Concentrate on one main goal first. As mirage is already the "Condi Spec" and chrono the "Boon Support Spec" you should probably focus on healing, though you'll have a hard time, as pure healing is rarely wanted in this game and often hated (see: PvP).

> - Anet has removed aoe distortion for a reason and the chances of it ever coming back are very slim

> - Skills with a delay are ... lets say unfavored by the community. They can be broken esp. on a class that already has access to many instant attacks, but they often end up being bad, as enemies die before the attack hits or has moved on, condis have been covered or done most of their damage and so on.

> - Attacks with a % chance to do something you have to play around (summoning a clone, dazing) isn't good design


> In this iteration I can see the following applications for this spec

> PvE: None (sry, but is outclassed in pretty much every aspect but healing and nobody wants that unless coupled with broken boon sharing)

> WvW: Pretty strong in zergs thx to aoe healing

> PvP: Another terrible bunker alongside druid, that can survive endlessly thanks to self-healing, stealth, stuns and well what mesmer already has. Also has huge aoes that even outclass scourge, so another broken spec for capture points.


Lets start with this: i don't play mesmer often. I think it is broken, overpowered and confusing class.


Now, addressing your points.

1) True. I try to create a typical bard class which: weakens enemies, strengthen allies, deal low damage to enemies, heal allies, control battle field and inflict disables, etc. A typical bard have so many things going for it, so i simply try to achieve that. This elite have average support, average damage, average healing, average CC and so on, but it can do all of those things at once. Also, chronomancer is quite a good condition spec and mirage is very good power spec. Mesmers elite are very versatile and can work with any build, just like this one i suggested.

2) Yeah, AOE distortion might not be a best decision, but at least it have quite a long cooldown.

3) Imagine a shining note spinning around mesmer. When it makes one full revolution, then it will release the delayed effect. Enemies still can dodge them if they keep a close eye on you, and you will know when it will trigger if you pay attention. I personally see no problem with delayed effects, especially when you can use them just before you enter the combat to get them trigger at the exact time you want them to trigger.

4) Why "Attacks with a % chance to do something you have to play around (summoning a clone, dazing) isn't good design"? Elaborate further.

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It's interesting to read the above and it's critiques and response as someone who mains a Mesmer. Let me be clear I main Mesmer because I enjoy the class, it's flavor/theme, and it's roots in GW1. They could nerf Mesmers to hell tomorrow and I would still main Mesmer. In fact, Mesmer is one of the primary reasons I prepurchased GW2. Mesmers in GW1 were just a lot of fun for me as a primarily PvE player.


Having said all that, I have never pictured Mesmers as a PvP/WvW solo class, nor a class necessary for Raids/Fractals. To me Mesmers have always appeared to as a support class when grouped up with other players. So when we question whether Mesmer should support condi, boons, healing, etc., I kind of lose my place in the conversation. To me that's their primary group purpose. Perhaps I have misunderstood Mesmer all these years. However, it seems to me that in a game with only a handful of elements that are of primary importance (condi, boons, direct damage, healing, and protection if we don't simply put that under boons) any class is going to begin to *seem* redundant in it's abilities. For instance, Warrior can generate significant direct damage and decent condi damage (at least before the most recent WvW/PvP patch). Aside from the banner boons, what else do we want a Warrior to do?


What I am stumbling around trying to say is, there are only a certain number of things any class can reasonably be imagined doing. Eventually, overlap and redundancy are going to happen in Elite Specs. So a critique based on, "They already do this," doesn't carry much weight _for me personally_ if there aren't that many things left for the class to begin with.


Having an Elite Spec that can do condi as well as Mirage doesn't negate Mirage. It merely raises the question of how and in what manner it creates condi damage. For instance, Bleed is a condition that does damage as a result of Bleed. It doesn't need any other actions or conditions. Vulnerability, however, requires that some other type of damage be concurrently done to the target.


Could a Minstrel/Bard as support perhaps offer nothing but condi that requires concurrent damage? Perhaps Bard/Minstrel's own damage is more direct, but limited unless it lays down condis first.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> Finally a phantasm to compete with iwarden on worthlessness!


> On a more serious note, while I like some of your ideas if Anet ever does this kind of profession I would like more if they draw inspiration from GW1 Paragon, you know arias, anthems, echos and stuff like that.


I haven't splayed gw1, so i wouldn't know.

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> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> Could a Minstrel/Bard as support perhaps offer nothing but condi that requires concurrent damage? Perhaps Bard/Minstrel's own damage is more direct, but limited unless it lays down condis first.


**Major Trait 4** (Demoralizing March)

Deal 7% more damage to weakened enemies.


Well, i think i already covered that.




So, how does my take on a bard looks like?

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Bod.8261" said:

> > Not my kind of e-spec, but I'll still give some feedback

> >

> > - you're trying to achieve too many things with this spec and fail at most of them. Concentrate on one main goal first. As mirage is already the "Condi Spec" and chrono the "Boon Support Spec" you should probably focus on healing, though you'll have a hard time, as pure healing is rarely wanted in this game and often hated (see: PvP).

> > - Anet has removed aoe distortion for a reason and the chances of it ever coming back are very slim

> > - Skills with a delay are ... lets say unfavored by the community. They can be broken esp. on a class that already has access to many instant attacks, but they often end up being bad, as enemies die before the attack hits or has moved on, condis have been covered or done most of their damage and so on.

> > - Attacks with a % chance to do something you have to play around (summoning a clone, dazing) isn't good design

> >

> > In this iteration I can see the following applications for this spec

> > PvE: None (sry, but is outclassed in pretty much every aspect but healing and nobody wants that unless coupled with broken boon sharing)

> > WvW: Pretty strong in zergs thx to aoe healing

> > PvP: Another terrible bunker alongside druid, that can survive endlessly thanks to self-healing, stealth, stuns and well what mesmer already has. Also has huge aoes that even outclass scourge, so another broken spec for capture points.


> Lets start with this: i don't play mesmer often. I think it is broken, overpowered and confusing class.


> Now, addressing your points.

> 1) True. I try to create a typical bard class which: weakens enemies, strengthen allies, deal low damage to enemies, heal allies, control battle field and inflict disables, etc. A typical bard have so many things going for it, so i simply try to achieve that. This elite have average support, average damage, average healing, average CC and so on, but it can do all of those things at once. Also, chronomancer is quite a good condition spec and mirage is very good power spec. Mesmers elite are very versatile and can work with any build, just like this one i suggested.

> 2) Yeah, AOE distortion might not be a best decision, but at least it have quite a long cooldown.

> 3) Imagine a shining note spinning around mesmer. When it makes one full revolution, then it will release the delayed effect. Enemies still can dodge them if they keep a close eye on you, and you will know when it will trigger if you pay attention. I personally see no problem with delayed effects, especially when you can use them just before you enter the combat to get them trigger at the exact time you want them to trigger.

> 4) Why "Attacks with a % chance to do something you have to play around (summoning a clone, dazing) isn't good design"? Elaborate further.


Interesting reply to him there.


1) Jack of all trades and masters of none are not fun playstyles honestly. Sure, you could play any role you wanted, but there is always going to be someone who is more effective at it, and likely have an easier time doing so, making you pointless. And I think you are mis-classifying chrono as a condi spec. Its most definitely a support spec, and if you had to force it into a dps oriented role, it fits better as power. Focus on one specific area, of these I would personally pick battlefield control, and build that to be really strong at the expense of the others. Trust core mesmer to make up for the lacks of this one traitline. Because an elite line that can do everything is either average at best, or very broken.


2) Personally I never saw a problem with AoE distortion as long as it was removed from blurred inscriptions (and hence would only be on F4). But Anet seems to think that all distortion share is negative, so the long CD doesn't matter much


3) Delay effects can be interesting mechanics, but only 1 or 2. I would never want a full set of skills to feature delay effects. Depending on the implementation it allows for stupidly easy counterplay. Not to mention, its not as fun in practice for most players to have to cast their skills far in advance of when they want the effects to happen.


4) Clones are how we shatter. Having only a chance to get a clone off a weapon skill directly hurts our ability to generate clones, which hurts our ability to shatter. You effectively cut the illusion generation of the shortbow significantly by moving clone generation to the auto, but only having a 20%chance to summon a clone.


As to your actual concept. I think the shortbow needs to be redesigned. Its confused as to what its goal is honestly. The auto and skill 2 heal you and allies, making it a heavy support weapon. Then we have the phantasm. More stealth on SB 4 (which I hate, we need less stealth in this game, not more), but which also comes with 2 condi cleanse every 20 seconds. So this is a heavy sustain skill, but no support. But then you throw a random stun on SB 5.

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I have little to add to what OriOri said.


Can you explain the tempo mechanic a bit more?

As I understand it, you'll get tempo whenever you summon a clone. Does this inherently do anything or is it just for the festival effect? I think the traits could interact more with this mechanic.

And when you shatter do your clones first fill up the tempo bar for an increased effect or after the festival?

What is the purpose of limiting the spec to only 2 clones? Festivals aren't linked to clones anyway and you can still gain Tempo when you replace a clone with a new one.


> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> Having an Elite Spec that can do condi as well as Mirage doesn't negate Mirage. It merely raises the question of how and in what manner it creates condi damage.

This is a fundamental problem that will become more apparent as more e-specs get introduced.

Sure there are many ways to create damage, but at the end of the day the vast majority of players will pick the option that has the best performance.

Sure you can play a condi build as chrono, but mirage is just better at it, therefore most players will play mirage with condi builds. (only applies somewhat in PvP as sustain, burst, mobility and other factors play a larger role than pure dps or boon share).

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> @"czerwoni.9563" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > @"czerwoni.9563" said:

> > > so a bard?

> >

> > Yes, a bard,


> i mentioned a bard a few months ago and got attacked by the community because they don't like bards idr if the post got removed or not lol, sounds fun tho


Yeah, that's usually how it happens.

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> @"Bod.8261" said:

> I have little to add to what OriOri said.


> Can you explain the tempo mechanic a bit more?


Yes i can.

You summon a clone = you get 1 tempo.

You use festival (shatter) ability = you turn all your clones into tempo.

Tempo remains charged up until you remain in combat regardless the current number of clones.

If you summon 1 clone and it gets killed, you still have 1 tempo generated.

If you generate 6 tempo and have 2 clones, then consuming your tempo will cause you to lose 2 potential tempo from those clones.

Ideally you should want to have 4 tempo and 2 clones before you use festival (shatter) ability to not waste potential tempo.

If you exit combat, then you will lose all tempo generated (just like currently clones disappear when you exit combat).


> @"Bod.8261" said:

> As I understand it, you'll get tempo whenever you summon a clone. Does this inherently do anything or is it just for the festival effect? I think the traits could interact more with this mechanic.


It is just a new resource to use shatter (festival) abilities on and encouragement to plan phantasm/clone use. It supports more strategic play instead of button mashing burst.


> @"Bod.8261" said:

> And when you shatter do your clones first fill up the tempo bar for an increased effect or after the festival?


Yes, clones first fill tempo and then festival begins.


> @"Bod.8261" said:

> What is the purpose of limiting the spec to only 2 clones? Festivals aren't linked to clones anyway and you can still gain Tempo when you replace a clone with a new one.


1) Encouragement to plant phantasms/clones ahead

2) Discouragement of button mashing

3) Balance issue, because players could otherwise instantly generate 3 clones and trigger festival (shatter) instantly go get the most powerful effect with no planning ahead

4) Feel of the elite, because bard should be more strategic and slower elite than current burst mesmer



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I would replace the clones entirely with your mechanic. Everytime you gain tempo could give an effect depending on the song you are currently "playing".

So you "attune" to a song and buff allies with them or heal them. When you gain tempo the buff AoE increases and pulses more often/stacks more frequently.

When you "shatter" your song illusion by reactivating the shatter you gain a big boom effect that is basically a improved powerful version of the old buff. Strength and AoE is effected by the number of tempo.


Phantasms are still a thing but they generate tempo when they finish their skill.

All skills that generate clones now generate a phantasm instead that attacks once and generates tempo afterwards.


Would give mesmer a feeling more on the buffer side without any clones and phantasm are the go to dmg sources.

For support id say unique buffs and healing.

But nothing on the dmg side, more on the utility side like, vigor, superspeed, aegis, resistance and maybe some bonus defenae buff etc.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> I would replace the clones entirely with your mechanic. Everytime you gain tempo could give an effect depending on the song you are currently "playing".

> So you "attune" to a song and buff allies with them or heal them. When you gain tempo the buff AoE increases and pulses more often/stacks more frequently.

> When you "shatter" your song illusion by reactivating the shatter you gain a big boom effect that is basically a improved powerful version of the old buff. Strength and AoE is effected by the number of tempo.


> Phantasms are still a thing but they generate tempo when they finish their skill.

> All skills that generate clones now generate a phantasm instead that attacks once and generates tempo afterwards.


> Would give mesmer a feeling more on the buffer side without any clones and phantasm are the go to dmg sources.

> For support id say unique buffs and healing.

> But nothing on the dmg side, more on the utility side like, vigor, superspeed, aegis, resistance and maybe some bonus defenae buff etc.


That might work as well, but then you most likely will have lots of angry mesmer players who would demand their clones back.

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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > I would replace the clones entirely with your mechanic. Everytime you gain tempo could give an effect depending on the song you are currently "playing".

> > So you "attune" to a song and buff allies with them or heal them. When you gain tempo the buff AoE increases and pulses more often/stacks more frequently.

> > When you "shatter" your song illusion by reactivating the shatter you gain a big boom effect that is basically a improved powerful version of the old buff. Strength and AoE is effected by the number of tempo.

> >

> > Phantasms are still a thing but they generate tempo when they finish their skill.

> > All skills that generate clones now generate a phantasm instead that attacks once and generates tempo afterwards.

> >

> > Would give mesmer a feeling more on the buffer side without any clones and phantasm are the go to dmg sources.

> > For support id say unique buffs and healing.

> > But nothing on the dmg side, more on the utility side like, vigor, superspeed, aegis, resistance and maybe some bonus defenae buff etc.


> That might work as well, but then you most likely will have lots of angry mesmer players who would demand their clones back.


Not if tgey tune it right.

I mean scourge has no shroud and holo no elite toolbelt. Tradeoffs made right could give some totally new gamefeeling.

And clones are only used for shatter fodder and this bard e-spec looks like it does rather want to get tempo and keep it.


Another idea would be that skills that would summon a clone use some tempo to give an instant buff effect depending on weapon, but that would be difgicult to balance i assume.


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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > I would replace the clones entirely with your mechanic. Everytime you gain tempo could give an effect depending on the song you are currently "playing".

> > > So you "attune" to a song and buff allies with them or heal them. When you gain tempo the buff AoE increases and pulses more often/stacks more frequently.

> > > When you "shatter" your song illusion by reactivating the shatter you gain a big boom effect that is basically a improved powerful version of the old buff. Strength and AoE is effected by the number of tempo.

> > >

> > > Phantasms are still a thing but they generate tempo when they finish their skill.

> > > All skills that generate clones now generate a phantasm instead that attacks once and generates tempo afterwards.

> > >

> > > Would give mesmer a feeling more on the buffer side without any clones and phantasm are the go to dmg sources.

> > > For support id say unique buffs and healing.

> > > But nothing on the dmg side, more on the utility side like, vigor, superspeed, aegis, resistance and maybe some bonus defenae buff etc.

> >

> > That might work as well, but then you most likely will have lots of angry mesmer players who would demand their clones back.


> Not if tgey tune it right.

> I mean scourge has no shroud and holo no elite toolbelt. Tradeoffs made right could give some totally new gamefeeling.

> And clones are only used for shatter fodder and this bard e-spec looks like it does rather want to get tempo and keep it.


> Another idea would be that skills that would summon a clone use some tempo to give an instant buff effect depending on weapon, but that would be difgicult to balance i assume.



Well, maybe. Still, you would have to change lots of stuff to eradicate clones.

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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> It tries to be everything but I think it fails to be the best at anything. Kinda irked by the sudden boon corrupt there, because corrupts should only be thematically available only to Necro and Mallyx Revenant.


Yeah, it tries to do everything, because that's how usually bards work.

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I really like the way this conversation has been going. I hope the devs are taking note(s).


I am embarrassed to say that the only part I cringe at is the title: Musician ... Minstrel or Bard, devs, pretty please? It seems shallow, but the words just invoke very different images and vibe.

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> @"Oriens.5630" said:

> I really like the way this conversation has been going. I hope the devs are taking note(s).


> I am embarrassed to say that the only part I cringe at is the title: Musician ... Minstrel or Bard, devs, pretty please? It seems shallow, but the words just invoke very different images and vibe.


Well "componist" could be something.

Imagine a mechanic similar to monsterhunter were depending on weapon clone you create different notes that give different buffs. :lol:

No seriously this would mess up the profession big time just to implement it^^

But the name would fit though.


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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> > @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > It tries to be everything but I think it fails to be the best at anything. Kinda irked by the sudden boon corrupt there, because corrupts should only be thematically available only to Necro and Mallyx Revenant.


> Yeah, it tries to do everything, because that's how usually bards work.


That does not mean its a good spec design. Jack of all trades, master of none, is not that much fun gameplay wise, for lots of reasons. Everyone else will be better than you, at everything you could possibly want to do.


You need to pick out 1 area where the elite spec should focus in, and then build itaround that

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