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LFG - Returning to Game


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Hey all!

I am returning to the game after a long absence and I am now trying to play catch up. I am looking for a friendly, mature, PVE guild based in EST. I can use any chat program. I am looking to do PVE content in a serious but super friendly manner. I can play Sun - Wed after 8pm, Thurs after 9pm, and Fri - Sat at any time, day or night. My job may require me to work late Sun -Wed. but it is usually not much past the times I posted. Feel free to message me in game if you feel I may be a good fit to your guild.





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Greetings Galith,


Welcome back to Tyria. I think you'd be a nice fit for my little home. We're called The Gryphons Aerie and we’re a small, casual/semi-casual yet social, 18+, PvE, family on Tarnished Coast. We're currently trying to rebuild our core ranks in order to have more regular guild events. Right now, we have events (none are mandatory, ever) on Sundays and Tuesdays, focusing on things like Dungeons, Fractals, Living World Story Content, hero point chasing, etc. We hope to add more in the future as our ranks grow. Our current peak time tends to be in the mid-late evening EST, though we have a few other members that float around various time zones and schedules.


**We know that RL comes first and stress that fact.**

*We’ll still be there even if you can’t for a bit of time. Just leave a little note to let us know you'll be away, and all is well.*


**We do not demand 100% representation.**

*It’s not our business to tell you who you can and cannot associate with; that choice is yours alone.*


**We are focused on providing a place where people can feel comfortable and as though they are more than just a name on the roster. We want everyone to feel like family.**

*We are very LGBTQ+ affirmative and do not tolerate any sort of derogatory words, comments, bigotry etc. toward anyone regardless of nationality, race, religious beliefs, gender identity or sexuality. Anyone violating that policy is subject to immediate removal, no questions asked.*


**We’re willing to help out with any and all questions as best as we can, whether it's dungeons/Fractals, builds, and other general game questions. All you need to do is ask.** *We also don’t do the “speed runs”, exploits, etc, nor require anyone to bring a specific class or build for any dungeon run. Bring whatever you want and we'll have fun regardless.*


We also have a Discord, but use of the voice chat is on a purely optional basis, although using the text channels is expected.


For more information, check out our [Guild Website](http://www.thegryphonsaerie.com).


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to drop me a note here or contact me in game and I’ll do my best to answer them.

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Hey Galith, welcome back to GW2! Our guild, Tyrs Paladium, is made up of gamers 30+ in age and we definitely understand that RL comes first. We have a broad spectrum of players from complete GW2 neophytes, former WoW players, and long time GW1 players. The one thing that matters is that we play with our motto of "no man left behind" so that everyone gets completion on whatever we do. We do not raid at this point, but we do dungeons, fractals, and all open world content as a guild.


We use Teamspeak for voice comms and have a dedicated website for information sharing and event setups.


If you would like to read more about us, click [**** HERE ****](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/27147/na-tyrs-tyrs-paladium-is-hiring-the-30-70-year-olds-guild "**** HERE ****")


If you are interested, then please go to [tyrspaladium.shivtr.com](http://tyrspaladium.shivtr.com "tyrspaladium.shivtr.com") to apply!


You will need to create a Shiv forum account to gain access:

Click GW2 in the upper left to select the Guild Wars 2 Chapter

Click APPLY in the upper right

Complete the Application


Look forward to hearing from you!


Auro, Officer, Tyrs Paladium

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i think you'll be a good fit for us. we're "seriously" teaching dungeons, fractals, run open world events, hp trains, and hopefully come back to raids soon.

super chill environment since we're filthy casuals. we base on CST though but play pretty late so your EST should be covered. plus, we have EST people and wanting to grow more on that end.

Discord is our main communication tool and is very active during the day when we're at work/school. voice chat is active at night.

our prime time is 8pm EST most nights, could be more active during the weekend depend on the crowd's schedule.

for additional info, you could find out more here:

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