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Looking for Warrior feedback after the balance patch (27.3)


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First off, not a warrior main. I have a warrior since 2012 but only managed to play it extensively in WvW and PvP when spellbreaker came.


Dagger damage nerf is noticeable, especially on AAs. There feels like a lot less damage thrown around so I've been a lot more patient in landing dagger 2 and burst instead of mindlessly hitting it for gap closers. Disrupting stab stun nerf made me drop hundred blades right after and instead go for a burst as its faster for me. 90s cd on rampage is nice, when paired with bulls charge with peak performance can be insta win if you bait their stun breaks with shield and dagger stun.


Full counter still hits significantly for me. Haven't touched break enchantments since patch as I started to run balanced stance/bulls charge before the patch hit and it feels better.


Previously, the bane of my existence was staff mirage. So far i haven't lost to one, worst is a draw. Or maybe all the decent mesmers are waiting for pvp season to start.


TL;DR feels pretty much the same to me. Anet please give dagger 2 a shorter aftercast thanks

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So in wvw group fights the break enchantments change was a buff and is definitely noticeable. Dagger AA’s also slightly noticeable but I still like to use dagger for its burst skill and daze. Counter nerf slightly noticeable but not a deal breaker for me.


Roaming I like to flip flop between core warrior and spell breaker. Both are fun.


Spvp i approach in the same way I approach roaming. Both are useful and fun. Counter on SB is still a fantastic mechanic for defense and flipping a bad situation in your favor.

I haven’t noticed the passive stance changes too much because I never used them as a crutch. Yeah I can tell a longer time between when they trigger in my buff bars but gameplay wise I don’t feel gimped.


Overall yes the changes can be felt, but not in a game breaking warrior-is-dead sort of way. I will still be sticking to my warrior.


I enjoy it way too much to let a few nerfs get into my head and gameplay.

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I don't play Warrior in PvP, so I don't have much insight there.

Since the balance patch on the Defense passives only hit PvP, WvW warriors are still very good.


Axe is good, probably the best weapon for power duels and dealing with bunker stats.

Dagger nerf now makes other weapons competitive with Spellbreaker. I've been trying Sword MH using all the Full Counter traits. Although you lose some Adrenaline generation, having Full Counter apply Slow feels great.


Personally I think Sword now is the better roaming weapon, while Dagger is probably better for 1v1 duels and such. I still have issues with Sword burst (the damage buff doesn't feel significant, is much harder to land, and roots you unless you cancel the skill), but Immobilize can be brutal for certain classes.


All in all, Warrior is still the best Heavy profession for WvW roaming.

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I switched to Necro in all game modes. Won ten games in a row, role is more clearly defined and easier to play. I no longer have to rely on teammates understanding how warrior is supposed to play for me to be successful.


Honestly, I'll probably end up rolling Mesmer to see how easy it really is.

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PvP im finding no troubles as warrior (Spellbreaker). Core can be used if played well, but it certainly is at a disadvantage to SB. Berserker is pretty much useless unless you go condi, but again is far inferior to SB. The nerfs to passives across the board have been a huge move in the right direction for PvP.


WvW warrior is struggling. Roaming is thing of the past. Sure you can do 1v1, 2v1, but the situation when you get those usually is interrupted by a bunch of other people. Zerging Warrior struggles since the aoe spam fest means you cant get close to a zerg without being blown up quickly. That, and the fact trailblazer stats exists, means even if you do get close enough to a zerg, you cant do much damage n the short time you are there.


Personally i'm happy with how Warrior is in both PvP and WvW, i think the issue in WvW is more other classes balance, stat availability (basically Trailblazer) and the direction WvW gameplay has been pointed toward (i.e. blob fights, which encourage ranged pressure)

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I think class balance notwithstanding, warrior is struggling in both WvW and sPvP because of the role it's forced into. Being a bubble bot in WvW but not having the durability to survive actually attacking groups is frustrating to play. Being a far point distraction when your team expects you to teamfight or doesn't understand that you're trying to contest, stall and pull enemies away to +1 you is also very frustrating.


I'd rather play necro and actually impact games. If you're not high plat 1 or higher, warrior isn't that great, and being that high rated, you really need to know what you're doing. Warrior isn't super hard to play, but the role it plays requires knowledge from everyone else so that they don't squander your efforts. I don't want to play a class whose actions can be completely neutralized purely because the rest of my team doesn't also understand my unique role.

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i tried out some core warrior in pvp during the last weeks and while it does have its moments it's outclassed in teamfighting and severally hindered especially because of scourges near permanent uptime of weakness (corrupted from might) and it does not have the durability to actually stay on point for an extended period of time. In 1v1s on sidenodes you have trouble vs the sb variant (and you are more susceptible to +1) and ofc mesmers that take you down without you having any chance to harm them if they are actually capable of playing the class.

The biggest weakness of core war is condi damage, because there is actually very little reliable cleanse available for it, though mending is a good option with its decreased cd in pvp but it is by far not enough and with the little stab uptime warrior has right now it is very hard especially in a teamfight to activate it without being consistently interrupted.

So i guess it is still mostly sb in pvp.


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Kind of a mixed bag post patch for me: (cant speak to other modes but I WvW almost 100% of the time and small scale)


1. I can really feel the difference in dagger post nerf, it hits very weak now, with the exception of the dagger 3/4 combo if you dual wield . Even then the reduction in stun time on dagger 3 is noticeable with so many other things going on, the bigger issue though is the overall reduction in damage on MH dagger. Perhaps that's the price we pay for boonrip on our MH weapon, but I would take the damage back, and increased range on our dagger leaps if the boon rip was removed. We would still have our Bubble, FC, Traits, and Break Enchantments.


2. Sword buffs feel good especially Primal Sword F1 on Berserker. That thing is hitting like a truck, landing a full volley on someone is a huge damage spike just from that one skill. Since it pierces you can also tag small groups with it. LOL!



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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> I switched to Necro in all game modes. Won ten games in a row, role is more clearly defined and easier to play. I no longer have to rely on teammates understanding how warrior is supposed to play for me to be successful.


> Honestly, I'll probably end up rolling Mesmer to see how easy it really is.


People like you make me laugh. You go to the most op classes just to have an edge in a video game. You are the reason this game is dying. People need to stop re-rolling op classes so we can actually have fun in pvp with balanced classes.

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> > @"bLind.6278" said:

> > I switched to Necro in all game modes. Won ten games in a row, role is more clearly defined and easier to play. I no longer have to rely on teammates understanding how warrior is supposed to play for me to be successful.

> >

> > Honestly, I'll probably end up rolling Mesmer to see how easy it really is.


> People like you make me laugh. You go to the most op classes just to have an edge in a video game. You are the reason this game is dying. People need to stop re-rolling op classes so we can actually have fun in pvp with balanced classes.


I still main warrior in sPvP. Necro is definitely overtuned, but is awful to play sometimes. Very boring, and very easily trained down nonstop when your team doesn't support you. It's still a better pick than warrior, though. Also, it's far better in pve, and I almost always played necro in pve for mob tagging anyway, so nothing changed there.


Honestly, going to necro for a couple of weeks was great just for the change of pace. I'd do it again, 8/10

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> @"bLind.6278" said:

> > @"BMW.2951" said:

> > > @"bLind.6278" said:

> > > I switched to Necro in all game modes. Won ten games in a row, role is more clearly defined and easier to play. I no longer have to rely on teammates understanding how warrior is supposed to play for me to be successful.

> > >

> > > Honestly, I'll probably end up rolling Mesmer to see how easy it really is.

> >

> > People like you make me laugh. You go to the most op classes just to have an edge in a video game. You are the reason this game is dying. People need to stop re-rolling op classes so we can actually have fun in pvp with balanced classes.


> I still main warrior in sPvP. Necro is definitely overtuned, but is awful to play sometimes. Very boring, and very easily trained down nonstop when your team doesn't support you. It's still a better pick than warrior, though. Also, it's far better in pve, and I almost always played necro in pve for mob tagging anyway, so nothing changed there.


> Honestly, going to necro for a couple of weeks was great just for the change of pace. I'd do it again, 8/10


I pulled out my old thief yesterday and made a p/p build to completely destroy scourges in ranked pvp yesterday. Most fun I have had in ages! lol. Sit back and watch the stupid Necro melt to the ground.

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