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[Elite Suggestion] Legend-keeper

Regon Phoenix.8215

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Theme: keeper of legendary weapons and fragments of legendary weapons. This warrior keeps these things away from evil and use them to fight against forces of evil, demons, elder dragons and any other creatures who threaten the world. These warriors not only keep these artifacts on them, but also are entrusted to keep them by divine spirits and blessed to be the only ones who are capable to to wield these artifacts.


Based slightly on this comment:


> @"TheSwede.9512" said:

> * Might wanna tone down the "Corrupt your soul and use dark arts" angle, because that's preeeeetty much the flavor of a Revenant channeling Mallyx (Draws conditions from allies to themselves, empowers through misery, literally becomes possessed by a demon with their elite etc) and focus instead on other aspects, **such as the use of forbidden weapons or something like that**.


And on these weapons:

[Focus](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Binding_of_Ipos "Focus")

[Mace](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eureka "Mace")

[Axe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astralaria "Axe")

[Greatsword](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eternity "Greatsword")

[These skins](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zenith_weapon_skins "These skins")


Main builds:

1) Boon based power build (main build);

2) Condition build based around torment (alternative build);

3) Anti-burst bruiser build focused on fighting high burst enemies (main build).




> **Adept Minor Trait** (Keeper of Forbidden Artifacts)

> Unlock **Focus for your off-hand** and allow you to use **Artifact** abilities.

> Replace your **Burst** ability with **Reforge** abilities.


> _Adept Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 1** (Inspiring Tales)

> Gain 2 sec of quickness whenever you use an Artifact ability.

> **Major Trait 2** (Corrupted Artifacts)

> Increase your condition damage by 100 and your damaging conditions will last 10% longer.

> **Major Trait 3** (Blessed with Long Life)

> Heal yourself for 50 (scales with healing power) health whenever you gain adrenaline.




> **Master Minor Trait** (Eternal Keeper)

> When you gain 4 different boons, then you also gain 6 sec of regeneration. Cooldown: 5 sec.


> _Master Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 4** (Focused on the Single Goal)

> Your focus abilities will recharge 3% faster for every boon on you.

> **Major Trait 5** (Demonic Influence)

> Whenever you inflict a damaging condition (doesn't work when you inflict torment or when you inflict more than 2 stacks of burning) you inflict 5 stacks of torment for 10 sec instead. Cooldown: 14 sec.

> **Major Trait 6** (Surprise Recovery)

> Whenever you lose 30-40% of your maximum health (the less health you have the bigger percentage is) over 3 sec or faster, then you gain 4 sec of protection and 6 sec of regeneration.




> **Grandmaster Minor Trait** (Endless Blessings)

> Gain 30 toughness and 20 healing power per unique boon on you.


> _Grandmaster Major Trait Line_

> **Major Trait 7** (Blessed Artifacts of the Gods)

> Your F1, F2, F3 and F4 grants boons when you activate them before they hit.

> **Major Trait 8** (Corrupted Artifacts of the Demons)

> Your F1, F2, F3 and F4 inflicts conditions on all hit enemies.

> **Major Trait 9** (Hidden Powers of the Artifacts)

> Your F1, F2, F3 and F4 gain unique functions.




> **F1** (Reforge the Eternal Sun)

> Reforge an ancient greatsword of blazing sun and deliver a spinning attack against all nearby enemies. This attack is unblockable.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 35 sec

> * Adrenaline cost: 20

> * Radius: 240

> * Damage: 900 (scales with power)

> * Whirl combo finisher

> * _Blessed Artifacts of the Gods_: gain 15 stacks of might for 1 sec

> * _Corrupted Artifacts of the Demons_: inflict 5 stacks of burning for 6 sec

> * _Hidden Powers of the Artifacts_: evade all attacks for 2 sec (begins when you start casting this ability)




> **F2** (Reforge the Codex Evil)

> Reforge an codex of forbidden texts and release a wave of darkness around yourself dealing damage to nearby enemies and torment them.

> * Casting time: 1 sec

> * Cooldown: 35 sec

> * Adrenaline cost: 20

> * Radius: 450

> * Damage: 300 (scales with power)

> * Torment: 4 stacks for 8 sec

> * Blast combo finisher

> * _Blessed Artifacts of the Gods_: gain 4 sec of resistance

> * _Corrupted Artifacts of the Demons_: inflict 3 stacks of poison for 5 sec and 2 stacks of confusion for 4 sec

> * _Hidden Powers of the Artifacts_: knockdown all hit enemies for 2 sec




> **F3** (Reforge the Crystal Star)

> Reforge a crystal mace hardened by planet's core to perform a heavy slam to damage enemies in front of you and stun them.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 35 sec

> * Adrenaline cost: 20

> * Range: 300

> * Damage: 500 (scales with power)

> * Stun: 2 sec

> * _Blessed Artifacts of the Gods_: gain 4 sec of retaliation

> * _Corrupted Artifacts of the Demons_: inflict 2 stack of confusion for 6 sec and 10 stacks of vulnerability for 6 sec

> * _Hidden Powers of the Artifacts_: create a lightning combo field in front of you for 3 sec which will destroy enemy projectiles




> **F4** (Reforge the Star Cleaver)

> Reforge a cosmic axe of celestials and leap to your target (or leap forward) performing AOE attack against all enemies in area of your target.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 35 sec

> * Adrenaline cost: 20

> * Range: 1200

> * Radius: 200

> * Damage: 650 (scales with power)

> * Leap combo finisher

> * _Blessed Artifacts of the Gods_: gain 6 sec of fury

> * _Corrupted Artifacts of the Demons_: inflict 4 stacks of bleeding for 10 sec

> * _Hidden Powers of the Artifacts_: instantly refresh this ability if this ability hits at least 4 enemies




> **Focus 4** (Sharing the Will of the Keepers)

> Grant might, fury and swiftness to yourself and one closest ally.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 15 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Might: 3 stacks for 10 sec

> * Fury: 6 sec

> * Swiftness: 12 sec




> **Focus 5** (Bind the Intruders)

> Grant protection to yourself and bind up to 2 closest enemies. If bound enemy moves more than certain distance from you, then he/she will get inflicted by torment and cripple.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 25 sec

> * Radius: 600

> * Protection: 6 sec

> * Duration of bind: 5 sec

> * Range threshold: 600

> * Torment: 4 stacks for 10 sec

> * Cripple: 6 sec




> **Healing Artifact** (Legendary Ring of Restoration)

> Heal yourself. Gain bonus healing for every boon on you. This ability can be used while you are disabled, but it will not brake these disables.

> * Casting time: 3/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Healing: 3500 (scales with healing power)

> * Bonus healing per unique boon: 500 (Scales with healing power)




> **Utility Artifact 1** (Legendary Cloak of Thieves)

> Evade all attacks and remove movement impairing condition (cripple, chill, immobilize) from yourself. This ability can be used while you are disabled, but it will not brake these disables.

> * Casting time: 1/4 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Evasion: 2 sec




> **Utility Artifact 2** (Legendary Boots of the Titans)

> Perform blast finisher 3 times at your current location. This ability can be used while you are disabled, but it will not brake these disables.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 20 sec




> **Utility Artifact 3** (Legendary Gloves of the Lightning Molding)

> Create lightning field under your feet and daze nearby enemies. This ability can be used while you are disabled, but it will not brake these disables.

> * Casting time: 1/2 sec

> * Cooldown: 30 sec

> * Radius: 240

> * Duration: 5 sec

> * Daze: 1 sec




> **Utility Artifact 4** (Legendary Helmet of the Courageous)

> Gain an unique effect protecting you from fear, daze, stun and confusion. This ability is a stunbreaker.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 60 sec

> * Duration: 5 sec

> * Stunbreaker




> **Elite Artifact** (Legendary Armory)

> Gain an unique effect protecting you from boon removal and it will grant adrenaline every time you gain a boon. This ability is also affected by your grandmaster trait.

> * Casting time: instant

> * Cooldown: 90 sec

> * Duration: 5 sec

> * Adrenaline per boon: 2

> * _Blessed Artifacts of the Gods_: grant 5 stacks of stability for 5 sec

> * _Corrupted Artifacts of the Demons_: instead of protecting you from boon removal, it will now instead prevent condition removal form nearby enemies (radius: 300) and grant adrenaline when you inflict a condition instead

> * _Hidden Powers of the Artifacts_: reduce all damage you take by 33% while this ability last

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