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Made it in to the Polymock Arena. Instructions and pictures included.

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Since the launch, my friends and I have always wanted to see inside the Polymock Arena. We had been hopeful that the content would eventually be added, but when that never happened, we turned toward finding ways inside through game mechanics. Last summer, with PoF, we had hoped that the Griffon would let us see it, but invisible walls blocked our way and we could only look in from the outside.

Last night, while harvesting in my Home instance, I had an idea. And we finally did it! I was the first to make it, then was quickly followed by a Guildie, and finally had a friend use his Teleport to friend stone to see it him self(had no griffon).

Anyway, here is an Album showing it off for those who either don't want to try themselves, or don't yet have a Griffon, but would like to see whats over there.



As for HOW to get in. First things first, you NEED a Griffon with all the mastery's finished. A Springer will also help make this a lot easier.

Step one is to go to Rata Sum and Fly over to the Applies Development Lab in the Upper left. From there, you need to use the Springer, Glider and Griffon to scale to the top of the structure on the west side of the lab, You want to get on the cube. Once up there, you should be able to fly over to the Polymock arena, as long as you boost dive down and swoop back up, flapping at the peak of the ascent. Now just fly over to the Arena, and you should be able to fly over the invisible wall.

Happy Exploring!

Gonna go park a character in there so I dont get locked out when they raise that wall. lol

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They should just take down the walls and leave a single Peacemaker in there.

"So you made it in?"


X I'll just be going, Officer


"Well everyone who gets this job has done something to annoy the establishment. Look around, I'm not informing my superiors of any non-hostile interlopers"

X Thanks, I promise I won't be any trouble.

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> @"Kallist.5917" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > Won't you be surprised when everyone is able to get in once they add Polymock in some future update...


> Are you still holding out hope? It's been 6 years! lol Naa, I think its been left on the cutting room floor saddly.


Sad but true, like all the other racial activities... but they could still make use of this area somehow. It looks great just throw in some NPC's with voice dialogue and those golem minigame tables or something. Or add polymock, but I am a realist so yeah... that is not happening, the only way would be a largely Asura themed expac and even then it is a huge stretch.


They should make more use of the areas surrounding Rata Sum in general, it seems like the perfect spot to hide stuff... and I am still waiting for the Rata Sum Griffon race, which it would be great for as well. Now I know neither of these things are likely but one can hope...

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> @"Kallist.5917" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > Won't you be surprised when everyone is able to get in once they add Polymock in some future update...


> Are you still holding out hope? It's been 6 years! lol Naa, I think its been left on the cutting room floor saddly.


It's a joke based on sarcasm that was as plain as the sun...it's the same thing with the shooting gallery in Divinity's Reach...that's probably definitely dead on the floor...but remember, it only takes 1 Dev to do something on his own time if he enjoys it enough. Besides, it was supposed to be an improved version of the original game and who knows what Z's vision is for other than story components...but I don't expect, but I also don't think it was a wise move to tell others how to reach it.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Maybe they should move SAB into the Polymock area? It would allow them to spread the stuff around it out a bit, and make more of a festival of it. Right now it overfills one small but very busy area in Rata Sum.


That is actually a good idea. SAB is an Asuran game and polymock is also an Asuran pasttime so it makes sense in a weird way. Wouldn't be any different from DR and Crown Pavilion either (ie. a festival specific area). If they some day actually add Polymock which we can probably say is unlikely at this point the area would still be thematically appropriate to accommodate both.

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