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We don't need more Commanders

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It looks to me like they're missing quite a few tags, actually. Give them a blue, blue cat, green, green cat, purple cat, red, red cat, orange, orange cat, light blue, light blue cat, white, white cat, yellow, and yellow cat... Then they might have enough. ;)

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Personally, I like to think that this is where stats could be useful. If a guy regularly tag up, he should have a commander reputation that allow us to filter tags by reputation. You would then have one tag reputation (in the sens of how long he tags up a week on average and it would account for long breaks) for wvw.


It is also of importance to note that sometimes the commander wont put up his tag but will ask us to target him instead so as to avoid "tag watching". In this case, we should be able to ourselves assign a tag that is visible only by us, to someone.

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Do a couple of PVE bosses then tell me there are too many tags in that pic. :)> @"Yseron.8613" said:

> Personally, I like to think that this is where stats could be useful. If a guy regularly tag up, he should have a commander reputation that allow us to filter tags by reputation. You would then have one tag reputation (in the sens of how long he tags up a week on average and it would account for long breaks) for wvw.


Thumbs down. Any reputation system WILL be twisted. Tagging up 24/7, getting friends to vote for you, whatever.

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- "for wvw" means "for wvw", not "for pve".

- "in the sens of how long he tags up a week on average and it would account for long breaks" means "not based on some votes"

- "allow us to filter tags" means "option on the player intiative", not "systematically"

And these are suggestions I heard from some wvw commanders themselves, because after all, this is about wvw, right ?


![](https://imgur.com/B6TEX2b.jpg "")



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Any system anywhere that can be manipulated will be. If the pics you are showing are normal you have NOTHING on pve when it comes to commander tags. I regularly am at boss battles where it seems like half of the people there are tagged up so 2 or 3 people tagged up in the same photo is nothing.


Remember, commander tags are used in both PVE and WVW. At the moment you can not do something in one game mode without affecting the other. If there were a split between the 2 then fine (although I still would suggest wanting something that can be manipulated is a bad idea) but currently if you do something to change the tags you do not just change them in WVW.


Mentor tags are probably the start of a potential split, more attractive to non-commanders too since no gold is involved for some icon on the map. Some people abuse mentor tags though so I prefer to stick with my commander tag in PVE and no tag in WVW.

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> @"Yseron.8613" said:

> Personally, I like to think that this is where stats could be useful. If a guy regularly tag up, he should have a commander reputation that allow us to filter tags by reputation. You would then have one tag reputation (in the sens of how long he tags up a week on average and it would account for long breaks) for wvw.


> It is also of importance to note that sometimes the commander wont put up his tag but will ask us to target him instead so as to avoid "tag watching". In this case, we should be able to ourselves assign a tag that is visible only by us, to someone.


Ideas like this always fail when paired with the players. If the tag gained you anything in terms of stats or drop rates or even just a "cosmetic" feature like reputation people would be taging up everywhere, for everything.

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It's not so much about fooling anyone. The hivemind usually can tell if a tag is competent or not and will eventually stop following anyway. It's more an issue of screen clutter and knowing where to go when zoning into a map. Visibility options or something in the contacts menu that lets you select ppl from your FL who use to tag up to be highlighted among commanders would help with that maybe.


I'm not big into WvW, but as far as I understand, commanding a squad of 10(?) or more people gives you extra pips or some other sort of additional progress towards WvW endgame rewards, right? How did that change work out for the game mode? Got more random tags for dailies now? Does it help the overall experience? I can imagine, if you've been into WvW for years now, you know who to follow, know the good guilds and maybe their schedule. You might be part of an organized online communty yourself, so you're not actually reliant on any tags on the maps. But what about a new players zoning into a borderland map, do they know where to go and what tag to follow?

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> @"Yseron.8613" said:

> for the other:

> i would like to see you fool me when i can decide who i want to follow

In the case of having to build up your reputation, everyone would be running tagged, just in case. because tagging down would ruin your reputation for the time where you might need it.

You think you have too much tags now? It's nothing compared to what would happen if your solution were to be implemented.

(and in such a case, good luck filtering all that, when the people with the most rep would be ones that never tag down, but don't necessarily lead).


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