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We don't need more Commanders

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> You think you have too much tags now? It's nothing compared to what would happen if your solution were to be implemented.


I thought it was funny when the complaint was about too many tags and the picture had 2 (unless a third was hiding) tags. I rarely find a PVE map with less than 3 or 4 tags (and plenty at anything of note) so 2 in the same area is not what I would describe as a lot.



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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > You think you have too much tags now? It's nothing compared to what would happen if your solution were to be implemented.


> I thought it was funny when the complaint was about too many tags and the picture had 2 (unless a third was hiding) tags. I rarely find a PVE map with less than 3 or 4 tags (and plenty at anything of note) so 2 in the same area is not what I would describe as a lot.




I'm not expressing any opinion on this, just pointing out to look at the mini map. I can count 8 to 9 pink tags.

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Um . . . for those saying, "Two," please look at the mini map in the bottom right corner. Guess it's a good thing we don't have a thumbs down option. Also, and this may be just me, but it's kind of hard to take someone seriously when they ask the community not to personally attack someone in the same thread where they do it themselves.


As far as the solution? It's too late, but a commander tag should've been a achievement that required multiple tests of competency . . . not simply gold.


You know that saying about too many chiefs? Well . . . we're there.

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A bunch of commanders all in shades of pink? I'd ask in map chat what event they're playing then consider whether to join in or go my own way :D .


As for the rest of the discussion, multiple tags in wvw seem to work just fine on my servers pairing. At busy times there can easily be several per map. Just ask who's doing a public raid and join one of those instead of quietly following just any tag. Even if there's just one or two tags on the map it saves a ton of headaches to ask first if they're public or a private guild/alliance run.

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> @"Zlater.6789" said:

> Because of the bonus pips from tagging, isn't it more efficient to have a tag for every 5 people.

Depends on your goal. If you want to maximize personal gain, as many tags as possible is the way to go. If on the other hand you want to play the way that best benefits your server, larger squads and less commanders are most likely more effective for several reasons, one of them the fact that more tags on screen (and on the minimap) tend to clutter the view for everyone involved.

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