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Good Vid Bik.

One thing i question though.

Why on earth didnt you called it Boonbeast instead of Soulboons.

It just sounds waaaaay better : P



There is also the SotP and GS version.

Works in similar ways, less consistent might though but faster burst generation.


Owl is also nice backup pet due to heal and disengage. But it lacks CC.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Good Vid Bik.

> One thing i question though.

> Why on earth didnt you called it Boonbeast instead of Soulboons.

> It just sounds waaaaay better : P



> There is also the SotP and GS version.

> Works in similar ways, less consistent might though but faster burst generation.


> Owl is also nice backup pet due to heal and disengage. But it lacks CC.


BoonBeast sounds good...>BUT SOULBOONs is politically sounds correct...Since u take it souls and boons. ez!


Also i fight a lot of GS soulsbeast players...I don't really like GS that much with SB though

Thanx for the reply

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I tried it myself and thought I was just not used to it, then watched your newest gameplay vid on it; I hate to say I find it underwhelming. It's creative and I like your passion for builds, however comparing it to the other might stacking monster builds, and just other builds in meta, I can't see this competing. (this really isn't your build's fault, just the fact that there's a lot of op kitten out there at the moment)


IMO it lacks might, watching whole way through your vid you can't touch enough might stacks for long enough (key word, for long enough) to make you deal acceptable damage, the other boons are nice like prot but in the end you're just another bunker and I think druid bunker is probably better.


Maybe try MH axe? (though I hate MH axe honestly) I don't see you needing LB for any reason and MH axe would help boost the might by a lot. OH dagger could net you another dodge or whatever you want to use, I just don't see LB helping you much for this build.


I dunno, I've been wrong about builds many times but if this is the boon stacking soulbeast everyone is chattering about I just don't find it solid (compared to what other classes can do)



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> @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> I tried it myself and thought I was just not used to it, then watched your newest gameplay vid on it; I hate to say I find it underwhelming. It's creative and I like your passion for builds, however comparing it to the other might stacking monster builds, and just other builds in meta, I can't see this competing. (this really isn't your build's fault, just the fact that there's a lot of op kitten out there at the moment)


> IMO it lacks might, watching whole way through your vid you can't touch enough might stacks for long enough (key word, for long enough) to make you deal acceptable damage, the other boons are nice like prot but in the end you're just another bunker and I think druid bunker is probably better.


> Maybe try MH axe? (though I hate MH axe honestly) I don't see you needing LB for any reason and MH axe would help boost the might by a lot. OH dagger could net you another dodge or whatever you want to use, I just don't see LB helping you much for this build.


> I dunno, I've been wrong about builds many times but if this is the boon stacking soulbeast everyone is chattering about I just don't find it solid (compared to what other classes can do)




There is also an iteration with WhaO and SotP with LB. It has better burst and faster might generation, less survivability though.

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> @"Eggyokeo.9705" said:

> i gave you build a play last night for my placement match matches and loved it, I do a couple of things different. I use an avatar amulet and I use earth runes suited me better



I'm using Avatar's amulet as well! But I forsook Nature Magic for Beast Mastery. Decent might generation with Smokescale (Owl is the second pet). I've been using Dolyak runes for the stats/health regen, but I'm tempted to try Earth or Forge runes for the protection (it's very clutch).


I also think that Beast Mastery helps with pet damage (I keep mine on "Avoid Combat" because I like to micromanage them). Not to mention that Zephyr's speed grants more offense and condi cleanse when swapping pets, and natural healing adds to longevity when kiting with the Owl merged, especially with the HP from the Avatar amulet.

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> @"Tealots.6095" said:

> and natural healing adds to longevity when kiting with the Owl merged, especially with the HP from the Avatar amulet.


Shame about the support pet healing nerf. Losing the bonus HP on self heals was good.


Pointless having 25% on healing others.. its not as if Soulbeast has any build that effectively heals other players - other than a couple of spirits and invigorating bond. LUL


The Anet dev responsible for that change has some bloody explaining to do regarding that little gem.



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Nice sustain, like really nice sustain

Excellent Burst


Only thing I noticed is that between the bursts/wolf stance


is that the sustained damage at times can be really low. as others have said due to the relatively low might uptime. But I gotta hand it to you. u did make top 5 with it so there is clearly something I overlooked so I can admit that.


I'd say that this is still aside all of that the best soulbeast build I've seen to date in PvP. Congrats. :)


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