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The Ultimate QoL Thread

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Now that Anet suddenly went and fixed the old non-consumable Season 3 materials and made them consumable, I decided it was time to show them some other QoL fixes that would be appreciated. (I will **NOT** be talking about Build Templates, LS1 and other stuff that has been discussed to death with devs already).


**Icons for S3 Nodes**

This one is a small one but it should never have existed. First we have the Bloodstone Node, okay it was the first S3 node but it has no unique icon on the minimap still, same with the Petrified Wood Node.

But then suddenly the Bitterfrost Berry Node, Jade Shard Node and Fire Orchid Node had a unique node each? Seemed like a good spot to add special icons to the first two but then on the last node, the Orrian Oyster Node it is decided to remove the unique icon again? Can this please be fixed (and also please make the Bitterfrost Berry material exotic)


**Achievement Tab Recoloring and Collection Tab re-sorting**

Easiest thing to do here is to match the colors of the achievements by their expansion color (Mastery Point color). Funny thing is that the "Story Journal" is almost at this point already except for the Core Expansion color.

![](https://i.imgur.com/n1SzftW.png "")


**So all Core Achievements become one of these colors**

![](https://i.imgur.com/oAqarRp.png "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/vB9sfL4.png "")

**All Heart of Thorns Achievements become one of these colors**

![](https://i.imgur.com/NpY3FbV.png "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/uXzqbRK.png "")

**All Path of Fire Achievements become one of these colors**

![](https://i.imgur.com/vyaf9wp.png "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/bMppZYz.png "")

**Then all Achievements in the Competitive Tab can be colored like the WvW Achievements**

![](https://i.imgur.com/oeQclrB.png "")

Side Stories Achievements can keep their different colors, Fractals and Raids can keep their color too.

The Hall of Monuments category in the General Tab should also keep its color to show uniqueness.


As for the Collection Tab though, same Core/HoT/PoF sorting should be made (like in the Specializations Collection tab). Then the rare category should be remade to not include achievements that do no qualify to the "Rare". This would require quite some tinkering though so a simpler way would be to remove the "Basic Collection" and "Rare Collection" terms and replace them with "Core Collections", "Heart of Thorns Collections" and "Path of Fire Collections".


**Write Name To Delete Item**

If the recent mails with Recording Devices didn't reignite the hate for this feature, then I don't know what will.

Easy fix here would be to add an option tick that removes this requirement altogether in the settings. Otherwise someone would have to go back through collections and whatnot to remove this annoying feature from all the items that you are required to delete.


**Tonic Tab, Toy Tab and a Book Shelf**

*Looks at Miniature Tab and Finisher Tab* :'(

So Here's some of my Bank Tabs

![](https://i.imgur.com/n5MvDB3.png "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/jvFmFgn.png "")

And some of my Bag Slots

![](https://i.imgur.com/C5nAsXg.png "")

So this is becoming more and more needed each release since you keep adding Tonics, Toys and Books for us to collect but nowhere to store them than in our Bank/Bags.

At this point Tonics and Toys should just be incorporated into the same system as Finishers/Miniatures. The obvious addition would be to add a toggle button to them, so you equip a tonic/toy and use this key to activate them. Even better would it be to add a "Random Tonic" and "Random Toy" toggle like with Finishers.

As for the Book Shelf, just add an item in your Home Instance that keeps all your books in one place (same system as the Living Story Portal Tomes maybe).


**Reintroduce Sentinel Gear**

So this is the current state of Sentinel Gear

![](https://i.imgur.com/1wsbL64.png "")

So if we ever want this to be fixed, something must be done. The simple fix would be to just incorporate all Sentinel items to drop from enemies like all the core stats do, the items are already there and just need a drop source. Then for the masterwork and rare crafted versions, add them to the crafting system. (this shouldn't be that hard as you recently added totally new ascended recipes to the Wintersday Tixx and Giftbringer stats).


**This was basically all the big QoL stuff I can think of atm (put in the comments the stuff I missed)**


**As for really minor stuff, here's some more:**

Living Story Season 3 and 4 Portal Scrolls should be prioritized as the "front window" of your screen and not be opened behind other UI like the bag.


Fixing that Dye Bug that shows Armor colors on your Outfit when you open the Dye tab (goes away when you re-enter).


Removing **ALL** Account Bound items from the Trading Post.


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**bag sorting**:

Right now, only basic bags can be compacted, and all bags except invisible bags can make use of the deposit all function.

I would like a Compact All function that compresses all content _within_ the bag. Including all specialized bags.

Or, rightclick a bag and select:

[ ] make invisible

[ ] lock contents


**Zero adrenaline Jackals and Raptors in old instances**

These mounts are unable to use their mobility ability without adrenaline, and these two specifically have no vertical advantage over regular jumping, so its a speed buff without being able to break the map. Especially loved within home instances.


**disconnect animations/abilities from gathering tools**

A.k.a, buy the function, not the tool.

I have three different full sets of Perma Tools,

I always used the molten set on my destroyer themed main char, but since the unbound gathering tools exist, I was economically forced to use them. i miss the old animations of te molten tools, but the value of the UM is too great to stop using the UMGT..

Same with the WatchWork Sprocket Tool.


**Infusion Slot**

Add an infusion slot to the wardrobe, where you can drop one. So its no longer attached to a piece of armor.



To add to OPs, I suggest consuming a tonic to add it to a wardrobe, then activate the, from said interface menu.

To which I want to add: fix the animations. They work, I’ve seen them, but they stop after 2 seconds. Stop making the emotes stop after 2 seconds.


**equipment and emotes**

During emotes, backpacks and weapons disapear. But when you scroll to first person mode and back out, they reapear.

As a result cool shots can be made by combining emotes with equipment.

If this is a bug **DO NOT FIX IT**

Instead, just keep backs and weapons visible during emotes without have to scroll and out of 1stPM

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**Implement the Season 4 Map Karma buff into the Season 3 Maps** (forgot this one)

The new version of the upgradable [Karma Buff](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karmic_Retribution_(Domain_of_Istan) "Karma Buff") got an amazing change in Season 4 where you now ALWAYS get karma when you kill an enemy, unlike in Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier and Siren's Landing and you only get a karma item sometimes with the old [Karma Buff](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karmic_Retribution_(Siren%27s_Landing) "Karma Buff"). Since the new version is a lot better, the old one should be changed to the newer version.

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**Better organization of the wardrobe and dye tab in the hero panel**

I would like to see those tab change so you can sort though them better, a search bar and favourite tab for the wardrobe for a start.

Maybe a toggle where you can view the tabs as a list.

_Which would also be a nice feature for our inventory as well_


I think there should be a more robust dye panel. It’s nice that we can sort thouh dyes by material, hue and rarity, but I would like to see more customizable tabs like multiple favourite tabs, _like this tab would be for my metal rare blues, or this colour that look good with this armour set._

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