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Increase Cap on Shared Inventory Spots

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As requested from some non-forum goers, Anet please consider upping the limit on shared inventory slots. From a player perspective this helps for any player that might play on multiple toons over a given week and allows for items that in all reality should be in a wallet style device. Take WvW siege as the most basic example. 21 spots might be taken up by WvW siege supplies alone. Add to that foods, utilities, black lion items, portal scrolls, gathering tools, portal books, event items, fractal items and on and on...More space would be appreciated. From the business side this is also a good gem store item. The item already exists so no design time is needed, there is an interest in it, its a system parameter update, it doesn't impact other players and is close to an ultimate convenience item that isn't required to play but makes player spend less time moving items around and more time playing. Not to mention it lowers the bar on having more alts which sells more character expansion slots which helps with development dollars. So how about it, wanna make some sales? :)


Thanks for your time!

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > Exactly, so, lets use an older mis-quote, "Lets play it again Sam."


> *Rick*: You know what I want to hear.

> *Sam*: [lying] No, I don't.

> *Rick*: You played it for her, you can play it for me!

> *Sam*: [lying] Well, I don't think I can remember...

> *Rick*: If she can stand it, I can! Play it!



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> @"Addiction.9685" said:

> I have 5 slots and I'm at a loss as to what to put in the 5th slot. Why would you need more then 21 O_O


My own example, I WvW and run solo and also run as a havoc lead. Have 25 toons all set for WvW depending on mood/needs/enemy/role. Run with guild and superior gear of most siege equipment, that's 14 right there. Standard siege is carried individually per toon along with traps/tricks but that would finish off the rest of the space right there. Add in salvaging tools Copper/Silver feed salvage-matics, portal tomes, Royal terrace pass, supplies provisioner, 3 spots for unlimited gather tools and easily out of space. Now I know others that store food/utilities, event items, multiple passes, boosters, map items (example: shovels), map items, currency eaters and more. if you play more than a few toons in a given week you end up spending a lot time at the bank. In WvW if you switch toons you don't have a lot of time for that and are probably role switching which means you need to gogogo. For fractals picture the various fractal attunements which there are regular and large versions of, for HoT zones there are the zone booster potions, for PoF there are the various repeatable event items that can be used when it resets and the list goes on. But to me, its space for WvW items and convenience items that may need to be accessed while on the move or in a fight.

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