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Still haven't received my recording devices

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I don't know, but I'll tell you what happened to me today, in case it helps...


After my stack of 20 turned into 1, I stuck the 1 in the bottom of my backpack in case I happened to wander into one of the things I needed to record. And since I was waiting for replacements, I made no effort to actually look for the events.


Today I finally happened to wander into an event that made a recording. "Well, " I thought, "There goes my last recording device. I wonder why I haven't received replacements yet. Should I submit a ticket?"


Then when I went to clear out my backpack from the day's adventures, I saw that I now had a stack of 19 recording devices where the 1 had been.


Do you still have that one recording device that your stack was reduced to? If so, making a recording may cause it to change back into the full original stack, like mine did. (That's assuming it didn't already convert back earlier, but I never noticed because I was expecting a mail replacement rather than a surprise fix.) Good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I'll expect you received your recording devices, but I know that some people didn't receive nothing...like me, I lost around 15 devices 2 months ago...and never finish the achievement waiting for them. Maybe it's the moment to rebuy it lol.

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> @"ArkaEnd.5309" said:

> Well, I'll expect you received your recording devices, but I know that some people didn't receive nothing...like me, I lost around 15 devices 2 months ago...and never finish the achievement waiting for them. Maybe it's the moment to rebuy it lol.


Contact support. If you can, let them know which characters had the recordings

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