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How do you kill scourge as melee?


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> @"vove.2768" said:

> I play gs + shield/axe warrior, what always gets me is limited stab and condi cleanse.


> What are actually mechanics in the scourge? Apart from life leech and condi stacking?


I highly recommend you try out a scourge. It's a very limited build in 1v1s, and it's easy to pick up and learn.


Once you do, you should be able to easily interpret what they're doing and good counters.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"vove.2768" said:

> > I play gs + shield/axe warrior, what always gets me is limited stab and condi cleanse.

> >

> > What are actually mechanics in the scourge? Apart from life leech and condi stacking?


> I highly recommend you try out a scourge. It's a very limited build in 1v1s, and it's easy to pick up and learn.


> Once you do, you should be able to easily interpret what they're doing and good counters.


I don't have pof and I won't be buying it.

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> @"vove.2768" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"vove.2768" said:

> > > I play gs + shield/axe warrior, what always gets me is limited stab and condi cleanse.

> > >

> > > What are actually mechanics in the scourge? Apart from life leech and condi stacking?

> >

> > I highly recommend you try out a scourge. It's a very limited build in 1v1s, and it's easy to pick up and learn.

> >

> > Once you do, you should be able to easily interpret what they're doing and good counters.


> I don't have pof and I won't be buying it.


Then at the very least, [read up about them](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Blood_Sage "read up about them").

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A big anti-warrior mechanic scourges have is boon corruption. I'm not sure you have too many options as a core warrior or berserker (I recommend _against_ berserker, even if you have HoT). Spellbreakers can work up a significantly higher uptime for the resistance boon, and can protect that boon from corruption by continuing to reapply other boons (might being an easy one to do). As long as your resistance remains up, the scourge isn't really doing anything to you.


Of course, you don't have PoF or plan to get it... so I'm pretty sure you're out of options as a core warrior in melee. You'd have to do what my druid does when she melee-fights scourges, which is to wait to pop your resistance for as long as you can. I run a bunker druid that can cleanse a wide array of conditions, but I can't spam those cleanses. So what I do is just let the scourge blow their rotation on me, and then after I'm pretty sure they're done I pop my first 100% condition cleanse. I let them do it again, then pop my second 100% condition cleanse. All the while my pet is on his ass, two whole rotations have done nothing, and that tends to scare the scourge a bit.


But your access to cleanse is pretty low. Long story short, not sure you can really get the job done in melee. Maybe try rifle for a ranged pressure option if you want to beat scourges. They can be kited, like any other necro.

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Just use a Primal Zerk build if your decent at pvp you'll kill the scourge in 1 rotation but don't expect to live if you have no clue what to dodge or lag


Or the most easy build to destroy it would be the hammer kb lock. A blind monkey could beat a scourge with it.

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> @"Larenc.1269" said:


> Or the most easy build to destroy it would be the hammer kb lock. A blind monkey could beat a scourge with it.


I actually forgot all about that, but I agree - hammer is a viable tool against a scourge. Scourges don't have a lot of stability. I ran spellbreaker with hammer when PoF was still very, very new. It was decent at locking down a scourge. Of course, spellbreakers had even more access to resistance, so that made it easier.


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Scourge is just cancer, hit alt+f4. You must be aware of when he is on staff because he will have unblockable attacks on every weapon skill including fear on 5. On focus 5 he has a rather nasty AoE which knocks you down if you don't move out of it. If he pops protection as a boon and you know he gave it to himself, he likely using spectral armour which will generate a lot life force for him if you let him hit you.


Last big telegraphs are the desert shroud which he will become glowing with a yellow aura, you need to keep your distance to avoid extra condition damage, and finally the elite he is likely using will be ghastly breach which will convert boons and load you with some pretty nasty conditions and CC if you stand inside.


Other than this you need to stay out of his shades and don't stand on him for too long, do your burst and get out. It's hard because even at range scourge has some nasty weapons and just auto attacking will kill you if you don't counter pressure at all. You have to maintain yours and his boons at all times.

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Stun and burst.


As a warrior I love to Bull's Charge them into Disentchantment + either Hammer 5/ Greatsword 2 or 3. Basic stuff. If I see that I'm losing the engagement I Greatsword 3 out (preferably through them in the process) and kite around their circles while I wait for a few cooldowns. Works pretty well for me.

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Rampage. First bait the stability: Trail of Anguish. It's a stunbreak so you can force them to use it with a well timed shield bash. 2nd bait the barriers - Scourge F3 and F5. This is when scourge goes on the offensive. He will try to kill you with Desert shroud and what you don't want to do is step in all the AoEs. Once his abilities are on cooldown, Rampage up and cc him to death. Rampage 3rd ability doesn't count as a cc anymore but it does a shitload of damage. After you combo, exit rampage and slap him with a final GS F1 or Axe F1. EZ dead scourge. Just remember to bait out his attacks and utility before u go ham. The key to beating scourge players is kiting. Using the confusion of battle to Rampage up is also a proven strategy. Attacks in rampage have huge animations so the scourge player is likely to dodge your attacks so ideally you want to use your abilities after he's used up his stamina.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"vove.2768" said:

> > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > > @"vove.2768" said:

> > > > I play gs + shield/axe warrior, what always gets me is limited stab and condi cleanse.

> > > >

> > > > What are actually mechanics in the scourge? Apart from life leech and condi stacking?

> > >

> > > I highly recommend you try out a scourge. It's a very limited build in 1v1s, and it's easy to pick up and learn.

> > >

> > > Once you do, you should be able to easily interpret what they're doing and good counters.

> >

> > I don't have pof and I won't be buying it.


> Then at the very least, [read up about them](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Blood_Sage "read up about them").


How about you just tell how to beat them?

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Scourge has only two major cooldowns you need to bait and then you'll be good to go. These are Ghastly Breach (elite, you'll see sand motes floating around in the air) and Desert Shroud (Scourge turns black and you see pulsing AoE). Once these are down, they're basically a free kill to burst. Don't bother with Stability, it will just get corrupted into Fear. Instead, keep moving (try to flank around behind) to avoid Torch 5 (yellow circle appears under you, just keep moving and you shouldn't get hit, but if you can't escape, dodge or block this), dodge or block Garish Pillar (black skeleton appears above the Scourge and shades,) and dodge Reaper's Mark (Necro jabs forward and pulls back with his staff), the last of which is (usually) unblockable. That's it for hard CC, so you can easily get away with not using Stability and save yourself a lot of trouble.


Remember how I said to try and circle around behind? This also protects you from Torch 4.


From here on, it's a pretty typical beatdown. Save your Resistance for when you are really feeling the heat and use Greatsword to back off to recuperate some (remember: Greatsword 3 is an evade). It's also important to know that meta Scourge builds have no unblockable corruption ability, so you can use Shield 5 to protect your boons. Beware the occasional odd one that runs Corrupt Boon or Well of Corruption; these are rare, but Shield 5 won't save your Resistance then.


It's better to let the enemy control the point for a couple more ticks than it is to die (adding to their score) and let them have the point anyway, and Warrior recovers far faster than Scourge does, since Scourge needs to keep fighting to regenerate life force to power their F skills and Warrior can actually back off to recover. If you have to do hit-and-run, do it. Again, it does no good if you die trying to contest the point and they get it anyway.

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As a core warrior you need to starve his life force you shouldn't go head to head. But when he is out of LF it's an easy kill since he can't do a lot - ok maybe one or two CC with his staff and torch if they are already not on cd. Hammer is necro's nightmare as most of the skills are CC and necro can't handle this with ease.

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> @"vove.2768" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"vove.2768" said:

> > > I play gs + shield/axe warrior, what always gets me is limited stab and condi cleanse.

> > >

> > > What are actually mechanics in the scourge? Apart from life leech and condi stacking?

> >

> > I highly recommend you try out a scourge. It's a very limited build in 1v1s, and it's easy to pick up and learn.

> >

> > Once you do, you should be able to easily interpret what they're doing and good counters.


> I don't have pof and I won't be buying it.


Instant thumbs up for you, Sir!

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