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Mighty Teapot Raid Turnament

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SC vs MnF

... golem die in the mid... that is not RNG ok.. not RNG.....seriously.... :P sorry... sorry.. i have to get it out of my chest.


. weldone to the winner group.

next time tourney i hope the scoring system not just by speed, but also how clean the group clear the boss and skills of the players and how good rating for team play.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> SC vs MnF

> ... golem die in the mid... that is not RNG ok.. not RNG.....seriously.... :P sorry... sorry.. i have to get it out of my chest.


> . weldone to the winner group.

> next time tourney i hope the scoring system not just by speed, but also how clean the group clear the boss and skills of the players and how good rating for team play.


That's hard to gauge honestly, for example how would you rate something like MnF's Escort Strategy whereas everyone else doing it properly got a slower time?


I think kill times / wing clear times show enough synergy and creativity that performance is gauged enough by this. Think about the final round 2 where both teams did /gg to skip the final CC on Samarog, that's not 'clean' at all. Would we mark off for having a death?


Sorry if I'm being a bit defensive, I think the format is really well executed, though if anything had to change I would consider the Tourney Format could use a bit work. Double Elimination loser bracket, etc.

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> @"Sykper.6583" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > SC vs MnF

> > ... golem die in the mid... that is not RNG ok.. not RNG.....seriously.... :P sorry... sorry.. i have to get it out of my chest.

> >

> > . weldone to the winner group.

> > next time tourney i hope the scoring system not just by speed, but also how clean the group clear the boss and skills of the players and how good rating for team play.


> That's hard to gauge honestly, for example how would you rate something like MnF's Escort Strategy whereas everyone else doing it properly got a slower time?


> I think kill times / wing clear times show enough synergy and creativity that performance is gauged enough by this. Think about the final round 2 where both teams did /gg to skip the final CC on Samarog, that's not 'clean' at all. Would we mark off for having a death?


> Sorry if I'm being a bit defensive, I think the format is really well executed, though if anything had to change I would consider the Tourney Format could use a bit work. Double Elimination loser bracket, etc.


I gave u a thumb up bcos ur argument is valid somehow :p. But my heart is still with sc

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Alas, while I understand your point, it's not just a DPS race but a consistency race as well.

The Feedback 'read' was bad on Matt but having so many downs was something else in play that could have been avoided.

And the 'DC' wasn't actually the culprit, they confirmed that a combination of Retaliation due to a MISPLAYED Winds and the streamer who had the bomb detonated too close wiped them outright, DC was just someone else unaffiliated with the mechanics at play.

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> @"IAmTheMom.8043" said:

> Was the loot bigger than any Anet prizes? It was crazy that they gave away a Chak Egg Sac!! wow.....


What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"IAmTheMom.8043" said:

> > Was the loot bigger than any Anet prizes? It was crazy that they gave away a Chak Egg Sac!! wow.....


> What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.


lol i was thinking.. mmm did they roll the dice so to decide who gets the egg loooool

but i guess we dont need to worry about how they distribute the prize lol its the match that has actually received a lot of views. altho i watched it offline hehe and i am sure many does, so the numbers actually is more than what they have on hand. 5k on second day. pretty impressive id say

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.


I look forward to seeing the prizes offered at the tournament you are organizing.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.


> I look forward to seeing the prizes offered at the tournament you are organizing.

I hope you enjoy waiting.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"IAmTheMom.8043" said:

> > Was the loot bigger than any Anet prizes? It was crazy that they gave away a Chak Egg Sac!! wow.....


> What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.


Prize pool adds to excitement. This event did more to promote GW2 than PvP wintrading anet partners will ever manage to do.

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The finals were bit a of a clown fiesta. It is true that SC had VERY bad luck a couple of times, but to be quite fair everything was in their control. Matthias changing his mind about the attack is something very uncommon and not always easy to deal with (especially under such high pressure), but a top-tier guild like SC should not make such a rookie mistake. As far as their Dhuum DC, apparently it was NOT the cause of their fail, the person getting Dhuum's aggro (who moved out WAY too early and placed lesser mark badly) was not the DCed one, neither was the person with the bomb.

It also didn't help that MnF gave very small room for error, they made a couple of small misplays but IIRC they had no major wipe in any of the wings (during the finals).

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"IAmTheMom.8043" said:

> > > Was the loot bigger than any Anet prizes? It was crazy that they gave away a Chak Egg Sac!! wow.....

> >

> > What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.


> Prize pool adds to excitement. This event did more to promote GW2 than PvP wintrading anet partners will ever manage to do.


Which anet partners wintraded?

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> @"Kundry.1249" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"IAmTheMom.8043" said:

> > > > Was the loot bigger than any Anet prizes? It was crazy that they gave away a Chak Egg Sac!! wow.....

> > >

> > > What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.

> >

> > Prize pool adds to excitement. This event did more to promote GW2 than PvP wintrading anet partners will ever manage to do.


> Which anet partners wintraded?


Starts with S, ends with R.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Kundry.1249" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > @"IAmTheMom.8043" said:

> > > > > Was the loot bigger than any Anet prizes? It was crazy that they gave away a Chak Egg Sac!! wow.....

> > > >

> > > > What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.

> > >

> > > Prize pool adds to excitement. This event did more to promote GW2 than PvP wintrading anet partners will ever manage to do.

> >

> > Which anet partners wintraded?


> Starts with S, ends with R.


I see only one anet partner with a name consistent with your characterization, and that person didn't wintrade as far as I know. He was complicit in account-sharing.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > I skipped the sc on matthais by accident.. will go back to watch tht later so far I watched sc vs mnf in w5 (twice of that) and a w4. I fast forward too much and missed sc & mnf in w2


> Don't go back and watch it, it was the most brutal thing to watch.



Oh yes it was really brutal. SC was completely on point with this fight. Really fast damage, just 2 sacrifices, and the breakbar was completely deleted. It looked like a very clear run for SC until that accident with the bubble.

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The bubble wasn't the main problem. Getting caught by the tornado was the issue that led to the catastrophe but even then only 2-3 players should have died and not the whole team. A rookie mistake that must not happen at this level but yeah it's like in soccer games where perfectly trained millionaires are kicking the ball metres across the goal. xD Tbh the Matthias fight was won they shouldn't have had any problems in a ten men encounter!

Overall MnF made their homework it seemed that they were the only team that cared way more about the skippings in between (+ Escort). Reminded me of the good ol' dungeon times. :+1:


I have to say I don't like the angloamerican system (elimination brackets) and yeah of course those one wing clashes. 15-30 minutes hop or top. I'd rather like to see them fighting for over an hour but well I'm awared of the schedule issues then.

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It was a fantastic event, very exciting matches.


That sc wipe at matthias was brutal, and tough to watch. I've seen some people refer to matt using projectiles as a bug, is it? One of the first things I learned as a chrono at matthias was not to cast reflects until his feet were in the air, if it is a bug, it is well known, and it still comes down to sc properly executing.


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"IAmTheMom.8043" said:

> > Was the loot bigger than any Anet prizes? It was crazy that they gave away a Chak Egg Sac!! wow.....


> What is the point of giving away a single Chak Egg Sac to 10 people? Will just give arguments about who will get it. Or you sell it but then you might as well have given 10 smaller prices worth 1/10 of the CES. Silly publicity stunt.


I believe you are uninformed here. The chak egg was not a pre-planned prize. If you watch the entirety of might tea pots streams (I know they are long videos), you will see he mentions that the prizes he gave away were basically him cleaning up his bank. The chak egg sac given out for the fun match (dhuum cm after the finals), was actually donated by a viewer, that entire match was unplanned as were it's prizes.




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