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Deathmatch Needed like GW1

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I'm very disappointed at the way how PVP is like at GW2 compare to GW1... seriously when I was playing GW1 only thing I play is the PVP content.

The capture points stuff at GW2 really sucks... literally it's just run around capture points and people have builds just to capture points. (WTF it's PVP not capture point game) you might as well call it capture point hall)?!?!?! I used to be able to play PVP on GW1 all day long. However with the pvp in GW2 I get my daily win I stop playing... because it's not even fun :/



Not sure if developer will ever see this thread but please fix the current PVP or at least add new modes... it really took the fun out of PVP like I remembered in GW1. (Even MOBA is more fun than the whole capture point crap)


Sorry for the rant...but it's been bothering me for years I feel like I had to say something, since they're not improving after years I've been playing GW2!!!! :s

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I have been saying this since beta, and here we are today. Nothing.


Still the same boring CTP PvP game mode. They should have started with Deathmatch mode and balance the PvP around that game mode.


Oh well, we will never get a sane PvP design for GW2.

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It will never work. GW2 is a aoe spam game, GW2 players die in less in a second. GW1 was resource and a decision making game, GW1 you needed to assist to take down targets. Games in GW1 could last forever, in GW2 a deathmatch would last maybe 30seconds. It would not be fun.

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Honestly if the community decided to just play Deathmatch instead of the 1 cap home, 1 go to far and die or waste the teams time, rest go to brawl in the middle and moved to Just 1 cap home ( or not at all ) then just brawl in the mid or anywhere really would be good. We don't have to capture the points honestly, we could just brawl it out. 5 points a kill, your team wipes their team in a matter of seconds you can gain lots of points that way. Capping the far point is just silly really. It's all about what strategy works for your team makeup but the capture point system promotes 2 specific types of builds in order to hold and cap. AoE spamming in the mid is a L2P issue, which is what the brawl usually starts out with. Capture the flag is a great game mechanic we should have.

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> @"Aza.2105" said:

> It will never work. GW2 is a aoe spam game, GW2 players die in less in a second. GW1 was resource and a decision making game, GW1 you needed to assist to take down targets. Games in GW1 could last forever, in GW2 a deathmatch would last maybe 30seconds. It would not be fun.


I thought we had a death match mode...


Anyways... don't knock something before you try it. I wouldn't mind the AOE spam, if Anet actually did some massive improvements to the field system. Right now it's not exactly used despite having so much potential.

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We have only have had half butt made half butt initiated maps. Oh here is a crappy 5v5 tiny map, Enjoy!. Oh no that didn'y work so lets just give up completely. Oh wait the players want tdm ok. (Proceeds to make a 2v2 tdm that dies in hotjoin all alone).


It's sad if they took the effort into making the circlequest zzz ZZZ zzz ZZZ maps and used that time on Stronghold but mainly TDM then maybe this boring stale no fun circle fighting pvp would never have gotten this bad.


Wasn't there was a game with a similar name to Guild Wars 2 way before that had epic TDM pvp and didn't require a game of circle dancing around 3 points. Humm sad that a older game beats the newer game in pvp lol.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> It's sad if they took the effort into making the circlequest zzz ZZZ zzz ZZZ maps and used that time on Stronghold but mainly TDM then maybe this boring stale no fun circle fighting pvp would never have gotten this bad.


I know I'm the minority, but I think stronghold is a way better design than conquest. Too bad the mode received negative feedback. If it hadn't we would have more stronghold type maps.




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There's plenty of team fighting, 1v1ing and 2v2ing in conquest. Really, the nodes are your reward for winning the fights. And conquest ensures there is more build diversity than if this was just straight deathmatch. Conquest allows for things like high mobility mesmers and thieves to be excellent, highly valued addition to teams. It allows for interesting strategies, like Druids and Weavers using kiting and their sustain to help their team outnumber the enemy everywhere else. And yeah, there are builds that do well in team fights like Scourge, all flavors of Guardian running around, Holosmith and Scrapper.


The biggest problem with conquest as a game mode is the win condition. Think about other successful competitive games and the win conditions there; League of Legends has you destroy the enemy base. PUBG has the last man standing. Counter Strike has the bomb and team elimination. All of them are satisfying endings to the story of the game mode. While I do really enjoy the gameplay of conquest as it plays out the point score hitting 500 is a very abstract way to win the game and doesn't tell as satisfying of a story as these other competitive games. While it's kind of late to fundamentally redesign the gamemode, having something like at 500 the enemy lord spawns and you have to kill them to get the win or something similar to that. Or like Overwatch, which has Assaut which is fundamentally extremely similar, instead of reaching points up to 500 it's a timer ticking down and whoever gets the most points in that timer wins. You could even have more dramatic final count down in the last 10 seconds.

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All I'm saying is I expect REAL pvp experience...not just some capture points... since you can't really get that even in WVW.

At WVW you just get run over by numbers! it's a number game no real skill there.

So I go PVP and it's just some thief and mesmer teleport around to capture points while I'm beating people up at mid.

Yes I won mid but then I still lose the game like WTF?!?!! if this was GW1 you beat their team you just see that little guy running around trying to res their teammate and you kill that runner it's GG. I quite enjoy that more than some guy teleport around to take points. This is FAIL gameplay imo :/


I agree what mortrialus.3062 was saying it was more satisfying with some sort of objective but point winning is really lame TBH







sorry I want it so bad I'm repeating myself... :s

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I'm surprised that anet hasn't tried adding the deathmatch map to matchmaking. I don't mind conquest and stronghold that much, but it can get kinda boring to do the same map over and over again... I'm looking at you Eternal Colosseum. If not give deathmatch a trial run, at least give us a new Stronghold map. I'm still kind of annoyed that we didn't get any new PvP maps with PoF last September.

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