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How do you kill a firebrand ?


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As title said, how do you kill a firebrand support in less than a minute without using a mirage burst and with 2 players or less ? Is it even possible?


Let's suppose that the firebrand player is competent, with all the damage nerfs across the board i am finding it quite hard!

Not calling on nerfs or anything, i am genuinely curios since i am bad. Maybe with a s/d thief ripping boon and a scourge corrupting them ?


oh let's add in that he is not alone, but in case that there is a friendly player on FB side you are always outnumbering by 1

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Oh yeah revs have really high burst damage, forgot about them and props to you.


Realistically speaking the rev will not even get close to unload his burst (will probably die before by the *inser here class that is not rev* sneezing on the nearest node), other more realistically viable options ?

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Was just playing a while ago and was able to destroy all the support FBs that i found. Playing Core radiance guard...sure skills come to play too, they probably werent to skilled...I believe that a Scourge is able to destroy a FB or atleast force him out of the point...Thief too, obviously mesmer, but mesmer can erase everything at this point...SB might give trouble to FB...basically any power based build have the potential to kill a FB, all goes down to the skill of the players.

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