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Feedback: Guild Wars 2 Mac 64-Bit Client

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> @Figlilly.3907 said:

> That is what I have @"Galmac.4680" . I got a Samsung T5 but it is connected via the usb 3 port. My computer is a 2012 model and I couldn't use the fastest connection without additional cables or something (i.e. stuff I don't understand). It is still blindingly fast compared to using the hard drive. I understand that constantly accessing the hard drive is what causes the lags and stutters in GW2. Hopefully this will be corrected in time but, in the meantime, the faster external SSD does the trick.


> My next computer will have the built in SSD for sure.


I use the enterprise-level SSD but yes, SSDs will make you wonder why you are still using hard drives. My setup is .... shall we say, not one the genius bar would admit would work (yes, an apple person told me not to tell the genius bar how I was going to set it up) but it involves my SSD being connected via USB3. At current speeds USB3 is roughly comparable to the TB interface on my 2013 iMac. Just note if you will do that that usb bandwidth is shared so have any other high speed devices (like drives) use the thunderbolt and save the rest of the usb for things like mice and occasionally phones.


My 32 bit client is on the internal HDD. The speed is like night and day.


As to your question I do not have the numbers in front of me but I would bet a SSD will beat a high speed USB stick. I once put the game on a midrange USB stick and it crawled.


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I thought the ground pattern checkerboard bug had gone away .... but just went to do 'peach a day' at lake doric and there it was. BTW, any update on the ambient occlusion checkbox? It still turns on for me when I have it off (the world looks eww with it on) and restart the game. - 2013 iMac running off a SSD w/ 24 GB memory

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> Something I thought was on everything but other people are not getting it so it may be a mac client bug. The LW3 portal tome .... when you use it it pops up a window under the inventory window rather than on top of it.


I have noticed this since I got it. Very annoying, for sure. Wish this is fixed soon.

I do not think this is Mac related, though I cannot be sure as I do not use Window$, obviously...


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I am having a lot of the same issues with the 64-bit client. If anyone could help me I would appreciate it! My game was fine until POF cam out. Since POF I have had the following problems:

- My mounts do not work properly. When I click "x" the mount animation begins but it looks like my character is sitting on the ground. When I walk with the mount engaged my character shrinks and runs away but the camera positions stay in its original place. I can see my character move on the minimap only.

- Black Lion Trading Post does not load properly. It takes several attempts before it loads.

-Loading into a new region can take up to 15 minutes. For example, the game stays on the lions arch or crystal oasis loading screen the whole time.

- My game freezes for about 3 seconds every few minutes.

- Sometimes the game freezes and crashes spontaneously and does not give an error screen or reports to Arenanet.

- I repeatedly crash if I am in a party or squad in the POF area, especially Elon and Desolation.

- The terrain disappears, never loads, or take over 20 minutes to load after I log into the game. Logging in and out of the game does not fix this issue.

- Enemies disappear or never load. Sometimes I can see the tag above their heads or their red circle on the ground but not the actual enemy. Logging in and out of the game does not fix this issue.

- If the game loads properly the terrain and enemies start to disappear AFTER 15 minutes of playing the game.

- There are yellow halos around other characters and enemies after about 15-20 minutes of gameplay.

- Sometimes my character's weapon is not visible i.e., my engineer is holding a flamethrower but it looks like she is holding air.

- My fps idles at 14 in the 64-bit but has dropped to 5fps on several occasions when my character is simply standing still.

-I cannot see Mesmer portals.


I played with the graphics settings in the game and nothing changed. Immediately logging out, restarting computer, and logging back into the game does not fix the issue. I have to wait almost an hour before I can play the game again, and then the process repeats itself. Before the last update I was playing the 32-bit and everything was fine outside of POF. Since October 6th I have submitted ticket after ticket and the ArenaNet staff have no idea how to fix the issue. One of the techs that responded to game ticket told me to delete the game and re-download it. I didn’t know they removed the 32-bit version so now I am stuck with the crappy 64-bit version that doesn’t work.


Since October 6th the ArenaNet staff had me do the following to “repair or reinstall” the client:

-Run Game Advisor

-Run the gw2 repair

-Send them the "Arenanet.log"

-Send them the Mac System Report

-Uninstall the game, run cleaner, then reinstalled

-Create a new Mac user account

-Reset the SMC (System Management Controller) as well as the NVRAM/PRAM

-Run the Apple built-in diagnostic tool


AND NONE OF IT HAS WORKED!!!! If anyone can help input I would appreciate it!


This is my comp info:

macOS High Sierra (version 10.13)

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)

Processor 2.9 GHz Intel Core i7

Memory 8GB 1600 MHZ DDR3

Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536MB

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You do have it bad. The worst I had with the 64 bit version was lag and stuttering and these have mostly been alleviated by installing the game on a SSD - I bought a little external one. My understanding is the hard drive on my 2012 Mac is too slow to keep up as the game accesses it during play. Installing it on the SSD has sped up that access so the game is much smoother to play along with the benefits of fast loading textures and maps. The hard drive just seems to be a problem with the 64 bit Mac version as I understand it would work perfectly fine if I was to play in Bootcamp and it was fast enough to keep up using the 32 bit version (though that has other problems).


There is a link to the 32 bit version, provided by another user, on page 2 of this thread. ;)



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As much as I was happy about 64 bit. I wish arenanet still supported the 32 bit client. The client was far more stable then this. I also don't understand why people say windows is more complicated yet. Arenanet can't figure out how to make a proper Mac client, when Mac computers have far less made computers then windows. We get the most garbage treatment. Yet people who buy garbage PC's can have a better experience then our expensive computers.... I'm running between 17-20 fps. I know it's not my computer since I make music from it and use 3rd party plugs with it. And mix and master music. So the power in my computer is fine. It's just annoying that before the client is ok. But now if I try to get into a PvP match the match is already over by the time I get in. The map takes 10 mins to load up. Takes forever to see mobs. Forever to see full buildings, so I'm running into blank walls. Please fix it. Or give the Mac client a better engine. It's awful.

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I was he getting 14 FPS on the Mac client and I get 50 to 60 in boot camp with a 2015 Broadwell 2.7 i5 Intel iris 6100 MacBook. If it could get to respectable performance I could actually remove my windows partition gw2 is the only thing I run on it. Also maybe you guys could just get added to GeForce now and we could just run the game through the cloud.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> As much as I was happy about 64 bit. I wish arenanet still supported the 32 bit client. The client was far more stable then this. I also don't understand why people say windows is more complicated yet. Arenanet can't figure out how to make a proper Mac client, when Mac computers have far less made computers then windows. We get the most garbage treatment. Yet people who buy garbage PC's can have a better experience then our expensive computers.... I'm running between 17-20 fps. I know it's not my computer since I make music from it and use 3rd party plugs with it. And mix and master music. So the power in my computer is fine. It's just annoying that before the client is ok. But now if I try to get into a PvP match the match is already over by the time I get in. The map takes 10 mins to load up. Takes forever to see mobs. Forever to see full buildings, so I'm running into blank walls. Please fix it. Or give the Mac client a better engine. It's awful.


Yeah , I agree... The 32 bit was so much better! Sucks they removed the thing which supports it! And the real sucky part is that 64 bit is unplayable for most. It's like they hit 2birds with a stone! I have mentioned about this several times and yet got no response! If they could fix that game crash in that 32 bit one or at least tell us what's causing that error/crash; but nope they just want us to roll with it and ask no questions. My sister has a Windows laptop and though it has so much of low configurations than mine, it works like a gem! Sad thing, it's hers and I guess I will just stop complaining since it won't be of any use.

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> @skydelirious.4185 said:

> ”... the real sucky part is that 64 bit is unplayable for most.”


What are you talking about? It’s not unplayable by most, it runs great and better than ever before. Of the three macs I have access to - two different iMacs and MacBook Pro - it runs better on all. There have been some hiccups while they developed it, but saying something like that is completely false.



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> @Hawken.7932 said:

> > @skydelirious.4185 said:

> > ”... the real sucky part is that 64 bit is unplayable for most.”


> What are you talking about? It’s not unplayable by most, it runs great and better than ever before. Of the three macs I have access to - two different iMacs and MacBook Pro - it runs better on all. There have been some hiccups while they developed it, but saying something like that is completely false.



![]Windows(http://i65.tinypic.com/ilvzfm.jpg "")


![]Mac(http://tinypic.com/r/2cetgeg/9 "")




It’s playable but they got a lot of work to do as you can see in boot camp on the exact same machine I get 15 to 20 FPS more there is room for improvement before I would use this client.

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> @Hawken.7932 said:

> > @skydelirious.4185 said:

> > ”... the real sucky part is that 64 bit is unplayable for most.”


> What are you talking about? It’s not unplayable by most, it runs great and better than ever before. Of the three macs I have access to - two different iMacs and MacBook Pro - it runs better on all. There have been some hiccups while they developed it, but saying something like that is completely false.




Umm didn't expect a kid to reply. That's odd! =D . My point was 32 bit was and will always be better unless they fix some stuffs on 64 bit and people complaining on here are only a few of the "most" unlike a rich kid like you owning 3 Macs probably with high configs and quoting someone who is asking for solutions . I must say this back to you "saying something like that is completely false" . Again, "unplayable" is when compared to the 32 bit. Having said that I do admire the 64 bit version just cause of the effort they put in to make it better but the "hiccups" you mentioned is what makes 32 a bit better than 64. Well I should probably follow the saying " A lion shouldn't lose its sleep over a sheep's opinion".

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> @skydelirious.4185 said:

> Umm didn't expect a kid to reply. That's odd! =D .


As yes, the internet tough guy (lion) and his insults. It's a classic! I'm not going to take the bait on your insults, I'm sorry.


What I am is a father of two, a game developer by day, and a gamer by night. I've been making console and PC games for about 15 years. This doesn't make me an expert in anything, but it does give me a basic understand of what we're talking about here. The 32 bit client was a virtualized windows client (TransGaming if I remember correctly) which essentially ran the game in a wrapper. The 64 bit client is native to Mac, so certainly superior in pretty well every way. I agree, there have been performance problems with the initial versions, but at least on the two work machines that I've installed it on, and my macbook pro at home, the performance and stability have been better overall now in the latest iteration. This is anecdotal, but still, what I see in these forums is a mix of people who (like me) see the client is now greatly improved and say so, and then people who still have technical issues that need to be resolved. My initial post is that, based on my experience with a few machines, and then what I read here, it seems like a very incorrect assertion that "most" are having problems.



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> @Hawken.7932 said:

> > @skydelirious.4185 said:

> > Umm didn't expect a kid to reply. That's odd! =D .


> As yes, the internet tough guy (lion) and his insults. It's a classic! I'm not going to take the bait on your insults, I'm sorry.


> What I am is a father of two, a game developer by day, and a gamer by night. I've been making console and PC games for about 15 years. This doesn't make me an expert in anything, but it does give me a basic understand of what we're talking about here. The 32 bit client was a virtualized windows client (TransGaming if I remember correctly) which essentially ran the game in a wrapper. The 64 bit client is native to Mac, so certainly superior in pretty well every way. I agree, there have been performance problems with the initial versions, but at least on the two work machines that I've installed it on, and my macbook pro at home, the performance and stability have been better overall now in the latest iteration. This is anecdotal, but still, what I see in these forums is a mix of people who (like me) see the client is now greatly improved and say so, and then people who still have technical issues that need to be resolved. My initial post is that, based on my experience with a few machines, and then what I read here, it seems like a very incorrect assertion that "most" are having problems.




I feel terrible and sorry for what I said! It's just that I am annoyed playing on 64 bit! It's been like over a month I guess? And yet I see no improvement! So I play on 32 bit but it has this one error /crash which keeps occurring occasionally. So I was a bit frustrated getting no response and the game is still in beta on Mac . Again I'm really sorry for what I said before ! Have a good day !

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> @Hawken.7932 said:

> > @skydelirious.4185 said:

> > Umm didn't expect a kid to reply. That's odd! =D .


> As yes, the internet tough guy (lion) and his insults. It's a classic! I'm not going to take the bait on your insults, I'm sorry.


> What I am is a father of two, a game developer by day, and a gamer by night. I've been making console and PC games for about 15 years. This doesn't make me an expert in anything, but it does give me a basic understand of what we're talking about here. The 32 bit client was a virtualized windows client (TransGaming if I remember correctly) which essentially ran the game in a wrapper. The 64 bit client is native to Mac, so certainly superior in pretty well every way. I agree, there have been performance problems with the initial versions, but at least on the two work machines that I've installed it on, and my macbook pro at home, the performance and stability have been better overall now in the latest iteration. This is anecdotal, but still, what I see in these forums is a mix of people who (like me) see the client is now greatly improved and say so, and then people who still have technical issues that need to be resolved. My initial post is that, based on my experience with a few machines, and then what I read here, it seems like a very incorrect assertion that "most" are having problems.




If the 32 bit Mac client was windows wrapper for Mac. Couldn't they just make the 64 bit wrapper since it was more stable? I mean only taking a minute to change maps vs 5. And taking 1 min for PvP matches vs 5. Why wouldn't arenanet just done that since it flowed so well?

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> @blambidy.3216 said:


> If the 32 bit Mac client was windows wrapper for Mac. Couldn't they just make the 64 bit wrapper since it was more stable? I mean only taking a minute to change maps vs 5. And taking 1 min for PvP matches vs 5. Why wouldn't arenanet just done that since it flowed so well?


No. There are technical limitations which prevent a 64bit wine wrapper from working on macOS, mostly due to significant differences in processor architecture.


Also, your problems are not universal. The 64bit client works very nicely for me, much better than the 32 bit one, ignoring some graphical glitches which don't impact gameplay.

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Yay! Thank you anet! The bug where ambient occlusion would not stay off seems to be fixed now. :)


I did notice a return of the ground crosshatch pattern in one place recently unfortunately I did not make a note of where. I will keep an eye out.


Frame rate is not great but usually acceptable if not somewhere I would expect it to nose dive (like LA during Halloween). Is anyone else running the 2013 imac? If so what are you typically seeing and where? I typically do my measurements outside the DR home instance waiting for reset (yeah, not the best location, I just am there often with nothing to do) and have seen a low of 25 and a high of 40 with the graphics maxed out (except ambient occlusion being off).


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I have a late 2012 IMac - close enough :)

I just checked with a character in Sparkfly Fen. She is standing off on her own - no events or anything - and the FPS is mostly around 47/48. It went up to 51 and then dropped to 42 when I clicked on ambient occlusion. I have most of my graphics setting on medium though. I am guessing it would be much lower in Divinity's Reach.


Edit: Woohoo 63 at that dead shark hero point.

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Update! B)




* Fixed a bug involving character portraits going missing from several UI elements.

* Fixed a bug affecting Intel HD Graphics 3000 hardware that could cause crashes in certain circumstances.

* Fixed a bug that could cause certain UI views with many elements (such as the Guild Decorations view) to crash.



So, has it gotten better?

Time to play more on a Mac! ;)

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> @Veirilli.3975 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> >

> > If the 32 bit Mac client was windows wrapper for Mac. Couldn't they just make the 64 bit wrapper since it was more stable? I mean only taking a minute to change maps vs 5. And taking 1 min for PvP matches vs 5. Why wouldn't arenanet just done that since it flowed so well?


> No. There are technical limitations which prevent a 64bit wine wrapper from working on macOS, mostly due to significant differences in processor architecture.


> Also, your problems are not universal. The 64bit client works very nicely for me, much better than the 32 bit one, ignoring some graphical glitches which don't impact gameplay.


Worth mentioning that the 64-bit client works wonderfully for me, but it absolutely is possible to get 64-bit Wine working on macOS.


So basically you are right that there are differences in how macOS deals with CPU registers on x64 compared to how Windows does, but as it turns out simply ignoring the problem works rather well. In addition, Wine on macOS now uses a pre-loader which allows it to work around the issue.


So if you do feel like running the Windows version of Guild Wars 2 on macOS via 64-bit Wine, you absolutely can. Though that said, I wouldn't recommend it - the native 64-bit client is vastly superior.

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Is it possible to get an update to the issue that the client is still reading a ton of data from the hard drive? Is the team working on it? Maybe even an approximate date when this will be fixed? :) Since I have the fear that this will not be good for my SSD in the long term...

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> @MaxOS.7531 said:

> Is it possible to get an update to the issue that the client is still reading a ton of data from the hard drive? Is the team working on it? Maybe even an approximate date when this will be fixed? :) Since I have the fear that this will not be good for my SSD in the long term...


There's nothing interesting to share at this time; it's still under investigation.

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