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Lets Talk PvP Builds s11


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Hey all,


I've noticed that the forums have been particularly quiet since the season start and balance patch, so I figured it's about time to sort out some builds and build options for the season since by the time metabattle is up to date, the season will be over.


While Core Ranger has been and will continue to be viable, I'd like to explore the elite specializations because their specialized roles puts them in competition for optimal team slots (in solo queue what this means is that they are preferable options to other classes/builds in that slot).




Before anybody gets excited, this link is the exact build that's on metabattle. It's a pretty standard build whose strength hasn't really changed, however, here are some recommendations:

* Grove Runes. It's a power heavy metagame and more protection with the synergy it provides is incredible.

* LB over staff. This gives you decap potential and the ability to better contribute to focusing a target down when helping in a teamfight.


With the nerfs to Druid, it's still a completely competitive spec. Unfortunately, the healing power nerfs really hit hard, so Druid feels completely shoehorned into maximizing healing power. Things to note: the rez trait and rezzing power of the build alone can swing games in your favor. Possibly the most important trait a Druid can take. Chronos are squishier than Spellbreakers and this season it's more common to find yourself dueling them than Spellbreakers. Staff damage is more than adequate to win the fight, making playing the "safer" version of the build an arguably stronger choice than previous seasons.






Even then, I still haven't nailed down my favorite variation, so options:

* Fresh Reinforcement vs Unstoppable Union; I find it hard to decide. In general, I'd say neither variation of the build generates a ton of boons, so although Fresh Reinforcement has more boon based offensive and defensive potential in general, the utility from Unstoppable Union might be more practical in practice.

* We Heal as One vs Troll Unguent; same as above, with the additional comment that Troll Unguent removes more conditions but heals for less up front.

* Demolisher Amulet over Marauder; for low/no condition builds on the enemy team.

* Pack Runes over Leadership Runes for a more loaded runeset with higher offensive potential.


I think that I lean towards the first variation of the build, and that in general, Soulbeast rewards aggressive play, which is why even though I prefer the feel of Sword/Warhorn over GS, I think that GS makes Soulbeast more optimal for the offensive role it plays. The traitlines are what they are for pure synergy and utility. Beastmastery offers a lot of interaction with Soulbeast, and Zephyrs Speed is still a strong and near necessary tool for when even a single Scourge exists on the enemy team.


Alternatively, this is me trying my hand at a Fresh Reinforcement build:



Why One Wolf Pack? Partly because of its reliability (it can't just be corrupted or removed like SotP and Entangle), but also because combined with the natural damage of the build and the unblockable if running Unstoppable Union, you can really light up or help focus down tankier targets.


I don't think that I need to delve into Core Ranger. There is already a thread for that right now, please give it the attention it deserves.


Anyhow, hopefully this helps somebody this season. I'd really appreciate feedback, especially on the Soulbeast builds, because I'm still struggling to get comfortable on Soulbeast and these builds came from cross referencing roaming videos from more skilled Soulbeast players than myself on YouTube and piecing together a build, so I'd appreciate optimizations or insights.


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I really like the soulbeast builds, i've stayed away from Druid since the last patch since it feels so much squishier than it did. Rather than running WHaO why not run bear stance for more condi cleanse? Also, i tend to run Leader of the Pack and Predator's Cunning, if you feel like you get enough cleanse with bear stance and 1 survival skill then you could throw on Sick Em for some crazy burst.

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> @"Prophet.1584" said:

> I really like the soulbeast builds, i've stayed away from Druid since the last patch since it feels so much squishier than it did. Rather than running WHaO why not run bear stance for more condi cleanse? Also, i tend to run Leader of the Pack and Predator's Cunning, if you feel like you get enough cleanse with bear stance and 1 survival skill then you could throw on Sick Em for some crazy burst.


I really don't like Bear Stance for actually healing is the main reason. It's a very weak heal compared to Troll Unguent and We Heal As One, and if you end up in a game with no condition based opponents, the actual reason to run Bear Stance is lost entirely.


That being said, I'm no Soulbeast expert. I actually dislike the playstyle very much and find that I just can't react to situations the way I'd like to, and as far as tanky damage dealers go, I feel much more comfortable with Spellbreaker and Holosmith because they can actually sustain and reset fights, where with Soulbeast I feel like the moment I go on the defensive I'm dead.


Which also explains why I prefer a defensive oriented bar hahaha. But yeah, I explained all that to point out I could be entirely off base, I just really wanted to share my observation of a common Soulbeast build that a lot of skilled Soulbeast players seem to run variations of.


I'll be sticking with Druid personally, a duelist and collateral support is much more my cup of tea :)

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Regarding Soulbeast. If you are up against enemies who have at least a tiny bit of brainpower, not running any source of stability is pretty dangerous. Especially since SoS does not help against coordinated focus as it used to be. You might want to take sidenodes but is SB really that great for this role? If your stab get's ripped you also have a good chance of getting it back from your pet using specific builds.

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You > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> Hey all,


> I've noticed that the forums have been particularly quiet since the season start and balance patch, so I figured it's about time to sort out some builds and build options for the season since by the time metabattle is up to date, the season will be over.


> While Core Ranger has been and will continue to be viable, I'd like to explore the elite specializations because their specialized roles puts them in competition for optimal team slots (in solo queue what this means is that they are preferable options to other classes/builds in that slot).


> Druid:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmYDbkQFKZx+VwhF4axykg5U5ucZumAwjbCA/TLqL1SOXaA-jpxHQBA4IAIvyAK7gA4j9HC4FA4bPAAA

> Before anybody gets excited, this link is the exact build that's on metabattle. It's a pretty standard build whose strength hasn't really changed, however, here are some recommendations:

> * Grove Runes. It's a power heavy metagame and more protection with the synergy it provides is incredible.

> * LB over staff. This gives you decap potential and the ability to better contribute to focusing a target down when helping in a teamfight.


> With the nerfs to Druid, it's still a completely competitive spec. Unfortunately, the healing power nerfs really hit hard, so Druid feels completely shoehorned into maximizing healing power. Things to note: the rez trait and rezzing power of the build alone can swing games in your favor. Possibly the most important trait a Druid can take. Chronos are squishier than Spellbreakers and this season it's more common to find yourself dueling them than Spellbreakers. Staff damage is more than adequate to win the fight, making playing the "safer" version of the build an arguably stronger choice than previous seasons.


> Soulbeast:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnEqAtsglsAOsAs8ilEB7JAsCmZ5R3pb3tpCM6OBlcu0A-jpxHABAcEAU+QA4/FAQ89H++BAcdZAA

> Or

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqAtsglsAOsAs8ilJBrJA84mA552fby9JIcB+Ylcu0A-jpxHABXXG47HAg/XAAAOCAiv/gyHCAA

> Even then, I still haven't nailed down my favorite variation, so options:

> * Fresh Reinforcement vs Unstoppable Union; I find it hard to decide. In general, I'd say neither variation of the build generates a ton of boons, so although Fresh Reinforcement has more boon based offensive and defensive potential in general, the utility from Unstoppable Union might be more practical in practice.

> * We Heal as One vs Troll Unguent; same as above, with the additional comment that Troll Unguent removes more conditions but heals for less up front.

> * Demolisher Amulet over Marauder; for low/no condition builds on the enemy team.

> * Pack Runes over Leadership Runes for a more loaded runeset with higher offensive potential.


> I think that I lean towards the first variation of the build, and that in general, Soulbeast rewards aggressive play, which is why even though I prefer the feel of Sword/Warhorn over GS, I think that GS makes Soulbeast more optimal for the offensive role it plays. The traitlines are what they are for pure synergy and utility. Beastmastery offers a lot of interaction with Soulbeast, and Zephyrs Speed is still a strong and near necessary tool for when even a single Scourge exists on the enemy team.


> Alternatively, this is me trying my hand at a Fresh Reinforcement build:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYD7kSFolFskFwhFglXskIYNVgR3J4JAsCmZ5N3pb3tkzlG-jpxHABf/AAU+gAcdZAx3fAgjAg/XAAA


> Why One Wolf Pack? Partly because of its reliability (it can't just be corrupted or removed like SotP and Entangle), but also because combined with the natural damage of the build and the unblockable if running Unstoppable Union, you can really light up or help focus down tankier targets.


> I don't think that I need to delve into Core Ranger. There is already a thread for that right now, please give it the attention it deserves.


> Anyhow, hopefully this helps somebody this season. I'd really appreciate feedback, especially on the Soulbeast builds, because I'm still struggling to get comfortable on Soulbeast and these builds came from cross referencing roaming videos from more skilled Soulbeast players than myself on YouTube and piecing together a build, so I'd appreciate optimizations or insights.



Do NOT use One Wolf Pack in spvp. it is completely useless. it ONLY works well and is in any way worth it if you can pull off a combo like casting one wolf pack .. merging with pet for unblockable.. then rapid fire. if your whole rapid fire doesnt hit its not worth it at all. youre going to get very, very mediocre dmg. Youd be MUCH better off running SotP for stab, fury, regen ( with trait ) and swiftness and might stacking. also you need dolyak stance. you need it. good luck stomping anyone in spvp without stability. Usually SotP cooldown is too long on cooldown and cast time to be reliable for stomps so i usually use it midfight. and dolyak stance is my emergency button if i get hit with heavy chill or immobilize. otherwise i try to keep it for stomps if possible.


Also.. is it jsut me or is Jac pet kinda useless? the heal has a really long cast time and easy to interrupt. the other skills? i barely noticed any decent soulbeasts use them.


Lastly i think you need to reconsider your runes. and amulet/trinket. honestly it might work but i just think you should consider taking rune of the grove instead. remember we still get passive healing whenever we have protection. Having more vitality with Marauder trinket isn't the best idea either imo. which is also why im using seekers. cus it gives me boon duration overall.. and then i can pick rune of the grove for even more protection duration which in turn gives me heals.

Vitality doesnt help you if you dont have the healingpower to make up for the extra healthpool.

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@"bigo.9037" @"beatthedown.2651" appreciate the feedback. What's the conclusion then between both of you; SotP + Fresh Reinforcement? Or just the SotP swap in?


I'd like to update and edit the OP with a conclusive end result, so actually fleshing out what a competitive Soulbeast build would look like would be awesome.


@"bigo.9037" so are you using WS/NM or WS/BM? I haven't personally played with Stability on my build since Scourge was introduced, so I can't speak to the value of it, but I'm also a Druid player primarily, so you'll have to forgive my mindset when it's incorrect for Soulbeast.


I have found lots of success with Jacaranda though, and I'm not the only one from what I've seen of people like Hizen, or other defensive style pets like Brown/Black Bear. I'm not a fan of the bears, personally, but Jacaranda's point nuke makes it so good in PvP that working with the other skills, clunky as they can be, is definitely a worthwhile option.


I'm assuming you're going to advocate for Ram though? It's so bad with it's charge outside of Beastmode sometimes; is it really consistent enough to make it a competitive pick?

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> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> Hey all,


> I've noticed that the forums have been particularly quiet since the season start and balance patch, so I figured it's about time to sort out some builds and build options for the season since by the time metabattle is up to date, the season will be over.


> While Core Ranger has been and will continue to be viable, I'd like to explore the elite specializations because their specialized roles puts them in competition for optimal team slots (in solo queue what this means is that they are preferable options to other classes/builds in that slot).


> Druid:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmYDbkQFKZx+VwhF4axykg5U5ucZumAwjbCA/TLqL1SOXaA-jpxHQBA4IAIvyAK7gA4j9HC4FA4bPAAA

> Before anybody gets excited, this link is the exact build that's on metabattle. It's a pretty standard build whose strength hasn't really changed, however, here are some recommendations:

> * Grove Runes. It's a power heavy metagame and more protection with the synergy it provides is incredible.

> * LB over staff. This gives you decap potential and the ability to better contribute to focusing a target down when helping in a teamfight.


> With the nerfs to Druid, it's still a completely competitive spec. Unfortunately, the healing power nerfs really hit hard, so Druid feels completely shoehorned into maximizing healing power. Things to note: the rez trait and rezzing power of the build alone can swing games in your favor. Possibly the most important trait a Druid can take. Chronos are squishier than Spellbreakers and this season it's more common to find yourself dueling them than Spellbreakers. Staff damage is more than adequate to win the fight, making playing the "safer" version of the build an arguably stronger choice than previous seasons.


Overall a correct analysis. The only thing I can add is that Herald Runes are maybe a stronger choice (thoughness - boon duration - protection AoE on heal).



> @"jcbroe.4329" said:


> I'd really appreciate feedback, especially on the Soulbeast builds, because I'm still struggling to get comfortable on Soulbeast and these builds came from cross referencing roaming videos from more skilled Soulbeast players than myself on YouTube and piecing together a build, so I'd appreciate optimizations or insights.



Regarding Soulbeast, the best 2 builds are:


Longbow - sword/warhorn : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYD7kQFohXskFwhFgrFsMJYNBgH3EIP3GcPuOTuZVmrEHmG-jpxHABf/AAEf/B/vAAKfEAA4gAQfZAA

Solid side-node build with good mobility, nice disengaging capabilities and boons uptime. In all honesty, i prefer lb/sw-horn druid to this build, but if you run this you will have more mobility / killing potential.


Melee Soulbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRAsX3YjEqQLLWyCOsAXLWmEsmAwjbC4M5mVZu8cbwN5Wy0OA-jpxHQBA4gAQvyAib/hAeEAGwDA4bnAAA

In my opinion, the best Soulbeast build around if played correctly, and also the most fun to play. Side node bruiser with perma 25 might stacks / protection / fury /vigor / swiftness, and some quickness / retaliation. You can hold/beat almost every class, the only one i have troubles with is chrono / mirage (which are absurd right now - GS mirage is 100% winnable though). Scourge can be an hard matchup, but its perfectly winnable (It will require time though), anyway as a side noder you will not encounter them so often. Other than this, you can win or stalemate any other build out there. :)


PS. Both Allies' Aid and Bountiful Hunter are good alternatives to Istinctive Reaction.

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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> Melee Soulbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRAsX3YjEqQLLWyCOsAXLWmEsmAwjbC4M5mVZu8cbwN5Wy0OA-jpxHQBA4gAQvyAib/hAeEAGwDA4bnAAA

> In my opinion, the best Soulbeast build around if played correctly, and also the most fun to play. Side node bruiser with perma 25 might stacks / protection / fury /vigor / swiftness, and some quickness / retaliation. You can hold/beat almost every class, the only one i have troubles with is chrono / mirage (which are absurd right now - GS mirage is 100% winnable though). Scourge can be an hard matchup, but its perfectly winnable (It will require time though), anyway as a side noder you will not encounter them so often. Other than this, you can win or stalemate any other build out there. :)


> PS. Both Allies' Aid and Bountiful Hunter are good alternatives to Istinctive Reaction.


This strikes me as the kind of build that you alone play well.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"kappa.2036" said:

> > Melee Soulbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRAsX3YjEqQLLWyCOsAXLWmEsmAwjbC4M5mVZu8cbwN5Wy0OA-jpxHQBA4gAQvyAib/hAeEAGwDA4bnAAA

> > In my opinion, the best Soulbeast build around if played correctly, and also the most fun to play. Side node bruiser with perma 25 might stacks / protection / fury /vigor / swiftness, and some quickness / retaliation. You can hold/beat almost every class, the only one i have troubles with is chrono / mirage (which are absurd right now - GS mirage is 100% winnable though). Scourge can be an hard matchup, but its perfectly winnable (It will require time though), anyway as a side noder you will not encounter them so often. Other than this, you can win or stalemate any other build out there. :)

> >

> > PS. Both Allies' Aid and Bountiful Hunter are good alternatives to Istinctive Reaction.


> This strikes me as the kind of build that you alone play well just like the blokes that swear by shortbow.


I knew that someone would have say this. It's ok. The build just have a more complicated damage rotation than spamming lb 4+2. For the rest, it is very similar to many other power builds for rangers, in terms of utilities/surviving capabilities.

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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"kappa.2036" said:

> > > Melee Soulbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRAsX3YjEqQLLWyCOsAXLWmEsmAwjbC4M5mVZu8cbwN5Wy0OA-jpxHQBA4gAQvyAib/hAeEAGwDA4bnAAA

> > > In my opinion, the best Soulbeast build around if played correctly, and also the most fun to play. Side node bruiser with perma 25 might stacks / protection / fury /vigor / swiftness, and some quickness / retaliation. You can hold/beat almost every class, the only one i have troubles with is chrono / mirage (which are absurd right now - GS mirage is 100% winnable though). Scourge can be an hard matchup, but its perfectly winnable (It will require time though), anyway as a side noder you will not encounter them so often. Other than this, you can win or stalemate any other build out there. :)

> > >

> > > PS. Both Allies' Aid and Bountiful Hunter are good alternatives to Istinctive Reaction.

> >

> > This strikes me as the kind of build that you alone play well just like the blokes that swear by shortbow.


> I knew that someone would have say this. It's ok. The build just have a more complicated damage rotation than spamming lb 4+2. For the rest, it is very similar to many other power builds for rangers, in terms of utilities/surviving capabilities.


Nothing against you and no offense intended, that is just my first reaction. And I think it's pretty justified. I've seen (as you prolly have too) there are some nutty builds that people share and swear by. Some people even do very well with them.

The last time I played a build that had most of these weapons, it was a condi build in WvW--sw/torch axe dagger.


The lack of range via a true ranged weapon is indeed a concern. Longbow does a lot.

I have 3 rangers on my account so I can keep a build I like to play. I've played a vanilla lb gs build that I happen to really enjoy on one, I tried @"jcbroe.4329" sw/wh Menders build last night (also very good...doesn't die) and I'll give this a run on my 3rd Ranger tonight and see what I can do with it. /cheers

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> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> @"bigo.9037" @"beatthedown.2651" appreciate the feedback. What's the conclusion then between both of you; SotP + Fresh Reinforcement? Or just the SotP swap in?


> I'd like to update and edit the OP with a conclusive end result, so actually fleshing out what a competitive Soulbeast build would look like would be awesome.


> @"bigo.9037" so are you using WS/NM or WS/BM? I haven't personally played with Stability on my build since Scourge was introduced, so I can't speak to the value of it, but I'm also a Druid player primarily, so you'll have to forgive my mindset when it's incorrect for Soulbeast.


> I have found lots of success with Jacaranda though, and I'm not the only one from what I've seen of people like Hizen, or other defensive style pets like Brown/Black Bear. I'm not a fan of the bears, personally, but Jacaranda's point nuke makes it so good in PvP that working with the other skills, clunky as they can be, is definitely a worthwhile option.


> I'm assuming you're going to advocate for Ram though? It's so bad with it's charge outside of Beastmode sometimes; is it really consistent enough to make it a competitive pick?


If you want me to teach you how to play soulbeast really well, just pm me when I'm on.

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> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> @"bigo.9037" @"beatthedown.2651" appreciate the feedback. What's the conclusion then between both of you; SotP + Fresh Reinforcement? Or just the SotP swap in?


> I'd like to update and edit the OP with a conclusive end result, so actually fleshing out what a competitive Soulbeast build would look like would be awesome.


> @"bigo.9037" so are you using WS/NM or WS/BM? I haven't personally played with Stability on my build since Scourge was introduced, so I can't speak to the value of it, but I'm also a Druid player primarily, so you'll have to forgive my mindset when it's incorrect for Soulbeast.


> I have found lots of success with Jacaranda though, and I'm not the only one from what I've seen of people like Hizen, or other defensive style pets like Brown/Black Bear. I'm not a fan of the bears, personally, but Jacaranda's point nuke makes it so good in PvP that working with the other skills, clunky as they can be, is definitely a worthwhile option.


> I'm assuming you're going to advocate for Ram though? It's so bad with it's charge outside of Beastmode sometimes; is it really consistent enough to make it a competitive pick?


I'm using WS/BM yes. The reason I use the rockgazelle is that 1: it has a low cooldown daze in beastmode. 2: outside of beastmode, it has a KU ( knock up ). if you combo the pet f2 skill with immobilize you can get some serious stunlock combos. if your opponent has 0 stunbreaks and no stab you can effectively keep them locked for about 4-5 seconds while also dealing good dmg. which is kind of insane if you think about it.


Oh and yea.. Jacaranda might be good on point i can see that being a thing. but i just prefer the daze and KU from rock gazelle so.

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> @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> @"bigo.9037" @"beatthedown.2651" appreciate the feedback. What's the conclusion then between both of you; SotP + Fresh Reinforcement? Or just the SotP swap in?


> I'd like to update and edit the OP with a conclusive end result, so actually fleshing out what a competitive Soulbeast build would look like would be awesome.



I personally like to run Fresh Reinforcement. At least for warhorn builds. You are getting a few seconds of being unblockable anyway, even if it's a bit more situational. The elite is just insta 25 might and lot's of stab. Being able to stomp is important for me when playing with randoms. Of course you should not waste it at the start of the fight for extra pressure.


This build below is what I'm running atm. Keep in mind that this build received a few nerfs when it comes to might stacking. Protective ward is also still viable. The third utility here and a few traits can be swapped. It's just personal preference when facing randoms.






My observations how this build performs in general against other classes in a 1v1 situation. This is where Soulbeast has lot's of potential, but in most cases you need to keep your distance and drop the node which makes it not ideal for conquest.


Necro, Holo, Ele(?), Thief and Rev are just free kills.

Warrior could be dangerous but since most Warrior players out there are painfully average and rely on their passives it should not be too hard. They also have zero killing potential since you can always chicken out. Druids should be avoided if the node isn't yours. It's slightly better now after the nerfs.


Mesmers are doable, especially if you get a good Rapid fire off before they stealth.

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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"kappa.2036" said:

> > > Melee Soulbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRAsX3YjEqQLLWyCOsAXLWmEsmAwjbC4M5mVZu8cbwN5Wy0OA-jpxHQBA4gAQvyAib/hAeEAGwDA4bnAAA

> > > In my opinion, the best Soulbeast build around if played correctly, and also the most fun to play. Side node bruiser with perma 25 might stacks / protection / fury /vigor / swiftness, and some quickness / retaliation. You can hold/beat almost every class, the only one i have troubles with is chrono / mirage (which are absurd right now - GS mirage is 100% winnable though). Scourge can be an hard matchup, but its perfectly winnable (It will require time though), anyway as a side noder you will not encounter them so often. Other than this, you can win or stalemate any other build out there. :)

> > >

> > > PS. Both Allies' Aid and Bountiful Hunter are good alternatives to Istinctive Reaction.

> >

> > This strikes me as the kind of build that you alone play well just like the blokes that swear by shortbow.


> I knew that someone would have say this. It's ok. The build just have a more complicated damage rotation than spamming lb 4+2. For the rest, it is very similar to many other power builds for rangers, in terms of utilities/surviving capabilities.


I like the movement. Dagger 4 and sword 2 and 3 are always nice.

The owl gives you that leap and a heal.

I can run and jump and dodge all over the place.

I miss the oomph of gs and lb.


The only 2 classes you have trouble with, just so happen to be played very often...that being scourge and mesmer.


I don't think I've ever liked 'side node' builds. That just says to me the build wont hold up where it counts, on the node.


Ill try it again, but for now, it's a pass for me.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" @"beatthedown.2651" appreciate the feedback. What's the conclusion then between both of you; SotP + Fresh Reinforcement? Or just the SotP swap in?

> >

> > I'd like to update and edit the OP with a conclusive end result, so actually fleshing out what a competitive Soulbeast build would look like would be awesome.

> >

> > @"bigo.9037" so are you using WS/NM or WS/BM? I haven't personally played with Stability on my build since Scourge was introduced, so I can't speak to the value of it, but I'm also a Druid player primarily, so you'll have to forgive my mindset when it's incorrect for Soulbeast.

> >

> > I have found lots of success with Jacaranda though, and I'm not the only one from what I've seen of people like Hizen, or other defensive style pets like Brown/Black Bear. I'm not a fan of the bears, personally, but Jacaranda's point nuke makes it so good in PvP that working with the other skills, clunky as they can be, is definitely a worthwhile option.

> >

> > I'm assuming you're going to advocate for Ram though? It's so bad with it's charge outside of Beastmode sometimes; is it really consistent enough to make it a competitive pick?


> I'm using WS/BM yes. The reason I use the rockgazelle is that 1: it has a low cooldown daze in beastmode. 2: outside of beastmode, it has a KU ( knock up ). if you combo the pet f2 skill with immobilize you can get some serious stunlock combos. if your opponent has 0 stunbreaks and no stab you can effectively keep them locked for about 4-5 seconds while also dealing good dmg. which is kind of insane if you think about it.


> Oh and yea.. Jacaranda might be good on point i can see that being a thing. but i just prefer the daze and KU from rock gazelle so.


I tried the Rock Gazelle among other suggestions from the thread last night and I liked it a ton more for duels/smallscale fights. It really did let me control the fight much better.


Ended up struggling with conditions a little more but I think that was just the result of changing too many different things at once.


Thanks for the input though, it really helped.

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> @"beatthedown.2651" said:

> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" @"beatthedown.2651" appreciate the feedback. What's the conclusion then between both of you; SotP + Fresh Reinforcement? Or just the SotP swap in?

> >

> > I'd like to update and edit the OP with a conclusive end result, so actually fleshing out what a competitive Soulbeast build would look like would be awesome.

> >


> I personally like to run Fresh Reinforcement. At least for warhorn builds. You are getting a few seconds of being unblockable anyway, even if it's a bit more situational. The elite is just insta 25 might and lot's of stab. Being able to stomp is important for me when playing with randoms. Of course you should not waste it at the start of the fight for extra pressure.


> This build below is what I'm running atm. Keep in mind that this build received a few nerfs when it comes to might stacking. Protective ward is also still viable. The third utility here and a few traits can be swapped. It's just personal preference when facing randoms.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYDbkQFKZxGWwfF4axykg5E5ucZumAQDYCknbDuJ3Sm2BA-jZhIABc/AAMf/BqLDAwVAw/DCAA


> Edit:


> My observations how this build performs in general against other classes in a 1v1 situation. This is where Soulbeast has lot's of potential, but in most cases you need to keep your distance and drop the node which makes it not ideal for conquest.


> Necro, Holo, Ele(?), Thief and Rev are just free kills.

> Warrior could be dangerous but since most Warrior players out there are painfully average and rely on their passives it should not be too hard. They also have zero killing potential since you can always chicken out. Druids should be avoided if the node isn't yours. It's slightly better now after the nerfs.


> Mesmers are doable, especially if you get a good Rapid fire off before they stealth.


I trialed something similar to this at some point last night when I was trying out all the suggestions and really liked it, especially when I combined it with Bigo's suggestion of Seeker Amulet/Grove Runes + your suggestion of a boon stacking build, and Dolyak Stance.


It was easy permanent protection, on top of every other boon, with very high Stability uptime.


I'll keep working all the suggestions out and update the OP with the results of all the suggestions, so thanks for the help.

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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > Hey all,

> >

> > I've noticed that the forums have been particularly quiet since the season start and balance patch, so I figured it's about time to sort out some builds and build options for the season since by the time metabattle is up to date, the season will be over.

> >

> > While Core Ranger has been and will continue to be viable, I'd like to explore the elite specializations because their specialized roles puts them in competition for optimal team slots (in solo queue what this means is that they are preferable options to other classes/builds in that slot).

> >

> > Druid:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmYDbkQFKZx+VwhF4axykg5U5ucZumAwjbCA/TLqL1SOXaA-jpxHQBA4IAIvyAK7gA4j9HC4FA4bPAAA

> > Before anybody gets excited, this link is the exact build that's on metabattle. It's a pretty standard build whose strength hasn't really changed, however, here are some recommendations:

> > * Grove Runes. It's a power heavy metagame and more protection with the synergy it provides is incredible.

> > * LB over staff. This gives you decap potential and the ability to better contribute to focusing a target down when helping in a teamfight.

> >

> > With the nerfs to Druid, it's still a completely competitive spec. Unfortunately, the healing power nerfs really hit hard, so Druid feels completely shoehorned into maximizing healing power. Things to note: the rez trait and rezzing power of the build alone can swing games in your favor. Possibly the most important trait a Druid can take. Chronos are squishier than Spellbreakers and this season it's more common to find yourself dueling them than Spellbreakers. Staff damage is more than adequate to win the fight, making playing the "safer" version of the build an arguably stronger choice than previous seasons.


> Overall a correct analysis. The only thing I can add is that Herald Runes are maybe a stronger choice (thoughness - boon duration - protection AoE on heal).



> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:


> > I'd really appreciate feedback, especially on the Soulbeast builds, because I'm still struggling to get comfortable on Soulbeast and these builds came from cross referencing roaming videos from more skilled Soulbeast players than myself on YouTube and piecing together a build, so I'd appreciate optimizations or insights.

> >


> Regarding Soulbeast, the best 2 builds are:


> Longbow - sword/warhorn : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYD7kQFohXskFwhFgrFsMJYNBgH3EIP3GcPuOTuZVmrEHmG-jpxHABf/AAEf/B/vAAKfEAA4gAQfZAA

> Solid side-node build with good mobility, nice disengaging capabilities and boons uptime. In all honesty, i prefer lb/sw-horn druid to this build, but if you run this you will have more mobility / killing potential.


> Melee Soulbeast: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRAsX3YjEqQLLWyCOsAXLWmEsmAwjbC4M5mVZu8cbwN5Wy0OA-jpxHQBA4gAQvyAib/hAeEAGwDA4bnAAA

> In my opinion, the best Soulbeast build around if played correctly, and also the most fun to play. Side node bruiser with perma 25 might stacks / protection / fury /vigor / swiftness, and some quickness / retaliation. You can hold/beat almost every class, the only one i have troubles with is chrono / mirage (which are absurd right now - GS mirage is 100% winnable though). Scourge can be an hard matchup, but its perfectly winnable (It will require time though), anyway as a side noder you will not encounter them so often. Other than this, you can win or stalemate any other build out there. :)


> PS. Both Allies' Aid and Bountiful Hunter are good alternatives to Istinctive Reaction.


I don't know that I'm a fan of melee builds, but the LB/SwWh build looks almost identical to one of the build setups I was trying and having lots of success with last night, so thank you for the suggestion, I really did notice the difference.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" @"beatthedown.2651" appreciate the feedback. What's the conclusion then between both of you; SotP + Fresh Reinforcement? Or just the SotP swap in?

> >

> > I'd like to update and edit the OP with a conclusive end result, so actually fleshing out what a competitive Soulbeast build would look like would be awesome.

> >

> > @"bigo.9037" so are you using WS/NM or WS/BM? I haven't personally played with Stability on my build since Scourge was introduced, so I can't speak to the value of it, but I'm also a Druid player primarily, so you'll have to forgive my mindset when it's incorrect for Soulbeast.

> >

> > I have found lots of success with Jacaranda though, and I'm not the only one from what I've seen of people like Hizen, or other defensive style pets like Brown/Black Bear. I'm not a fan of the bears, personally, but Jacaranda's point nuke makes it so good in PvP that working with the other skills, clunky as they can be, is definitely a worthwhile option.

> >

> > I'm assuming you're going to advocate for Ram though? It's so bad with it's charge outside of Beastmode sometimes; is it really consistent enough to make it a competitive pick?


> If you want me to teach you how to play soulbeast really well, just pm me when I'm on.


I mean, yes, but I don't want to during the season when I know I'm going to default to Druid for ranked because that's what I'm better at.


Part of it is that I just haven't put in the time, but the other part is that there isn't a good resource for competitive Soulbeast builds out there right now, which is why I made the thread, for build discussion.


I'd much rather have the theorycrafting discussion to create a good source for competitive builds for the season to help people out than I care about my own personal ability at playing some of the setups at the moment, if that makes sense hahaha. I find it very frustrating that Soulbeast information on what is strong/competitive seems especially lacking.

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> @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> Not seen Shadelang/Shadebeast's build here yet. He seems to do exceedingly well with it. Completely shunning WS for BM/NM for a maximum boon maintenance soulbeast approach (Soldier runes for some condi clear).


I spoke with him on his stream and he already knows its not optimal. but he just prefers that playstyle. Even with much more boon maintenance you still wont get as much out of them if you dont get passive heals by protection for example. you also lose out on condicleanses.. his build cant do much against that and he knows it but he just prefers to play like that cus to him its more fun.

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> @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> Not seen Shadelang/Shadebeast's build here yet. He seems to do exceedingly well with it. Completely shunning WS for BM/NM for a maximum boon maintenance soulbeast approach (Soldier runes for some condi clear).


I spoke with him on his stream and he already knows its not optimal. but he just prefers that playstyle. Even with much more boon maintenance you still wont get as much out of them if you dont get passive heals by protection for example. you also lose out on condicleanses.. his build cant do much against that and he knows it but he just prefers to play like that cus to him its more fun.

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> @"beatthedown.2651" said:

> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" @"beatthedown.2651" appreciate the feedback. What's the conclusion then between both of you; SotP + Fresh Reinforcement? Or just the SotP swap in?

> >

> > I'd like to update and edit the OP with a conclusive end result, so actually fleshing out what a competitive Soulbeast build would look like would be awesome.

> >


> I personally like to run Fresh Reinforcement. At least for warhorn builds. You are getting a few seconds of being unblockable anyway, even if it's a bit more situational. The elite is just insta 25 might and lot's of stab. Being able to stomp is important for me when playing with randoms. Of course you should not waste it at the start of the fight for extra pressure.


> This build below is what I'm running atm. Keep in mind that this build received a few nerfs when it comes to might stacking. Protective ward is also still viable. The third utility here and a few traits can be swapped. It's just personal preference when facing randoms.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBjYDbkQFKZxGWwfF4axykg5E5ucZumAQDYCknbDuJ3Sm2BA-jZhIABc/AAMf/BqLDAwVAw/DCAA


> Edit:


> My observations how this build performs in general against other classes in a 1v1 situation. This is where Soulbeast has lot's of potential, but in most cases you need to keep your distance and drop the node which makes it not ideal for conquest.


> Necro, Holo, Ele(?), Thief and Rev are just free kills.

> Warrior could be dangerous but since most Warrior players out there are painfully average and rely on their passives it should not be too hard. They also have zero killing potential since you can always chicken out. Druids should be avoided if the node isn't yours. It's slightly better now after the nerfs.


> Mesmers are doable, especially if you get a good Rapid fire off before they stealth.


I honestly don't get why anyone would use s/w ... the only good skill on that weapon set is warhorn #5. everything else is just meh. sword auto attacks are useless. sword 2 is total meh unless you wanna leap combo fields. but even then.. GS#3 is much faster if you do it correctly ( by skipping the run phase of the skill so it just leaps instantly ). Also, the 2nd part of sword #2 when youre actually leaping is not an evade... GS#3 is. you can easily get interrupted while trying to leap through a smokefield. i've done that to many warhorn rangers before and it can kinda screw them up sometimes.


Another thing i see with your build that could be extremely problematic is your lack of stunbreakers. You have 1..... on a 40 second cooldown.......

Sure you could pop SoR but then youd be wasting your your condi cleanse .. also that signet has a 50 second cooldown. So this is the thing right..

You could swap SoR for dolyak stance. then youd get some condi cleanse and also stability. However youd have very little condi cleanse and need to wait 20 seconds for 4 condi cleanses on your heal... that is very problematic if someone is spamming condis. it would be better to have 2 condi cleanses every 10 seconds, but oh well.

Thing is, everything is a huge trade off. You should take beastmastery. you get more stats.. you get more condi cleanse.. superspeed.. quickness.. and your pet isnt slow while outside beastmode. WHICH... you need to consider cus you cannot rotate properly if you rely on beastmode too much. Did i mention petswap cooldown? thats also really important when you have smokescale and a bird. you wouldnt want your pet to die from aoe just because you couldnt swap in time.


with BM you could then choose not to take SoR, but actually get more condi cleanses / sec. Youd lose out on some boon duration, sure. but protective ward is just.. i mean the cooldown is way too long. just not worth it. Yes, you will have significantly less boon duration and boon spam without NM cus you dont have boonshare with pet.

But with beastmastery you will have more utility and base stats. Superspeed. Condicleanses. Pets are much stronger. I know you want to get your 25 might stacks but…. Is that really worth it with just warhorn#4 and sword auto atk? Idk if you can rely on RF for all your dmg honestly. Thats why i use GS. you can actually be very offensive in melee range and people need to look out for your or they will get hit by stuns.. Knock back.. And maul. In melee you also have an evade on GS, so saying sword has evades isnt a valid argument since GS does too. And no, i dont care about sword #2. GS also has evade on auto attack.

WS, BM, GS, LB, rockgazelle and smokescale. Get dolyaks stance and protect me. 3rd utility is your choice. I definitely believe you can be successful with your build but.. Its not the most optimal choice for soulbeast..


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> @"bigo.9037" said:

>( by skipping the run phase of the skill so it just leaps instantly ).

Ok this is something I want in my life. How do?


Personally I've tried everything and I always come back to WS/BM & GS/LB with soulbeast. It just does everything I need it to do, and its fun.


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> @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> >( by skipping the run phase of the skill so it just leaps instantly ).

> Ok this is something I want in my life. How do?


> Personally I've tried everything and I always come back to WS/BM & GS/LB with soulbeast. It just does everything I need it to do, and its fun.



I have a forum post from a few weeks ago where i list a bunch of tricks you can use on ranger. if you want to skip the run phase, select a target that is within about 400 range of you and pop GS#3. its kinda simple but it works well if you know how and when to use it. it saved me from getting hit by lots of things many times

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