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Anet maybe less doom and gloom?


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Yeah it's kind of getting that Men In Black feeling. But here's the real reason why practically all games do this and it's not just MMO's. The story is driven by the threat, and a danger that isn't compelling doesn't make an engaging story. Just like in MIB when he's telling his partner there's always a threat about to destroy life as we know it. And that's the real danger of too much escalation, once you defeat Thanos, the guy robbing the Mini Mart isn't so impressive as when it was the first villain the hero defeated. So yea it can get boring at times, but the threat has to be as great or greater challenge to defeat for stories to remain compelling for long.

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I understand the point of view of the OP. At the moment the majority of the relax/peace areas are pretty much the capital cities and the low level areas. And they are wonderful don't get me wrong. I love exploring the Grove and Divinity's Reach over and over. New Lion's Arch is also nice.


The problem is that there must be something for players to do in those "peaceful" areas other than just walking around. It's a game and most players will want some kind of objective. We do have the towns like the Free City of Amnoon in the Crystal Oasis in bigger maps which can give us a respite in comparison with the rest of the map. But it is filled with conflict (NPC atmosphere I mean) and it does not feel calm. It would be nice to have a small oasis map where we would have to collect some kind of items to make us go there.

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I agree with the OP. I guess Queensdale is the most *mellow* map though you have bandits and raiding Centaurs and big scary Behemoths there too. :) Plains of Ashford, another newbie ground, is already a lot more war-like. So I often like those small nooks and crannies on the maps, that seem untouched (at least temporarily) by all this warring, and have more mundane stuff going on. Even HoT has those (rarely), I hope PoF has these too.


I think most RPG's and Fantasy games, also single player ones have a tendency to cut short the amount of time that your character spends in "Rags" (i.e. you are a simple countryboy doing chores in a small pittoresque village ) and quickly throw you into the heroic "Riches" part which usually means brutal abductions, stuff set on fire, mass slaughter and overall blazing War everywhere which then never stops untill the end of the game/book/movie.


I guess you can only keep the player interested for so long though in rounding up chickens that got away from their coop. ;)

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> @Tyncale.1629 said:

> I agree with the OP. I guess Queensdale is the most *mellow* map though you have bandits and raiding Centaurs and big scary Behemoths there too. :)

Metrica Province seems most mellow to me. Except for the reactor fallout, it's just mad science stuff.


> So I often like those small nooks and crannies on the maps, that seem untouched (at least temporarily) by all this warring, and have more mundane stuff going on. Even HoT has those (rarely), I hope PoF has these too.

Haven't found any so far. There's aggros even in the city. I stopped to read a map for a bit, and got assaulted by a giant pinata. Moved down a street, and a bunch of thieves jumped me.


> I guess you can only keep the player interested for so long though in rounding up chickens that got away from their coop. ;)

Certainly true, but it doesn't require ever-escalating threats. Comics and many TV series have managed it just fine. Different threats, but they don't need to be larger than last weeks' one. In fact, I think that it's a sign of bad writing if the writer needs to resort to Dragonball-style progression.



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